The podcast on Haunted Hill will contain spoilers and swearing.

The podcast on.

Hello, and welcome to the Podcasts on Haunted Hill, Episode 159.

My name is G-G-G-G-Gav.

And my name is G-G-Dan.

And we are old school.

How are you?

I hope everybody is safe, happy, and well in this crazy, crazy world.

And you've been sitting and watching lots of films, and films is what you love, and that's why you're here, because Dan and I love films.

Indeed, indeed.

And if you're in England, you've probably been watching the football and the politics, but we're not gonna talk about neither of those on this episode, because we're here to talk about horror films.

How are you, Gav?

Well, okay, yeah, I'm not too bad.

Life stuff, gotta move, gotta move, because the landlord wants this place as Airbnb.

Yes, indeed.

So just working out live shit at the moment, and it's gave me nine days of insomnia, but ladies and gentlemen, last night, I broke it.

So it was good.

You broke his penis finally.

Oh, you broke the sleep cycle, sorry.

I broke my foot, man, you broke it.

And talk.

How are you?

I'm very well, thank you.

I have not been sleeping much either, but that's because of my children.

So such is life, but we, luckily, you and I love coffee.

And you mentioned live shit.

Do you wanna just fill in our listeners on your smelly situation currently?

Well, I've got some candles going currently.

Just lit the candles, because I couldn't find the joystick holder.

The dog shit in the house last night, oh, in the flat.

In the bathroom on my grand's rug, which I used to lie on as a kid, watching in the company of wolves with my grand.

It's shit on the grandmas rug.

And you can't really clean it, because it's like really old school sheep, big sheep pole thing.

It was probably just for the pits.

I just kept it for memory sake, so I've cleaned it the best I can.

It has loads of stuff on that.

There's stains on there from the fake blood from a shallow death.

It's now got remnants of beans of shit.

Then he also shit in Daisy's bedroom, and then I cleaned it all, and I was just like, I can't understand it.

So I cleaned the carpets, and I put the rug in the washing machine.

I just don't understand it.

And I left it, and then I came to turn the computer on to do this podcast for you, lovely people, and your ear holes.

And what happened?

Just to set the scene, as Skype opened up, all I could see was a topless man, he looked naked to me, because I couldn't see the bottom half of him, on all fours on the floor.

And I was like, are you everything all right?

And you're like, dog shit under the desk.

I found out the dog is shit all under the desk, but also on my lead for the power for the Mac, the iMac, so I'm gonna have to try and scrub that off at some point.

It's not like I could just throw it away, I don't know, you know.

Then I ran the wheel from the chair that I'm in over it, so it all went into the wheel, so I had to use a cloth in one hand and a cloth in the other to scoop out and clean and anti-back everything.

And it still smells, so yeah, and obviously I have to soundproof the room, so I've got candles.

That's my thing with shit.

I hope everybody else is enjoying themselves and not eating their food right now.

Well, in local news, actually before I talk about what's going on locally, before I talk about that, let's tell everybody what we're doing this episode, because it's a special episode as I remove the patron pit crown from its box.

And give this to our patron, our king patron of the episode, Mr.

Don Collier.

It's a patron pit.


Don Collier selected two delights for our eyeballs.

Now, Don is a found footage fanatic.

He does his own podcast, found footage with Donnie Darko.

I've talked about it before.

Check it out.

It's a good little podcast.

Mainly, only 99% of the support he covers is found footage.

That's his bag baby, as Austin Powers would say.

And one of the movies he selected for us is a found footage movie, which we haven't discussed.

Obviously, we haven't discussed it, because we're gonna discuss it tonight.

I'm really excited to talk about it.

I'm surprised we haven't ever talked about it.

And it's a Spanish movie from 2007.

And Gav, it's called...



Yeah, really excited to talk about that one.

There's a lot of sequels.

We'll touch on those as well.

And there's a remake, which I know you've watched recently, Gav.

I watched it after just to compare, actually.

Yeah, yeah.

And the other movie was a first time watch for me.

And that is a Ty West's X from 2022, a relatively new film, which I'd never seen.

Gav had seen once before.

It's a sort of cinema.

Yeah, it's a sort of cinema.

And it's now part of a trilogy, which I've actually watched the second one, Pearl, which I can again touch on when we get to X, the X part of the podcast.

But yeah, so that's what we're doing.

So Don, you are the king for this episode.

You wear the crown proudly, and you've sent in a fantastic email, which we'll get to, and I'll read out in three parts, as well.

As I always do, to introduce the films, and also just to introduce yourself in a moment.

But yeah, so that's what we're doing.

X and Rec, or Rec and X, either way, it sounds like a transformer.

Isn't it Rec and Effects?

Rec and Effect is like a rap, R&B rap group from the 90s.

So yeah, you got that.

Yeah, well, in my local news, my city, Bristol, is in the news, sadly, at the moment, because...

Yeah, I saw this just like an hour before we were recording.

Normally, we're in the news because the Bristol crocodile is spotted.

Now, there is apparently a crocodile lurking around the rivers of Bristol, which I myself took a photo of once.

I saw something suspicious, couldn't tell what it was, but it looked like the nose of a crocodile.

And there's been several sightings over the last five or six years, but this isn't anything to do with that.

This is to do with the fact that in Bristol, we have the Bristol Suspension Bridge, which sadly a lot of people do take their lives from every year.

But, aside from that, some suitcases were found near it at the old abandoned zoo.

This sounds like the start of a horror film.

There's an old zoo, Bristol Zoo, very old, shut down now, and they've moved it out of the city, but the site is still there.

What if it's just empty cages?

Have you seen a urbex-type folk on YouTube go check it out at all?

No, not yet.

No, maybe I should look at that.

Oh, that'd be really interesting, just an empty zoo, got creepy as fuck.

But they found two suitcases only in the last 24 hours nearby, and these suitcases were contained human remains.


Looking very shifty, apparently.

Yeah, a man got a taxi up to this part of the city very late at night with two suitcases and has dumped them.

So there is a manhunt currently in my city for this gentleman.

The pictures of him have been released, and there's a helicopter going overhead.

Saw it earlier today.

But then we always have a helicopter going over Bristol.

I always think of Cyprus Hill, pigs in the sky, whatever it is.

But yes, that's-

Or I think Ice Cube Ghetto Bird.

There's that one too.

Either way, duck down.

But yeah, that's a crazy bit of news.

I'm not proud of it, of course, but it's a bit scary that there's a man on the loose in my city who-

Chopping up bodies.

Chopping up people and put them in suitcases.


In other news, before we talk about what we've been watching and stuff, Shelley Duvall.

Hours before we recorded, the news dropped that sadly, Shelley Duvall has passed away.

Not a huge scream queen, but she was obviously very well known for her role in The Shining.

Yeah, like, you know, it's just that one role.

I only really know of that one role.

I think she's in Popeye?

I'm not sure if she was in Popeye.

Oh, yeah, she was in Popeye.

I've only seen her in The Shining, but I think that one role itself is just pinnacle in horror.

Like, very much still images, the treating of her from Stanley Kubrick, or supposedly, her performance in that movie, incredibly.

Yeah, I mean, she didn't do much after The Shining because of that.

Her mental health suffered terribly.

She was in Annie Hall very famously with Woody Allen, but did a few bits and bobs.

But yeah, we know her mainly from The Shining, sadly passed away in her sleep due to complications linked to diabetes.

She did make her comeback last year in a film, I think it was.

But yeah, I just wanted to acknowledge that because whenever a horror icon passes, we generally will acknowledge it.

Yeah, I think she was in an indie horror movie which they're crowdfunding.

I think I saw someone crowdfunding for a movie and she was going to be in it.


I don't know what happened to that though.

Arguably, The Shining is genius as it is, arguably, yes, okay.

Well, Jack Nicholson is part of that reason, but without her, you know, without Wendy, and that character and the way she plays it, and I know it's all for behind the scenes and on Kubrick's treatment of her, but she really does make that film what it is as well.

It's hard to watch kind of now when you really know.

Yeah, because I said supposedly, but I don't need to say supposedly because I thought back and I was like, oh yeah, there's that video behind the scenes footage of the way he's talking to her.



But there we go.

Shelley Duval, Rest In Peace, I might try and watch The Shining.

I haven't seen it for many years.

I might try and watch that over the next few days if I can.

I will introduce Charlie to it because they've been saying to me for a long time.

I said, well, I feel like you need to be older because you'll be bored.

But I think they're 17 now.

I think fine.

We covered it years ago when we teamed up with the boys from the podcast and The Stairs, didn't we?


We did a long time ago.

I had a lot of fun with that one because I think we got stuck on the blowjob bear scene for quite a while.


Famous little scene.

But there's a lot in that film to take apart and look at.

I was going to say, the Fright Festa line up came out today as well.

Tell me.

I don't know why I got really camped then.

No, I don't really know.

But I did notice the last voyage of Femijiggy.

That one.

Yeah, that's playing there on the Saturday, which is strange.

Funny enough, I was talking to our buddy RJ.

McCready about that movie.

And we were saying like, it kind of didn't really come out properly.

So maybe this is its chance.

They might be having a release maybe soon.

They might even chuck it in the cinemas again.

Because I know it was a limited release.

I didn't mind the movie.

It's all right.

It's nothing amazing.

I'll definitely check it out.

Because I'm a big fan of the director.

Well, talking of watching things.

Gavin, what have you been watching?

I thought you were saying I got zoned out or something, Gavin.

Talking of watching things, there's someone behind you watching you.

I have been watching things.

You go first.

Let me have a little think.

Okie dokie.

Okie dokie karaoke.

So I've been on a bit of a Netflix documentary kick.

I don't know why.

It just happens sometimes.

And I've whizzed through these, but I've watched a couple of good documentaries.

I've watched a four-part documentary called Encounters, which came out last year.

I don't know if you've seen this.

It's about alien slash UFO encounters from around the world.

Very famous ones.

And then they really dissect them.

Each episode is about 45 minutes to an hour.

They really dissect them.

What's really interesting is they link a lot of it to folklore and fairies.

And particularly, there's a sighting in Wales, I believe, in the 60s.

Very famous.

It was on TV, et cetera.

Lots of school kids saw UFO.

And they link it in with, if you really break it down, there's a lot of ancient fairy folklore that links in with aliens.

And I just find it all very fascinating.

It's on Netflix.

It's called Encounters.

It's four parts, but an hour each.

You know, it's not going to blow your mind, but it's just really interesting to sit and watch these people talk about it, because it's all real, you know, real stuff.

So that was the first documentary.

I'll just rattle through these other quick ones.

I watched a documentary called Muscles and Mayhem, which is all about the American Gladiators TV show.

Obviously, we got the Gladiators over here.

Why did you watch that?

Because it was so fascinating.

It was late 80s to the early 90s.

There was a lot of cocaine, a lot of steroids, and it was just interesting to see how they started making this program.

They didn't even have any health insurance.

They didn't even have a first aid kit, and they literally built that program from the ground up, and it was just fun.

I really enjoyed it.

Another one to throw you, I watched a documentary on TLC called TLC Forever.

Obviously, Lisa Lefty Lopez has passed away now, and they're back on tour, just the two of them.

And that was really interesting, and you forget that whether you love them or not, they had some absolute bangers, Gav, didn't they?

Yeah, waterfalls, you know.

Waterfalls, you know.

Some of them creep.

There's some great ones as well.

I watched a documentary on Wham.

Are you sure you're not gay?

No, called Wham, which is great, because that was, it's actually, the narration is by mainly Andrew Ridgely, but a little bit of George Michael as well.

And it's all to do with scrapbooks.

Andrew Ridgely's mum kept a scrapbook from the day they got signed.

She's got over 50 scrapbooks.

I think it's really interesting.

And the last one I...

I was going to say, George Michael is a very incredible, tainted musician in his own right.

He wrote, Wake Me Up Before You Go Go.

He wrote and produced and did all that, and he's pretty much in his bedroom at 21 or 22 years old.

Yeah, he just had a thing for music.

Club Tropicana, I have so much respect for it.

So does our faith.


I always knew he was a good singer.

I didn't realize he wrote so much of the stuff as well and had so much, such a hand in it.

He just didn't have the confidence.

Andrew Ridgely gave him the confidence, and Andrew Ridgely came up with all the costumes and their look.

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