The Podcast on Haunted Hill will contain spoilers and swearing.

I am the devil, and I am here to do the devil's work.

I saw this when I come.

Hello, and welcome to The Podcast on Haunted Hill, episode 171.

Dan put a one finger up in front of my one head, but my two eyes, but my one brain pushed it through my one mouth and out my two lungs.

Breathe in the words to you guys.

Hello, everybody, my name is Gav.

I'm Dan.

Wow, you blew my doors off for that intro there.

Very good.

Yeah, I never know what's gonna happen when we, until the button's pressed.

I always get a bit scared when we do the countdown and you hit record.

I always think, what the fuck is he gonna say?

Don't ever know what's coming out of the words, out of the brain, out of the mouth, out of the, oh, oh, oh, oh.

How are you?

I'm very good, my friend, very good.

Excited to be recording with you as always.

I'm excited as well because it's our first director special of 2025.

Yeah, what a director to get into.

What a director.

So there we go.

So as you probably would know from clicking, we are going to be looking at the fantastic works of Peter Jackson.

We are going to look at his back catalogue.

Oh, no.

We'll also have a quick chat about his bio.

What we do with our director specials is we, for anyone who has not heard of us, do one before us.

We pick two films, usually our favorite films from that director's career.

This is the second time, though, we've done Peter Jackson, isn't it?

No, it's the first director's special, but we have done it before.

Oh, we did Brain Dead.

Yeah, we did Brain Dead for my birthday about 10 years ago.

OK, because I wouldn't say these are favorites.

Bad Taste, I love Bad Taste, but Frighteners is not so much.

Yeah, so we're doing Frighteners from 96, Bad Taste from 87.

But the reason we picked those is because Bad Taste is the one that started it all.

And it's going to be a fun chat.

And Frighteners is kind of what started the American productions.

It's like when Jackie Chan did Rush Hour.

When Jackie Chan did Rush Hour, he started making loads of Hollywood movies.

And when Peter Jackson did The Frighteners, that's when he was noticed more by Hollywood.

And before you know it, he was Mr.

Lord of the Rings.

But we'll get into all of that when we cover off his career.

But yeah, The Frighteners is quite a favorite amongst horror fans.

It's a bit of a cult favorite.

A lot of people only really discovered Peter Jackson with The Frighteners.

I was already aware of him.

Because of the Hollywood nature and the marketing, which would have gone in towards that film, compared to his other films, you know.

But what's fun is if you didn't know who Peter Jackson was, and you watched The Frighteners, if you were like, I wonder what else he's done?

If you went back and watched Brain Dead, or Dead Alive as it's called in some countries, or even Bad Taste, you'd be like, holy shit, what the hell?

Or Meet The Fables.

Meet The Fables or Heavenly Creatures, which I'm a huge fan of.

Heavenly Creatures, we're getting to it.

That's a very indie film, but yeah, we're getting to it.

Beautiful film.

Thanks for coming along.

I hope everyone is safe and happy in the world.

We didn't see it, Gav.

If you're returning this and that, welcome back.

And if it's your first time, welcome front.

And if you'd like to just pop along now and again.

Side to side.

Come around the side.

There's a little side entrance you can pop in.

Anyway, you like it.



It's getting sexy already for Peter Jackson.

And next time we got a Valentine's episode, and that's when Dan and I could do it, oiled up.

Oh, P Diddy, baby.

It's going to be a P Diddy party, it's not.

A thousand body oils?

A thousand baby oils.

No, not going to be doing that because some crazy shit goes on.

But yeah, we will be getting sexy for our next episode.

But yes, so that's what this episode is.

Peter Jackson, The Frighteners.

And we're going to flip it.

We're going to do The Frighteners first, and we're going to finish up the episode with Bad Taste, because we're both big fans of that.

And we've got a lot to say about that as well.

Before we get into what we've been watching and all that kind of stuff, I just want to do a quick shout out to one of our listeners, if I may.


So one of our listeners, Sheila.


Sheila, which is a great name to say if you're Australian.

Also, I think what Australians say, they call women, don't they?



Sheila is one of our listeners, and she reached out to us a couple of weeks back, obviously before we recorded, and sent us a really lovely message and a message that is really thought-provoking.

That would be incredible if you could have before saw her message in the future, because you said obviously after we recorded, like if she had sent a message in the future, and you can read it out now.

Yeah, it would be.

But that would fuck up the time-lapse a bit, because then Sheila is not going to think about it, or you're going to plant that thought in her head because you've sent the message to send, then she's going to send a message, so I'm confused myself.

I was going to stay quiet.


Well, Sheila reached out to us on Facebook and said, as a person who is blind, I truly appreciate the descriptive way that you guys go through the scenes of the movies, because then I have a much better understanding when I watched the movie with others, which was a very short and straight to the point message, and made me think, wow, god, that is incredible.

Made our day, didn't it?

It really, really made our day, Sheila, because we haven't really thought about how we might affect somebody in that way, somebody who is, you know, sight impaired.

No, no, totally.

I do find the podcasting really great for me to be able to look and do other things, sort of things.

I understand where podcasts are very good for just tuning out when I'm working.

It's good to listen to if you can go to sleep to or whatever.

So I'm really great that we can, a blind person, amazing, absolutely amazing.

I'm so happy that we can bring you entertainment and value and comical stuff.

Yeah, which makes me want to carry on doing the...

Because we do, we do Deep Dive as one of our listeners once said.

We're just going to do it for you though, Sheila.

We're just going to record episodes just for you.

All of this now for the next 12 years.

Just yours.

Now, this is your podcast.

You're basically not the CEO.

Sheila's podcast on Haunted Hill.


We're your slaves.

She also sent us a message a day or so later saying, I've been jumping around a bit in the different podcasts and I found the Ouija Board episode years ago.

Well, yeah, she said podcast, but episodes.

Sorry, I'm not changing your thoughts, Sheila.

If Dan says stuff, I can jump on Dan's back and start poking him with sticks.

And you said wrong words, but no.

He likes poking me, but I don't often say the wrong words, do I?

That's me, actually.

It is.

That's why you're here.

Well, one of many reasons.

But yeah, she said she loved the Ouija Board Halloween episode that we did.

That was a long time ago.

Which I've forgotten.

Yeah, it's great that we did that.

And she said she also said to us through a conversation that she sometimes finds it hard to get to sleep.

She can't listen to it at night.

And I thought before I finished reading that message, I thought, oh, is it because it's scary?

No, because we make her laugh and then she can't get off to sleep comfortably.

So it's a laugh and which is all right.

That's funny, isn't it?

But Sheila, thank you so much for your support.

Thank you for reaching out to us and thank you for legitimately making me realize that sometimes this podcast can can do more than just be something for somebody to listen to, you know.

In the past, people have reached out to us and said that it's been lovely to hear us talk about random stuff while they're dealing with terrible mental health or whatever it might be.

So, yeah, just another fantastic thing for themselves.

We can fucking talk shit and help someone with mental health or just give entertainment to someone visually impaired, then fucking roll on.

Yeah, so thank you so much, Sheila.

I hope you continue to listen and support the show.

Yeah, thanks very much, Sheila.

And I'll tell you what, if you want, why...

I was going to think you could give us a film to check out, maybe.

Yeah, or at least tell us.

Something like, you may not have heard of it or description or no, but if maybe you've listened to a trailer or something, that would be really good.

We could describe a film for you.

Yeah, or even give us your perspective on what's the best film for you as a visually...

Yeah, and we could maybe even do...

Oh, that's an episode.

We could do a double bill of two films which would work perfectly for you.

The reason that this message touched me so much is because it really got me thinking, like, wow, how does someone go about doing that?

You know, and as she said, you know, she has someone with her, probably describes stuff that's happening.

And obviously, you can have like, I can't remember what you call it now, where the audio description, that's what it's called, on a film as well.

But I wonder, like, different films must mean so much more when you can't see them.

So like the certain films that are so quiet that you wouldn't, you wouldn't bother watching them.

Do you know what I mean?

But then there's films that are really loud and all the dialogue, like a Tarantino movie, which is mainly like dialogue heavy.

Well, yeah, because actually, because obviously you can get audio descriptive films in the cinema now, which is a brilliant idea.

But yeah, there was a lot of stage, obviously, for films coming out of cinema, especially Hollywood ones, where the sound mixes is then it's like, especially in the action genre, sound mix is just crazy, crazy loud, so the dialogue is really, really quiet.

I have to have subtitles all the time for my eldest watching films.

I was just thinking, do you remember that time with Rachel?


Hello, Rachel.

Patreon of ours.

Hello, Rachel.

Enjoys our episode, listen and enjoys talking to us.

One time, Dan and I saw Rachel and we stood in front of her and went, hello and welcome to the podcast on Haunted Hill.

We did like a little couple of minutes just jokingly, I think just to spin her out.

It freaked her out, didn't it?

Yeah, it really did.

So Sheila, Sheila, I've got an idea.

Me and Dan come around, you sit in the middle of the sofa, me and Dan either side like the good and the bad, and we can watch a movie and we could describe the movie as we go.

Okay, there we go.

But yeah, thank you so much, Sheila, for your message.

Yeah, I appreciate that.

It really did.

Thank you for actually letting us know that as well because I'm rubbish.

Quite often I'm like, I should message that podcast and no, no, no, I never do.

So really thank you for taking the time and remembering to do it because it really appreciates it.

So talking of Sammix, then I'm just as a tangent to go straight into my first film that I've watched.

I went to the cinema.

I won't talk about it too much because you know, you're not a huge fan, but I watched the new Marvel film Captain America, Brave New World.

No, no, I don't.

I'm not dissed.

I've sort of just said negatively about them for it.

It's because of just too many.

Yeah, the first ones are like, I-

Well, it's like, it's like westerns and cowboy films.

There were way too many of them by the time we got to the 70s, which is why they stopped making them.

I saw the first Avengers in the cinema.

I went out my way to see them.

You know, I owned the Avengers on Blu-ray.

I liked all the first ones, but it's just where it got too many.

But it's because of it's been so many, and then you had recently Deadpool coming out with the very meta and them knowing what's going on with Marvel and them digging themselves into a shithole, basically.

That sort of just re-sparked it, and I would be more inclined to watch this one now because it's not me like, oh, which one do I?

This one, I'll just probably go into that, and they're probably going to be doing it with Deadpool, with a knowledge of people who might not have seen them all, or might be able to help them out.

Am I correct?

As I always say with comic book films, treat them like comic books, because as a kid, there's no way I'd read every single comic book ever, because that's impossible.

However, I picked up one, I enjoyed that one.

Oh, look, Spider-Man's popped up on page seven, and then helped out.

And that's really nice for the deep fans, absolutely.

But for someone like myself who wants to be able to sit down and enjoy a superhero film because I'm a movie lover, and I like superheroes, do you know what I mean?

It's nice to me.

So the Deadpool one actually wasn't too bad.

There is a couple of the Marvel films which I can just watch and go, yeah, I can just watch that and go, yeah, I'm quite happy with that.

Well, I enjoyed it.

It obviously has been trolled before it even got released because that is the nature of the Internet these days.

However, fuck you trolls because it's made money.

My quick review of it before I talk about The Sound, which is where I was going with this, is it's fun.

It wasn't blowing your doors off.

It wasn't like Endgame or anything like that, but it was still a decent movie, lots of fun.

If you want to see Harrison Ford having fun and turning into a Red Hulk and smashing up the White House and fighting everybody.

That was actually Harrison Ford as Hulk.


Well, he's Red Hulk.


I saw a picture and I was like, fucking it.

I was scrolling through my phone, I saw that and thought, fucking, it just really quickly went past him.

And I was like, Harrison Ford as Hulk?

What the fuck?

I figured someone did it at the CGI or some shit.

So he replaced William Hurt because William Hurt has played that character for the last few decades.

Harrison Ford as Hulk.

He went to Marvel, he went to Kevin Feige, the head of Marvel Studios and said, I want to be in one of your Marvel films.

Everybody I speak to tells me they have a lot of fun in them.

And they were like, oh my God, William Hurt just died.

Would you replace him as the president?

It does mean you are going to get to Hulk and be Red Hulk.

And Harrison Ford was like, where do I sign?

He was just like fully invested in it.

So it's decent.

It was fun.

I had a lot of fun with it.

But the sign mix was crazy.

It was like the guy that did Top Gun Maverick did all the flights and dogfights in it.

But sometimes they were talking to each other on the radio.

Like, this is Captain America.

I'm flying through now.

Can you do it?

But you couldn't really hear it because it was just like, boom, explosions.

And I'm just like in the cinema thinking, have they got the sign mix wrong in the cinema?

I'm hoping they did because I don't think they'd release a film that had bad, especially a Marvel film that had slightly good.

I was about to say to you, I wish I had the resources they had for when they mix down their films.

I have what I have right here and I can do what I can.

So their sounds are so amazing.

So I was expecting to just say how incredible it was.

It might, yeah, it might have been the cinema might have just been having an issue, maybe.

And some of the rear speakers were just a bit louder, so it overpowered the dialogue at the front, maybe.

Well, there we go.

I've got a few films to rattle off, but I'll let you go next.

Well, I was also going to say very quickly, I know you're very passionate.

You're a very passionate person, Dan.

In the bedroom.

I don't know about that.

Creators and Guests

Co-host of The Podcast on Haunted Hill
Co-Host of The Podcast on Haunted Hill and Founder of Deadbolt Films
Broadcast by