Podcast On Haunted Hill will contain spoilers and swearing.

The Podcast On.

Oh, man, I am bursting.

Where is that toilet?

These woods are so damn dark.

Ah, here we go, right, okay.

God, there's no light in here.

Oh, God, these camping toilets.

Oh, I can just about see it.

Oh, these damn enchiladas are going right through me.

Right, here we go.

Oh my God, that is, oh, Christ.


Oh, what was that outside?


Hello, is someone out there?


GAV, is that you?

Yeah, well, I really need to use this toilet too.

I thought it'd hurry you up, it'd flow things through if I come on the other side of the loo and sing to you.

It's really helping, actually.

Is it?

Is it going?


What's that on the other?

Is that you on the other side as well?

Well, I can't be on two sides at once.


Who is it?

Hello, and welcome to The Podcast On Haunted Hill, Episode 157.

Dan looks at me sometimes when I say the numbers, and I know what he's thinking.

Is he gonna get it right?

And I got it right.

You got it right.

I was just getting that confirmation from you there.

You said I did.

I'm Dan.

And I'm GAV.

We are your bearded guides through the world of horror, and some other sort of related films and media.

Yeah, totally.

Pop culture.

We're here.

Thanks for seeing into me, GAV, during the little skit there.

Well, I was inside and he did the loo.

You're in the outside dungy.

And I was just like, how long's it gonna take?

So I figured if I first scare you, that gets it going a bit, and then I soothe it out with a sing song.

Yeah, yeah.

And it worked, apart from the fact Jason then killed us.

Yeah, that's a shame.

So if you don't know what's going on, ladies, gentlemen, non-gendered guys, ghouls, aliens, insects, fish people, and anyone else in the whole world, welcome.

And if you don't know what's going on, don't know what's going on, it's hot, it's sweaty.

Me and Dan are naked, apart from our little leopard skin thongs.

And we are all up ready for beach time or camping time or anything which involves lots of sunshine and not much clothes and drinks.

And I don't drink booze, so lots of water, which is boring to say.

It's summertime episode, isn't it, Dan?

It is.

To kick off the summer for the last couple of years, we have started with something set in the woods, usually involving teenagers getting hacked up out camping.

And we've also, we try to come back to Jason every year.

So we've worked our way over the last couple of years through the first few Jason movies.

I do enjoy it.

We love it.

It's our favorite franchise.

A part from, I don't like part five I've discovered from reviewing.

Oh, I've actually changed my opinion on part five, but in the opposite of that.



So, yeah, we will be covering Friday the 13th, part four, weirdly titled, The Final Chapter.

And then we'll also be covering part five.

So it's not the final chapter.

Part five, A New Beginning.

It's a new beginning.

What I will say about these two is they have stuffed in some very funny and interesting characters.

Often slasher movies like this will have little side characters, like someone just jogging through the woods.

And they're not always very interesting, but...

Four and five have got some really random characters.

The only reason to watch part five is literally the oobaby couple.

That's literally it.

And they're not even in it for that long.

But for me, they're well memorable.

I thought in my head that guy's on screen for the whole fucking movie.

No, no, it's like five minutes.

Well, hang on.

Don't forget Ethel and Junior as well.

They're pretty special as well.

All right.

There are some very good characters.

And the chubby hitchhiking woman who just sits there eating a banana grumpily whilst Jason starts to...

There's a lot going on.

Let's wait for the review, wait for the review.

Stay with us and you'll get all of that.

So that's what we're covering on this episode.

Very excited.

Like I said, hopefully this is kicking off some warm weather in the UK here.

We've had a bit of warm, but also a little bit of cold.

I may have to take my top off because I am pretty warm and I've got to have the window shut because we can't record when it does happen.

So, GAV, it's episode 157.

Last episode, weirdly, was episode 156.

Just a quick one on that.

It was a patron special, a patron pick, and Dante got his pick.

We covered Court from 2017 and we covered Carnival of Souls from 1962.

Just a quick message from Dante to say, I realize I'm a bit biased, but I think that was a particularly amazing episode, lads.

Well done, GAV, DAN and Bill.

Thanks Bill Murray as well.

Thanks for a thrilling episode.

Oh, you're absolutely welcome.

You're very welcome.

Yeah, well, I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Yeah, we never know what's going to happen.

We never know.

We never know.

Well, we just hope it's not going to be shit.

That's the main goal.

So, yeah.

And Bill Murray has, talking to Bill Murray, he's revived with a VHS tape that he wants us to watch for our World Of The Strange segment.

Why does he look so excited?

He's sort of shaking a little bit of it.

I don't know.

I don't know.

I watched him in a film last night called The French Dispatch by Wes Anderson.

Absolutely batshit film.

Typical Wes Anderson film.

But Bill Murray is always very enjoyable, isn't he, to watch?

You were very good, Bill.

But there we go.

GAV, what have you been watching recently?

I've watched a few bits and bobs.

I know that we're going to speak about Under Paris, because we've both watched that.

I tell you what, I really enjoyed watching it, it came on only on Friday on Amazon Prime, because I got a tattoo Friday, and when you get a tattoo for a tattoo of any sort of size, you sit for quite a while.

I watched the behind the scenes of Friday, part four, in fact.

But one movie I watched, which I really enjoyed and laughed quite a way through it was Weirdo Yankovitch movie.

Yes, I'm really excited to watch that soon.

It was really enjoyable.

Yeah, funny enough, I saw it a couple of days ago and it's on my list to get to.

So I will probably bump it up in the next couple of weeks and watch it.

I really enjoyed it.

It's not really properly following his story.

It's almost like the person himself is kind of like a parody of those movies almost.

You know, only Weirdo Yankovitch.

So it's almost like things happen, you're like, that didn't happen.

I won't say anything to spoil it because it's quite fun.

Pablo Escobar is his biggest fan in it, apparently.

If he made the story of his life, it would clearly be like a really funny cover of it.

That's what he's famous for.

Daniel Radcliffe is brilliant, isn't it?

You know, Daniel Radcliffe is really quite a great actor.

You know, I'm not really into the Harry Potter films.

And he's not snotty, is he?

No, he's not.

He's like, no fucking way if I'll do it and stuff.

I've not seen Guns of Kimbo with Jason Haldon's movie, but Jason Haldon did Deathgasm.

Oh, yes, of course.

Daniel Radcliffe was also in Horns, which is a really cool concept about a guy that grows horns and witnesses lots of evil.

And he was in a fantastic film called Swiss Army Man, where he plays a dead body for the whole movie.

Yeah, seriously, I've not seen it.

Still, whenever I say Jason Haldon, I think of the time when I was chatting to Jason Haldon in a bar, and I'd seen Deathgasm, and it came out really wrong where I said, I just want to get down on my knees.

It was actually to praise, like, we're not worthy.

He thought you were offering.

It came across as like, I want to suck your dick, because it's that good.

And I was like, oh, and then I dug a hole from saying, oh, I don't mean I'd suck your dick.

And it was like a whole thing.

So I'm talking to the director of that.

So anyway, so whenever his name comes up, I think of that moment.

You think of blowjobs?

Oh, I think it's just...

Death Chasm!



Well, so yes, you watched you watched that.

Anything else?

I have seen other stuff.

I watched Hell House 4.

Oh, yes.

How is that?

Because the third one was a bit pants.

The third one was a bit pants.

It's better than the third one.

I can't remember the second one very well, but the first one I've seen probably three or four times, actually.

We're big fans, and we covered that a very, very long time ago.

We're big fans of that.


Part 4 I quite enjoyed, actually.

It's a totally different thing, but they do some sort of...

It's quite hard with found footage.

There is obviously always going to be new ways you can do stuff, but a lot of ways have been done.

And, you know, horror is in general, so you know the tropes of certain things lingering, so it's going to then happen, or music stops, and it all goes quiet, and something might happen.

We all know this stuff, so it's quite hard to do new stuff, but they do do some new stuff, so we've got the found footage bit.

So I would say worth a watch.

I'd almost say skip three and go to four.

Yeah, three isn't that great.

Three goes a bit too far for me.

But I did enjoy that.

I was watching earlier on, which I've seen before, and I'm going to go back and finish it some prime, which I really enjoyed.

It's a Nicholas Cage film.

Oh, right, yeah.

Nicholas Cage.

And it's Primal.


I don't think I might have seen that.

Oh, really?

I really enjoyed this film, and it's a recommend for me.

But it's the sort of film I like.

It's kind of like, in some ways, it feels almost like first blood mixed with something like under siege, mixed with science of the lambs.

There's something on that note.

With Nicholas Cage, with big animals, just happened to be on a boat transporting it, and it's all on a boat.


No, not seen it.

I looked at my watch list.

Oh, dude, it's actually quite...

It's got Flamke Jansen in it as well.

It's quite fun.

I was watching it earlier, so I could go back to it, and I've seen it before anyway.

Yeah, it's quite a fun film.

It says, Frank's caught wildlife in the Brazilian...

It's called Frank in it, I like that.


Hi, I'm Frank.

Hi, I'm Frank.

He's caught wildlife in the Brazilian jungle, including a 400 pound white jaguar.

He ships it on the same ship as an arrested assassin.

But the assassin breaks free and frees the animals.


Amazing, so it's like con-air, but with animals.

Yes, and they're trying to get this killer, and they're hunting him through the boat.

But there's animals here, isn't there?

It's like a GAV film, like just, yeah.

Love it, sounds great.

It's really worth watching if you've not seen it.

And I think it was kind of probably an Under The Radar movie, but the concept and how it's actually, you know, a lot of stuff, it does actually some B, C, maybe D films at times.

This one's actually up there with being quite a production.

There's a lot of things going on.

It's pretty good.


Well, I've been watching very new stuff.

I watched 2024's, which is this year, GAV, by the way, 2024's The First Omen, which hit Disney Plus or Hulu.

I'm going to watch it next time I see Sarah.

One time in the future when I see Sarah.

In the future.

We're going to watch that.

So, yeah, tell me about it without doing any spoilers, please.

Yeah, I won't.

I enjoyed it for the most part.

It felt very true to the first Omen, especially.

Not the first Omen, because it is the first Omen, but the first film.

And at times, it felt they did a very good job of making it feel like you were in that decade.

And obviously, it's setting up...

Like 70s, 80s?

70s, yeah, because it's setting up the Omen movie, obviously.

So you know things aren't going to go great.

That's cool, because I always loved that backstory when, like, it's father and the parents were jackals, and like, what the fuck?

And all that whole thing.


So what I like about it was, and you won't like, but there's some body horror in it, specifically around giving birth and pregnancy.

My eldest saw it in the cinema.

They told me.

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