Gav: The podcast on Haunted Hill will contain
Gav: spoilers and swearing.
Speaker 2: I am the devil and I am here to do the
Speaker 2: devil's work.
Speaker 2: I sell this vicon Be one of us.
Speaker 4: I didn't tell you my name, hang up.
Speaker 4: I didn't tell you my name, I'm all part of
Speaker 4: it.
Speaker 4: They're all part of it.
Speaker 4: Come, it is time to keep your appointment.
Gav: Hello and welcome to the podcast on Happy
Gav: Birthday, Haunted Hill, episode 147.
Gav: 148.
Gav: 148.
Gav: My name is Gav, I'm Dan and you said to you
Gav: before we started that number.
Gav: You're like, yeah, and I go and say a wrong
Gav: number.
Dan: Doesn't matter, we've done so many.
Dan: Yes, birthday Indeed.
Dan: His birthday is here.
Gav: It's my birthday and I shall cry if I want
Gav: to.
Gav: 50 Cent didn't sing that, did he?
Dan: No, he didn't.
Dan: He said it's your birthday, go, gavin,
Dan: we've gone.
Dan: Party like you are Gavin, or something like
Dan: that, or like you are having a good time,
Dan: yeah.
Gav: Everybody have a good time.
Dan: Well, we sound like we're having a good
Dan: time.
Dan: It's your birthday, gav.
Dan: Very, very happy birthday.
Dan: Many happy returns.
Dan: We're obviously a little later than your
Dan: actual birthday.
Dan: This is your birthday episode, so I guess
Dan: you can wear the patron crown.
Dan: You can wear the birthday crown Birthday
Dan: crown makes sense.
Dan: The birthday pants, whatever you want to
Dan: wear.
Gav: I'm wearing my birthday pants all the year
Gav: round.
Gav: Does that mean Commando?
Gav: No, your birthday suit is Well, if you wear
Gav: birthday pants, then you're pretty much
Gav: Commando as well.
Gav: Anything you say birthday to with clothing
Gav: means nothing.
Dan: So I could say my birthday elephant costume.
Dan: It'd be weird if you were born with clothes
Dan: on, wouldn't it?
Gav: Is that your trunk?
Gav: No, it's my penis.
Dan: Trunk Alright, mate Jesus.
Gav: Hope everybody in the world is happy, safe
Gav: and enjoying their little life on the
Gav: planet.
Dan: As we trickle into 2024.
Dan: A little bit more Reasing into our just
Dan: finishing up the first month, hasn't there?
Gav: anything like major celebrity deaths or
Gav: anything going on.
Gav: It's been.
Gav: I remember that year with all of a sudden
Gav: it was like David Bowie dies, like oh my
Gav: god what, and then it just it rolled from
Gav: there Prince dies, oh my god, okay.
Dan: That was a big year for a celebrity death,
Dan: wasn't it?
Dan: It was a weird one, but now, nothing major
Dan: as yet, touch word that things stay safe
Dan: and normal and quiet.
Dan: So, yeah, birthday, birthday, birthday.
Dan: And as always for anyone who's never heard
Dan: one of our birth episodes, the birthday boy,
Dan: in this case Gav, has gotten to.
Dan: Yeah, boy.
Dan: Yeah, boy.
Dan: The birthday boy gets to pick the, the
Dan: movies which.
Dan: You will know what they are because you
Dan: clicked on it.
Gav: The thing you saw it.
Dan: But Gav, just for clarity.
Gav: Just so they know.
Dan: What have you chosen for us to review and
Dan: listen to talk about?
Gav: I've chosen a movie called Sorcerer which I
Gav: feel like people could be like the fuck is
Gav: it?
Gav: What is it?
Gav: A fantasy movie on those sort of sword and
Gav: sorcerer movies of the early 80s?
Gav: No, it's not.
Gav: You'll find out it basically very quickly
Gav: if you haven't seen it.
Gav: I hope you have seen it, but then again
Gav: it's it's it's a spoiler type movie, so
Gav: actually it doesn't matter.
Gav: You can listen to our view and go.
Dan: That sounds good and I guess the ending is
Dan: and who survives and who doesn't.
Gav: But it's not too bad, it's the whole
Gav: adventure itself.
Gav: Anyway, it's to throw it in there in a
Gav: quick line.
Gav: Some guys who are, they've just basically
Gav: got to take some dynamite through a jungle
Gav: and two lorries, that's kind of it.
Gav: That sounds really weird and odd premise
Gav: for a film, and it's actually a remake,
Gav: which I discovered brand new, did the
Gav: review and I think it's also watched that
Gav: remake supposed to be very good also French,
Gav: I think and that's the movie, then the
Gav: other movie I've picked for that, and
Gav: that's a quite.
Gav: It's going to be a deeper conversation,
Gav: isn't it?
Dan: Well, you should say also, it's a William
Dan: Friedkin movie as well.
Gav: After Exorcist, it's the movie that he
Gav: feels is his best movie that he's known.
Dan: Yes, very proud of it, I'm sorry.
Dan: Yeah, so I cut you off.
Dan: So the other movie you've chosen is a more
Dan: recent one, isn't it?
Gav: Yeah, exactly because that was that the
Gav: other movies like early 70s and it's quite
Gav: a good be a more serious conversation.
Gav: It's not gonna be many jokes and I'm sure
Gav: there will be some random tangents, but the
Gav: other one I've thought to make it to tip up,
Gav: tip the scales, get nice and balanced a
Gav: little bit more.
Gav: Gonna go for a very new movie from last
Gav: year.
Gav: I pretty much went to a cinema watch,
Gav: actually Studio 666, which is a random
Gav: fucking movie of a band called the Foo
Gav: Fighters.
Dan: Just decide who you may have heard of.
Gav: I know all about how I got going as well,
Gav: so we can get into that, because I read
Gav: some interviews on Rolling Stone with David
Gav: Grohl.
Dan: Yes, so Studio 666, 2022 and the Sorcerer
Dan: of 1977.
Gav: They're both different and they both start
Gav: with the letter S.
Gav: Sexy.
Gav: Sorcerer at Sexy Studio 666.
Dan: So that's what we're covering to gap.
Dan: Happy birthday, thank you.
Dan: It's your edging closer to the big big five,
Dan: oh no.
Gav: Fuck me, that's the weirdest thing ever,
Gav: because when I had front the other before
Gav: it was my birthday one week, I was driving
Gav: down around and I was like how old am I
Gav: gonna be?
Gav: And I had to go back to back to year I was
Gav: born and work forward and go how old am I
Gav: gonna be?
Gav: Because I get to that point I'm like I
Gav: don't remember really what age, because
Gav: it's weird.
Dan: But you don't really feel any difference.
Dan: So some, there are some years where I can't,
Dan: I just forget it's weird.
Gav: I had an issue Did you forget.
Gav: I've done it before and actually said
Gav: someone who'd given them like two years
Gav: before birthday.
Dan: I think it's when you're an odd year, like
Dan: I'm 45 currently, but I'll be 46 in a few
Dan: months.
Gav: Yeah, I'm 47.
Dan: So 45 is easy to remember because it's like
Dan: an even well, not an even number, but it's
Dan: a solid number.
Dan: Do you know what I mean?
Dan: But it's 47 or 48 or 32 or something is.
Dan: It's hard to you kind of forget Men numbers
Dan: not very good.
Gav: I watched this thing the other day but this
Gav: dude was just stopping people in the street
Gav: families with a microphone and just asking
Gav: questions and he's throwing a data
Gav: curveball.
Gav: It was brilliant what's the date of birth
Gav: for your child there?
Gav: And they'd be like, uh, and one of them is
Gav: like how old's your kid there?
Gav: And he's like I don't know she's like
Gav: really don't know how old I am, you know,
Gav: it's just like we're men.
Dan: I do panic when I have the phone, the
Dan: doctor surgery about my children, and then
Dan: I'm what's the date of birth?
Gav: and I'm like I've got more on my phone.
Gav: I've got all the dates of birth on my phone
Gav: because I had to, just to make sure,
Gav: because I was thrown out of times.
Gav: Worst one is when you tap at school and
Gav: they're like, oh, they didn't take the
Gav: lunchbox.
Gav: I'm just bringing up here's the lunchbox
Gav: and really reception.
Gav: And they're like, okay, what class saying?
Gav: And you're like I don't know, uh, dole,
Gav: maybe it's dolphins, I don't know, I'm not
Gav: sure.
Dan: I thought you were going to say dole
Dan: flounder, and then no, I don't think they
Dan: had.
Gav: Like the class is set into Silverster
Gav: Stallone.
Gav: Jean-claude Van Damme, you're in dole,
Gav: flunger and class and you're in there.
Dan: I was thinking.
Dan: I was thinking more along the lines of
Dan: kindergarten cop two with dole flungering
Dan: where he's um.
Dan: I don't know if you've seen that.
Gav: I have not seen that.
Gav: I didn't.
Gav: I don't know if I knew that existed.
Dan: It does exist, my friend, and um dole
Dan: flungering.
Gav: Why is he there though?
Dan: He, because this time around he is an
Dan: undercover cop.
Dan: So it's the same story, just with dole
Dan: flungering.
Gav: Well, I'm going to use that as a really
Gav: good segue to something I've been watching
Gav: and I've literally got 20 minutes left of
Gav: the season to finish and I was a bit like,
Gav: oh no, I've got podcasts.
Gav: I love podcasting, but I was just at the
Gav: last and it's the king of Tulsa with
Gav: Silverster Stallone.
Gav: Have you heard of this?
Gav: I've heard of it, it's fucking great.
Dan: I didn't know he was in it.
Gav: It's so good.
Gav: It's about him.
Gav: Uh, he comes out of prison after 25 years.
Dan: Oh, yes, yes, yes.
Gav: He's kept quiet.
Gav: Goes back to the people.
Gav: The guy who is involved is on his death bed
Gav: and his son's kind of taking charge of
Gav: people and they're like, uh, you know, uh,
Gav: you can have Tulsa.
Gav: He's like fucks in Tulsa, you can have that.
Gav: And he's like I kept quiet for 25 years.
Gav: Just go to Tulsa and make it your own.
Gav: He goes down there and just starts getting
Gav: into the the town, doesn't it?
Gav: It's really pretty good.
Gav: It's kind of breaking bad-ish kind of feel
Gav: to it.
Gav: I love.
Dan: Silverster Stallone Breaking bad too.
Gav: There's one bit that's really funny, like
Gav: he uh picks up a lady and he sleeps early
Gav: enough and they're just hanging out in the
Gav: bed and she's like how old are you?
Gav: And she's like, oh well, I was in junior
Gav: high when, uh, jeff Cary got shot.
Gav: And she's like what the fuck?
Gav: He's like I'm 75, she's like 75, I thought
Gav: you're like maybe early 50s, what the fuck
Gav: is.
Gav: She stands up to get so close and walks out.
Dan: Oh god.
Gav: So it's kind of playing down the whole.
Gav: Like you know he's getting on a bit, but
Gav: he's still like he's good for 75, like my
Gav: dad's late 80s.
Dan: I don't think he's old, is he?
Gav: No, my dad's not mid 80s, no, uh.
Dan: Dolph Lundgren.
Gav: I thought Sligh was probably 75, I think I
Gav: would say he is 75.
Dan: Sorry, you're talking about Sligh.
Dan: We were talking about Dolph Lundgren.
Gav: I'm talking about Sligh's style is the Lone
Gav: I said it's a good segue till Silverster
Gav: Stallone.
Dan: No, no, that's fine.
Dan: Sorry, I was confused.
Dan: No, it's the Lone 75.
Gav: No, no, dolph Lundgren 166.
Gav: No, fair.
Gav: No, I think it's Dolph Lundgren, probably
Gav: not there.
Dan: So Lone is actually 77, though you know.
Gav: Oh well, he probably was 75 when they
Gav: filmed the show, but he's great in it.
Gav: Like he doesn't look come across as 75,
Gav: like my dad's doing pretty good and he's in
Gav: his like he's probably about 10 years old
Gav: at Silverster Stallone.
Gav: But like Silverster Stallone is fucking the
Gav: brick shit out, I wouldn't fucking get rid
Gav: of his fists.
Dan: I always say this to my dad because my dad
Dan: moans about getting old.
Dan: My dad's 69 this year and I always say to
Dan: him that's not old.
Gav: I don't know what he's talking about.
Dan: Well, whenever a Jackie Chan film comes out,
Dan: he's one year older than my dad and I
Dan: always send him the trailer and go look dad,
Dan: look what he's up to, and he's one year
Dan: older than you, so come on.
Gav: Yeah, stop moaning.
Dan: He's flipping over cars and beating people
Dan: up.
Gav: This is yoga, dad, you'll be alright.
Dan: He goes for a walk every day.
Gav: Have you been watching anything?
Dan: Well, there's two things I've been watching.
Dan: One thing I've watched and another thing
Dan: I'm in the middle of watching.
Dan: I'm in the middle of still.
Dan: I think I mentioned this on the last
Dan: episode.
Dan: Our buddy, rj, inspired me to go back and
Dan: watch the Creep show series on Prime, so
Dan: I'm still watching those.
Dan: The beauty of them is there's 40 minutes
Dan: each and each one has got two stories.
Dan: So I usually watch like a one story before
Dan: I go to bed.
Dan: So I'm doing like a 20 minutes here and a
Dan: 20 minute there.
Dan: So it's taken me a long time to get through
Dan: them because there's about 10 episodes per
Dan: season and there's four seasons now.
Dan: But I'm really enjoying them and this time
Dan: around I'm noticing a lot more Easter eggs.
Dan: Obviously they've got lots of people in
Dan: them from horror, but even stuff, like a
Dan: guy put something in the fridge and there
Dan: was a pot of the stuff in the fridge, or
Dan: someone's drinking a whiskey called RJ
Dan: McCready's whiskey and all these kind of
Dan: things.
Dan: So I'm really enjoying them and actually
Dan: they're very well produced and they really
Dan: make me feel like Halloween when I watch
Dan: them, even though it's like January.
Dan: So I'm watching that.
Dan: But the thing I did watch and I was very
Dan: excited and this isn't horror Well, it
Dan: might be in some ways is the new He-Man
Dan: series which came out.
Dan: The new because Kevin Smith, two years ago
Dan: Kevin Smith wrote and produced or co-wrote
Dan: and produced a new He-Man series for
Dan: Netflix called He-Man Masters of the
Dan: Universe Revelations, which kind of takes
Dan: place 45 years after the cartoon in the 80s.
Dan: Obviously it's updated to be a bit more
Dan: modern.
Dan: It's a little bit anime.
Dan: There's a lot of beheadings.
Dan: It's probably not for children, I would say.
Gav: And oh, a larger like it.
Dan: It's got.
Dan: It's really good.
Dan: But the new one came out which is called
Dan: Masters of the Universe, revolution, which
Dan: follows on from that, and that was even
Dan: better.
Dan: And they've put in so many easter eggs.
Dan: You know from all the comics that even the
Dan: movie Gwildor from the movie was in it.
Gav: It's just really good fun and I'm going to
Gav: watch that movie again.
Dan: Mark Hamel does Skeletor's voice and
Dan: Captain Kirk is it.
Dan: Captain Kirk's in it as well.
Dan: I won't spoil who he plays in it and it's
Dan: got.
Dan: It's just got really good voice cast and a
Dan: lot of fun.
Dan: And I've binged it all in one night six,
Dan: five episodes, and it came out and I
Dan: thought it's quite late.
Dan: I think I watched it after Sorcerer.
Dan: I thought it's quite late, but I might.
Dan: I can't not watch one episode of my new
Dan: He-Man show and then I ended up staying up
Dan: to like one in the morning watching them
Dan: all.
Dan: But that was great.
Gav: I did start watching.
Gav: Elijah Briggs attention span weaned so he
Gav: didn't do that half an hour at a time until
Gav: he has to have a bit of tablet again.
Gav: It's like a drug.
Gav: Anyway, you'll find out when your kids get
Gav: older.
Gav: It's fucking annoying.
Gav: Anyway, we started watching Dungeons and
Gav: Dragons movie.
Gav: Not bad.
Dan: I've heard very good things.
Gav: Not bad at all, quite enjoyable actually.
Dan: Yeah, I like the cast and I know it's
Dan: nothing to do with the cartoon, but yeah,
Dan: but you still got like the, the, the
Dan: characters in the cartoon, like so it makes
Dan: you feel like it.
Gav: No, no, no, like.
Gav: Well, there's a girl with like a hood,
Gav: there's like a magician, there's like it's
Gav: everybody.
Gav: It's like, oh, as I remember, I don't know,
Gav: I might be wrong- it's not.
Dan: it's not a program as a kid.
Dan: They're based on the, the board game
Dan: characters, not the cartoon characters.
Dan: I didn't know, I wasn't sure, I don't know,
Dan: but I've still heard good things about it
Dan: and I do want to check it out at some point.
Gav: Yeah, it's quite fun, and we haven't
Gav: finished it yet, though.
Gav: That's quite good.
Dan: I haven't watched much out, but did you do
Dan: anything fun for your birthday?
Dan: Did you get any gifts that you know you're
Dan: allowed to talk about?
Gav: You mean like sexy gifts or I'm not allowed
Gav: to talk about those?
Dan: No, you wouldn't talk about those ones, but
Dan: did you get anything nice?
Dan: Did you do anything nice?
Gav: It's on a Friday.
Gav: I was with the kids and no, not really, we
Gav: were going to go out.
Gav: Oh, we got food.
Dan: You went for dinner, didn't you?
Gav: We went for some food.
Gav: I had a steak that was quite nice.
Gav: I've got to say Went for some meal with
Gav: those kids, but the kids didn't really hang
Gav: out much, they just did their own thing as
Gav: normal.
Gav: So it's pretty much.
Gav: You know, that's the food of them and
Gav: that's it, it's alright.
Gav: Bits and bobs.
Gav: Sarah gave me some little bits of bobs, got
Gav: another present coming from her which got
Gav: lost in the post.
Gav: I'm going to get that soon, which is quite
Gav: good.
Gav: She did give me the third series of Bottom
Gav: which I didn't have on DVD.
Dan: Nice.
Dan: For anyone that doesn't know, that's a
Dan: British very early 90s TV show.
Gav: Great show.
Gav: Rick Mail Watch it a lot with Sarah
Gav: actually, and I was like I don't have
Gav: series three and I like to occasionally put
Gav: on some of the old school BBC comic
Gav: episodes, so I like to have them on DVD at
Gav: hand.
Gav: The only folks on all cities one foot in
Gav: the grave, etc.
Dan: I have not watched Bottom for many, many
Dan: years.
Gav: It's very funny, very, very, very funny.
Gav: Can you imagine?
Dan: how the store holds up.
Dan: Well, because it's so ridiculous.
Dan: Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's good.
Gav: Yeah, nothing much, really.
Gav: Well, you, I'm getting older now and I
Gav: don't really get you know.
Dan: You have one announcement to make.
Gav: Yeah, which is my favorite episode.
Gav: Everybody else yeah?
Dan: So go on then.
Dan: Hey everybody with it.
Dan: It's fantastic, exciting news.
Gav: I am going to be the first man to have a
Gav: baby.
Gav: It's been a.
Gav: That's not a news.
Gav: That's not news.
Dan: Imagine that Junior 2 star Emi and you I'm
Dan: Danny DeVito Do we want a?
Gav: little deformed Gavi running around.
Gav: I'm sure it's been deformed.
Gav: Why would it be deformed?
Gav: Because I'm a bloke having a baby.
Gav: It's a bit weird.
Gav: It's got to be something wrong with it.
Gav: Like you know it'd be like that creature
Gav: that lives in the fun house.
Gav: You know that maybe the fun house I love
Gav: the time he was at Toby Hooper's Fun House.
Gav: I love that movie.
Gav: That's good.
Gav: Yeah, deadbolt films along with Deadbolt
Gav: comics.
Gav: We've actually tried to make sort of an
Gav: umbrella company.
Gav: We've made them Deadbolt media limited.
Gav: It's legitimately a proper business now, a
Gav: proper company, and we have to pay taxes
Gav: and we have a bank account.
Gav: We all have a debit card and you know and I
Gav: have shares in the company.
Gav: So weirdly, I thought over the years formed
Gav: a legit company.
Gav: Very strange.
Dan: That's weird, isn't it?
Dan: It's taken just over a decade, but here we
Dan: are.
Gav: But that's because I wasn't ever going to
Gav: do any business stuff Because a lot of it
Gav: was sort of me going along.
Gav: I'm Deadbolt films, deadbolt films, and I'm
Gav: not doing nothing business.
Gav: I'll show you stuff put in front of your
Gav: eyes and you can hear stuff.
Gav: But so then other people have come on board
Gav: slowly over the years and then got business.
Gav: People come on board and yeah, I own one
Gav: quarter of shares of Deadbolt films along
Gav: with other people.
Gav: So because it's a legit thing, now it's
Gav: cool.
Gav: Yeah, we're saying that we do need a
Gav: premises.
Gav: So that would be really good.
Gav: But we need to be having a fluid income to
Gav: be able to rent out something like that.
Gav: So I don't know, but we do need space,
Gav: renting out space, we can only use Ben's
Gav: Tau U Jujou for so much.
Gav: If it's Dodge Challenger wanting the
Gav: fucking garage getting sorted, it'd be
Gav: alright.
Gav: We could put store stuff in there.
Gav: But yeah, we need a place.
Gav: We need a place where we can film.
Gav: We'll have cameras set up and shit.
Gav: It's just.
Gav: You know it's hard, yeah.
Dan: And one last thing, then, to mention is, as
Dan: we went to record a couple of hours before,
Dan: we recorded a new trailer dropped for
Dan: Ghostbusters Frozen Empire.
Dan: That looked really good.
Dan: The new movie coming out in March, which I
Dan: really loved Afterlife I know you did too,
Dan: gav, and already the fans are online going.
Dan: Oh, there's too many references to the
Dan: originals, but fuck you lot.
Dan: I don't read any things.
Dan: Yeah, I wouldn't, but it looks great.
Dan: You know by now you may have watched that
Dan: and it's a trailer, so there's no supported.
Dan: But they now show you that Walter Pack is
Dan: in it again and we knew that Janine is
Dan: going to be suited up with the Proton Pack.
Gav: Bill Marnie seems happy in his delivery of
Gav: his lines.
Gav: He seems happy to be there.
Dan: He is having a good time.
Dan: There's a great line where that big
Dan: creature comes towards him and he goes tall,
Dan: dark and horny at 12 o'clock.
Gav: Yeah, it seems a little bit of the old self.
Dan: Even when he sees Janine in the suit with
Dan: the Proton Pack, he goes Whoa, marnie, it's
Dan: in the suit and it's like you're like
Dan: Venkman again.
Dan: This is great.
Gav: I imagine when he did that first, the last
Gav: one.
Gav: I reckon they probably because it was Ivan
Gav: Reitman's son.
Gav: You know, jason, I reckon it's probably
Gav: like he probably felt, like felt, you know,
Gav: back to his original roots and stuff a
Gav: little bit.
Dan: And he's there with Dan Akroyd and Ernie
Dan: Hudson and, you know, annie Potts who plays
Dan: Janine, and I think Sigourney is going to
Dan: be in this one from right here.
Dan: I haven't seen anything yet, but I've got a
Dan: feeling.
Dan: Sigourney movies in this one a bit more
Dan: this time as well.
Gav: Isn't it really a weird thing.
Gav: It's like a cultural movement.
Gav: It's a movie called Ghostbusters.
Gav: It's like my kids know it, everyone knows
Gav: the music like a song.
Gav: It's a bit of a gods thing.
Gav: It's a bit of a weird thing.
Gav: We have these things sometimes and it will
Gav: always stay with us.
Gav: Everyone will know it.
Gav: But I imagine, like come the 90s when a
Gav: horror movie died out again before Scream
Gav: managed to bring them back again, I imagine
Gav: it must have been like Bill Brown-Morin now
Gav: and all those guys probably like well, yeah,
Gav: that's in the 80s, did Ghostbusters, but
Gav: who gives a shit about it?
Gav: And like the technology of the 90s, the
Gav: effects is just wack and they've probably
Gav: never ever thought of that becoming back to
Gav: do it years later.
Dan: Years and it looks like from the trailer
Dan: the effects look great.
Dan: Yeah, practical effect?
Gav: Obviously there's a lot of CG about it.
Gav: It kind of feels like the original, because
Gav: the original people write effects.
Dan: Really good practical effects, and some of
Dan: those practical effects might have been
Dan: then projected onto whatever, but because
Dan: it was a live puppet that they originally
Dan: filmed and then projected onto in the scene,
Dan: it felt really tactile.
Dan: When Slimer's in the trailer at the end,
Dan: that looks great.
Dan: He kind of bursts out and he's real, you
Dan: know, you can.
Dan: He touches all the objects in the room and
Dan: he slimes the kid.
Gav: I've been there with.
Gav: If I don't get to get to see it with you in
Gav: a cinema, I will be seeing it with my kids,
Gav: or both to be honest.
Dan: Yeah, it looks like a double at least two
Dan: viewings for me at the cinema.
Dan: The other thing that I really like I love
Dan: Paul Rudd and everyone loves Paul Rudd, but
Dan: I really loved.
Dan: There's just that one scene and it's stupid
Dan: really but where he says to her if there's
Dan: something strange, there's something weird,
Dan: are you gonna call?
Dan: And she looks at me and he goes look,
Dan: bustin makes me feel good, okay, and it's
Dan: just the lyrics just saying the lyrics
Dan: shouldn't work, but because it's Paul Rudd
Dan: saying it just works.
Gav: So yeah, I'm glad it's him because he's a
Gav: very likeable person.
Gav: It would be bad if it had been someone else
Gav: with Luke Warmer.
Dan: Let me tell you why I think it feels like
Dan: the original and why the original was
Dan: slightly different from Ghostbusters 2,
Dan: which we both love.
Dan: But I think the reason is Ghostbusters 1,
Dan: very first Ghostbusters movie, was actually
Dan: a bit of a gateway horror for a lot of
Dan: people and it's actually quite scary at
Dan: times, depending on what age you saw it at,
Dan: and it felt like there was some real stakes.
Dan: People could get killed off, and it was.
Dan: And it feels like in this one there's like
Dan: because there's obviously like a frozen
Dan: something or they're coming to New York
Dan: freezing and killing people are dying in it.
Dan: So it feels like something big and bad is
Dan: actually happening and I don't know it.
Dan: To me it's not just going to be a comedy
Dan: like, like that, um, ghostbusters, the, the,
Dan: the, the re, I don't know what the girl one
Dan: is called.
Dan: Really it's just 2016.
Dan: No, no, the one before that, that one, was
Dan: too much of a comedy.
Dan: I think they forgot that.
Dan: Ghostbusters actually got to be a little
Dan: bit scary and the last one had some good
Dan: scary stuff and that's.
Gav: I think that's because the person who was
Gav: hell-minute wasn't, unfortunately, because,
Gav: again, literally don't give a shit if
Gav: there's females in it.
Gav: That'd be great if it was.
Gav: If you had the right person Ivan Reitman,
Gav: sorry, jason Reitman, possibly, uh,
Gav: hell-minute it would have probably had a
Gav: different direction and probably come
Gav: across a movie like, yeah, it's not bad.
Gav: Do you know what I mean?
Gav: Um, it was just, uh, they were playing it
Gav: at a complete wrong audience and wrong tone
Gav: to it.
Dan: Um, yeah, I've not gone back and watched
Dan: that movie since we saw it in the cinema.
Dan: I probably would.
Dan: It was on Netflix for a while, but um we're
Dan: getting older.
Gav: Uh, we could die, yeah.
Dan: I'd rather watch the new one.
Gav: It's when you got like a time of spare.
Gav: That's why you spend so long trying to find
Gav: a movie, because, like, I don't want to
Gav: waste this precious time to watch a movie.
Gav: I need to watch a good movie.
Gav: And it's like do I want to go back to that
Gav: Gehle Ghostbusters one?
Gav: Nothing wrong with being Gehle Ghostbusters
Gav: one.
Gav: I'm just going that because I don't know
Gav: what it's called.
Dan: I think well, they've it seems to have been
Dan: renamed to Ghostbusters.
Dan: Answer the call um, okay, but I've seen
Dan: that a lot of times.
Dan: But, um, I really loved afterlife, so I'm
Dan: really looking forward to frozen empire and
Dan: none of you guys have watched the trailer
Dan: yet.
Dan: There's the new official and probably the
Dan: final trader, dropped today.
Dan: So go, go check that out on youtube,
Dan: wherever you watch your trailers, and it'll
Dan: get you hyped.
Dan: Doesn't really give anything away other
Dan: than water pecs in it, probably only for
Dan: that scene.
Dan: And slimer, isn't it great?
Dan: And you know, I've really liked the idea
Dan: about the the traps being on a drone.
Gav: I thought that's really clever to get more
Gav: hype with them.
Gav: Have the trap on the drone, so it goes even
Gav: higher than just the, the, the traps beam
Gav: itself.
Gav: Take the trap higher and then do it.
Gav: Excellent idea.
Gav: That's what I thought.
Gav: I love the fact that I like the hope that
Gav: that's an almost an analogy of the way that
Gav: they're making this old movie in a new way,
Gav: and it works seamlessly yeah, anyway, well,
Gav: there we go.
Dan: So that's Ghostbusters frozen empire coming
Dan: out in March.
Dan: We are very excited for that.
Dan: We don't often sort of talk about new
Dan: traders and stuff, but I did uh, uh with
Dan: Sarah.
Gav: Recently I took out on another fucking
Gav: subscription.
Gav: I've got fucking so many subscriptions
Gav: they're coming up my arse at the moment um,
Gav: what have you got now?
Gav: Um, well, I did, I did paramount with um
Gav: for my mum and that, and that's what.
Gav: I've been watching some of these other
Gav: programs, but I've also got arrow.
Gav: Oh yeah, um, because, I have the arrow.
Dan: Briefly, I had it for a few months yeah,
Dan: it's.
Gav: It's again.
Gav: It's kind of like shudder, uk shudder.
Gav: I heard us shut.
Gav: It's supposed to be loads better.
Gav: It's kind of like UK shudder.
Gav: You can kind of watch them all in probably
Gav: a few weeks and go.
Gav: That's kind of all I'm interested in um
Gav: arrow.
Gav: There's some good movies, but we've been
Gav: having a bit of a giado kick and we were
Gav: going to rent them out and it was like well,
Gav: it's 250 rent now we probably watch one and
Gav: not tomorrow night, and it's like a five
Gav: for an hour a month subscription.
Gav: Well, maybe just have a subscription and
Gav: bang out a few more.
Gav: So we've been watching a few shallows
Gav: that's been quite yeah.
Gav: Yeah, I've been seeing that some of them
Gav: you haven't seen by the looks a bit well,
Gav: it's quite a few because I said I said I
Gav: really fan still have watched them and I
Gav: was like, oh, I was like I was mad for
Gav: these a few years ago.
Gav: I was fucking well into it.
Gav: I said I even wrote a script for a short
Gav: one.
Gav: Um, yeah, really into it.
Gav: So we've been doing that.
Dan: That's been quite fun it's worth doing
Dan: these little subscriptions like that I did
Dan: that just.
Dan: I did that in um, in November I took out
Dan: two or three subscriptions because I knew
Dan: that I was going to be wanting to catch up
Dan: on loads of Christmas and Christmas horror.
Dan: Um, in fact I did it in October.
Dan: That's right, because there was a quite a
Dan: few movies I wanted to watch for October
Dan: werewolf movies and I kept those
Dan: subscriptions because a lot of them were
Dan: only were like free for a month or free for
Dan: 60 days.
Dan: I forgot to cancel a couple of them so I
Dan: ended up keeping some of them for two or
Dan: three months, but it was really good and
Dan: I've cancelled them often.
Dan: You've really you've paid.
Dan: Like you said, you've paid a five.
Gav: That's it at the end of the day.
Gav: I used to go down the video shop.
Dan: Even back in the daygoes of video shop,
Dan: you're still paying like a free quid for a
Dan: video for the night, and that's why I don't
Dan: object to renting on prime, because, um, if
Dan: something's on prime and it's two or three
Dan: quid to rent or four quid to buy, like
Dan: we've talked about before, we'll just buy
Dan: it if it's something we like, like with
Dan: flash gordon.
Dan: But for me, spending two or three quid to
Dan: rent a film and see it, good quality there
Dan: is that not have to track down a crappy
Dan: copy or I don't have it on dvd or whatever
Dan: it is or sometimes might, because some of
Dan: my dvds are put away, you know, in the
Dan: cupboard under the stairs.
Dan: I can't get to them so easily.
Dan: So it's just sometimes easier for me to
Dan: just rent for two pounds or two, three
Dan: pounds or something, and, yeah, I really
Dan: like that and it feels like I'm still
Dan: putting something back in the pot of
Dan: hollywood, you know in the in the money
Dan: makers part.
Gav: I also think of our lovely patrons who are
Gav: so kindly still patronizing us.
Gav: Don't patronize me.
Gav: Um, uh, um, you know, um that helps us be
Gav: able to rent these films oh 100.
Dan: We've said that especially for reviews.
Gav: It's always good to uh be able to rent like
Gav: good copies, so that's what we do.
Gav: Um, yeah, well, let's, should we get into
Gav: the reviews?
Gav: Yeah, I'm happy to get into this because
Gav: we're getting to this first movie.
Dan: Um so, let me get my hang on, let me get my
Dan: rock.
Dan: Uh, my head rockin.
Gav: Okay, needs more cowbell.
Gav: Okay, this time count it off like uh, like
Gav: uh, odd, odd numbers one, three, five, six,
Gav: seven, eight five, six, seven dance like a
Gav: dance group.
Gav: Yeah, it's great anyway, steed i6 6 6.
Dan: Check out this trailer oh four fighters.
Speaker 2: You've gotta get me a record.
Speaker 2: It's our 10th album.
Speaker 2: We're gonna break the mold on this one.
Speaker 2: Let's go somewhere.
Speaker 2: We've never been this place is amazing do
Speaker 2: you guys get this overwhelming sense of
Speaker 2: death?
Speaker 2: Oh, it doesn't really seem like the right
Speaker 2: fit.
Speaker 2: Whoa, it's rad.
Speaker 3: That was weird the sound of this house is
Speaker 3: the sound of album 10 all right, all right,
Speaker 3: you guys amps living room.
Dan: Let me apologize in advance for all the
Dan: rock we're about to make got a couple of
Dan: ideas I've been working on.
Gav: I'll lay them on you do the way.
Gav: It's called everlong and you wrote it about
Gav: 20 years ago how you feeling, everything
Gav: okay ever since we moved into this house,
Gav: my mind is flooded.
Speaker 2: We all have right as block.
Speaker 2: This is not just a creepy rock and roll
Speaker 2: house.
Speaker 2: It allows spiritual entities to cross into
Speaker 2: our world.
Gav: Oh, my god, dude has got one flu over the
Gav: kookies.
Speaker 2: That's crazy oh, it's this place, man.
Speaker 2: Let's finish the track.
Speaker 2: Can we just wait, dude?
Speaker 2: We found a new musical note oh, yes, I did.
Dan: It's an owl.
Dan: Any chefs in the group?
Speaker 3: I'm pretty handy on the grill yeah, you
Speaker 3: like your meat charred and dry.
Speaker 3: Ah, he does make a killer barbecue what do
Speaker 3: we do?
Gav: we go save his ass is the algal was done?
Gav: Yeah, it's killer there you did studio six
Gav: and six from 2022, rated 18 oh for the big
Gav: adults one hour 46 minutes.
Gav: Uh, legendary rock band foo fighters is it
Gav: not the foo fighters?
Gav: It would be all right, foo fighters, I
Gav: think it's just foo fighters moving to
Gav: ncineo mansion.
Gav: Uh, steeped in grisly rock and roll history
Gav: to record their much anticipated tenth
Gav: album if you got that, okay, I'm sort of
Gav: legendary rock band foo fighters moving to
Gav: ncineo mansion, steeped in grisly rock and
Gav: roll history, to record their much
Gav: anticipated tenth album.
Gav: Fairly easy, foo fighters moving to a house
Gav: to record now um random film yes, my first
Gav: watch and um so, um, what the fuck like.
Dan: What makes this film work is the weird
Dan: elements that come in together like they.
Dan: Obviously a lot of people will know this
Dan: already.
Dan: They and you know this.
Dan: They film this in secret during the
Dan: pandemic, you know.
Dan: So, out of nowhere, a film's coming out,
Dan: horror film, with the foo fighters in it as
Dan: themselves.
Dan: Um, that shouldn't work, but it works.
Dan: And then what you realize is they're all
Dan: massive fucking horror fans and they've
Dan: roped in john carpenter for cameo and to
Dan: write some of the music.
Dan: And it's really funny and really gory not
Dan: necessarily scannery, for me anyway, but
Dan: it's interesting because directed the bj
Dan: mcdonnell who.
Gav: The only other thing he's directed is
Gav: hatchet free.
Gav: Oh goodness, gracious me, I think.
Gav: Oh god if I'm wrong, I feel terrible.
Dan: I'm just going to check that out yeah, but
Dan: um, um, for me, what made it work is that
Dan: the fact that it shouldn't work, because
Dan: it's just, it's crazy really, and but I'll
Dan: have a little bit of a oh no, he made the
Dan: slayer movie.
Gav: Ah, okay, right, but but again that's not
Gav: really.
Gav: Uh, that's it really.
Gav: He's all directed hatchet free.
Gav: It's the first he directed in 2013.
Gav: Then did the hatch slayer movie, which
Gav: seris is really cool.
Gav: Again a horror movie by slayer, yeah, you
Gav: know well, my little what, what?
Dan: tangent, not the other tangent, because
Dan: it's related that I want to just mention is
Dan: horror movies and rock or metal, heavy
Dan: metal go together, hand in hand and always
Dan: have, because, you know, because they are
Dan: both punk, they're both pushing the
Dan: boundaries of what is socially acceptable.
Dan: Kids gravitate towards metal, like they
Dan: gravitate towards horror, and they even
Dan: share snakes and demons and skull motifs.
Dan: Yeah, yeah, and we've covered trick or
Dan: trick or treat, you know, and there are
Dan: dozens, if you want to go and find them, a
Dan: heavy metal, rock and roll, whatever you
Dan: want to call it, horror films, some really
Dan: good ones.
Dan: There's rock and roll, nightmare, and
Dan: there's a bunch of them out there and they
Dan: work.
Dan: They usually work very well.
Dan: Um, because, um, of that reason I've just
Dan: given, because they are the same beast, if
Dan: you pardon the pun, kids gravitate towards
Dan: them.
Dan: They're pushing the boundaries of what is
Dan: socially acceptable.
Dan: They're trying to be loud and noisy and
Dan: provocative, both the music and the type of
Dan: film.
Dan: And I think that is the glue that brings
Dan: this together the fact that Dave Grohl and
Dan: his buddies genuinely obviously have some
Dan: kind of knowledge and love of horror films,
Dan: and I didn't know any of that, which is
Dan: completely surprising because I love the
Dan: food files but I don't really know an awful
Dan: lot about about them individually.
Dan: So this just completely like.
Dan: When you said you wanted to watch it up for
Dan: this episode, I was like great, because
Dan: I've never seen it.
Dan: Wow, it was just brilliant and funny, funny,
Dan: really funny as well it's very well handled.
Gav: Um, yeah, one thing of metal and horror,
Gav: it's the same with, uh, skateboarders, uh,
Gav: hip hop, um, but metal and horror, it's the
Gav: fans.
Gav: It's um, uh, being into something which
Gav: isn't the norm.
Gav: Uh, metal isn't the norm.
Gav: Uh, horror movies aren't the norm.
Gav: Skateboarding is not the norm.
Gav: Hip hop's not the norm, um, and when I say
Gav: hip hop, I mean, like, the graffiti side of
Gav: it.
Gav: They're all the other elements as well.
Gav: It's not the norm and it's it's those fans
Gav: who know that they are, as we all are,
Gav: horror fans, and that's why we're here
Gav: listening, it's why we're all you're
Gav: listening, we're all like a little
Gav: community and we all love each other.
Gav: It's because, um, we're outsiders, uh,
Gav: looking in, um, but we're looking in for a
Gav: broken, dirty window and we like it.
Dan: Well and let's be honest, we all got into,
Dan: whether it's metal or skateboarding or
Dan: horror.
Dan: We got into that usually at an age probably
Dan: too young and because we knew we shouldn't,
Dan: but also because we knew it pissed off our
Dan: parents and then you end up falling in love
Dan: with that genre I know what you mean.
Dan: I didn't but I thought, yeah, I, my parents
Dan: would have been a bit across if they'd have
Dan: known I'd watched some, some of the horror
Dan: movies I watched at a very young age and I
Dan: used to hide my rap tapes from them because,
Dan: you know, I didn't want them hearing all
Dan: the stuff that was being said on the nwa
Dan: album, etc.
Dan: Etc.
Dan: So but but.
Dan: So there was like an element of I'm doing
Dan: this to to push back at my parents, but
Dan: then you end up falling in love with the
Dan: thing that it is that you're, you know what
Dan: I mean and that's why they go so well
Dan: together and that's definitely the glue
Dan: that holds this together.
Gav: I have blast watching this.
Gav: Oh yeah, this is really good.
Gav: I'm glad I was tied in my room months, many
Gav: moons ago and I was playing the doors, so
Gav: it's not hip-hop you're saying, about
Gav: hiding words.
Gav: My mum would hit Jim Morrison and say show
Gav: me the way to the next little girl.
Gav: Oh, don't ask me, why is one of his songs.
Gav: My mum's like what, what's he saying?
Dan: Yeah, I used to get really told off by my
Dan: mum because she wants her the Wu-Tang Clan
Dan: playing.
Dan: When I think I was a bit about 14 or 15
Dan: when I bought that, I was playing it really,
Dan: really loud and that was, I think.
Dan: The first song in the album is called Bring
Dan: the Motherfucking Ruckus, and the RZA
Dan: repeats bring the motherfucking ruckus,
Dan: bring the motherfucking ruckus.
Dan: About 20 times before they start dropping
Dan: N-bombs and F-bombs all the way through it
Dan: and I was like a 14-year-old down, like
Dan: yeah, this is what it's like.
Dan: My mum later on said to me what was that
Dan: nonsense you were listening to.
Gav: Do you know what the equivalent is for me
Gav: now?
Gav: I know, sorry guys, we'll get back to you
Gav: in six or six a bit.
Gav: The equivalent for me now is when I walk
Gav: into Daisy's room and I'm knocking it and
Gav: she's listening to a song which is like my
Gav: big ass gonna get me some dick and blah,
Gav: blah, blah, blah, blah.
Gav: And I was like what the fuck is this shit?
Gav: And I got the hell and I'm just like.
Gav: I just look at her and she laughs and I
Gav: just turn around and walk out or whatever.
Gav: I'm not gonna try and hide someone from the
Gav: internet, not gonna happen.
Gav: Fucking all right, as long as you're safe
Gav: and happy and you find it funny.
Gav: I just look at her and I just go wow and
Gav: just turn around and walk out because I'm
Gav: like favourite.
Dan: You know, nothing really shocks me.
Dan: But what shocks me is these songs seem to
Dan: be aimed at younger and younger people Like
Dan: that.
Speaker 4: WAP song, that wet ass pussy song.
Speaker 4: It's like, wow, fucking hell man.
Dan: I was listening to little Kim back in the
Dan: day when she was rapping about her pussy.
Gav: Yeah, it's weird though, isn't it?
Dan: Fucking hell, it's in the charts.
Dan: Now Imagine going up to somebody saying,
Dan: have you heard that WAP song?
Dan: And they're like, oh, yes, it's okay.
Dan: Do you know what WAP stands for?
Dan: And telling an older person what it stands
Dan: for, and they'd be like what.
Gav: It's a very well lubricated vagina.
Gav: Very well you need a bucket and a mop,
Gav: apparently Like an extremely well.
Dan: Who lyrics are you gonna bring a bucket and
Dan: a mop?
Dan: Would that be the British version of the
Dan: song?
Gav: Extremely well lubricated vagina E W L V.
Dan: No, it would probably be sopping minge.
Dan: Oh, jesus Christ.
Dan: Well, I'm really sorry, we've already gone
Dan: the wrong way.
Gav: I've never said that I've said those words
Gav: in that way before either.
Gav: So first of all, it's my birthday, studio
Gav: 666.
Gav: Well, what it came down to is Dave Grohl
Gav: was basically had a phone call from a buddy
Gav: of his and it just came out of a meeting
Gav: and then in the meeting they said we'd love
Gav: to make it understand like Jeff who's in
Gav: Kobe Fuse has him who's their manager, I'd
Gav: love to make a movie, a horror movie, with
Gav: the full fighters.
Gav: And he, dave Grohl, said that's the most
Gav: ridiculous idea I've ever heard and ignored
Gav: the fact and forgot about it.
Gav: When he was coming to record his 10th album,
Gav: the three-fifth, his 10th album, he was
Gav: trying to find a house and all of a sudden
Gav: it's just like oh, this house is horrible.
Gav: And all these things started clicking.
Gav: Now I've discovered Dave Grohl is a bit
Gav: like me.
Gav: He's like holidays.
Gav: I don't do holidays, I can't do holidays.
Gav: It drives me insane.
Gav: I need to be making stuff.
Gav: So him in lockdown, I imagine.
Gav: Like me, I made a little miniature house.
Gav: I didn't make a whole album movie with
Gav: everyone else, but they went and pulled
Gav: this off and it's a perfect time, I guess,
Gav: because he's like I want to be working, I
Gav: can't be working.
Gav: So they went and made this film.
Gav: It's just out of nowhere.
Gav: He started to come up with the ideas just
Gav: from, like I said, recording their 10th
Gav: album.
Gav: So the stories about the 10th album you
Gav: write what you know.
Gav: That's the best way of doing films.
Gav: You know I'm not a fan of the FooFox myself.
Gav: Not really into a couple of songs.
Gav: Ok, I find it a bit poppy for my liking.
Gav: Not so much when it first came around.
Gav: I was like fuck that, I'm a Nirvana fan.
Gav: The drama can't fucking go and do that and
Gav: I ignored it and I was well into my hair
Gav: pop and I couldn't do it.
Gav: And then I was like FooFox stupid name
Gav: PooFo-ers and I just ignored it, to be
Gav: honest with you, and they've got a couple
Gav: of good riffs, Like Dave Grohl's are an
Gav: extraordinarily good musician, yeah he's an
Gav: annoyingly talented man.
Gav: And a genuine human being.
Dan: I was going to say he's very nice,
Dan: charismatic the rest of the band from this
Dan: movie seem like nice human beings.
Gav: Rest in peace, Taylor Hawkins.
Dan: He can actually act.
Dan: He can play the drums, obviously he can
Dan: play the guitar and yeah, it's a bit
Dan: annoying.
Gav: And then my wife.
Gav: My wife I don't know if Sarah does.
Gav: I don't have to ask if she's into him or
Gav: not.
Dan: I think she fancies what he stands for,
Dan: which is he's just fucking talented.
Gav: Yeah, I like Dave Grohl.
Gav: I can imagine I could get along with it.
Gav: I did.
Gav: I shit a shit of him.
Dan: And he's friends with Rick Astley, so you
Dan: can't really say much more than you are,
Dan: can?
Gav: you?
Gav: Yeah, I saw Rick Astley singing a song with
Gav: them, yeah never going to give you up.
Gav: Strange.
Gav: Anyway, this movie is extremely well
Gav: produced.
Gav: Yeah it's made with horror loving eyes.
Gav: It is produced with horror fans.
Gav: It's yeah in mind.
Dan: It's littered with Easter eggs and
Dan: references.
Gav: John Carpeter plays a role in it.
Gav: Anyone else got any movies?
Gav: Can you, anyone else got their hands up to
Gav: show me what movie John Carpeter's acting
Gav: in like recently, or if he ever has?
Gav: He did the Doctor in the stories.
Gav: You know the one with the petrol station,
Gav: and there wasn't any.
Dan: Oh, in cigarette burns.
Gav: No, no, no, no, no, we covered it at body
Gav: bags.
Dan: Oh, body bags, yes, yes, Wasn't he the
Dan: Doctor?
Gav: I was thinking it in between.
Dan: He was somewhere in that.
Gav: I don't think of John Carpeter as an actor
Gav: In this.
Dan: But he doesn't come out of his cupboard
Dan: very often, do you see?
Gav: No, he's playing computer games and getting
Gav: stoned sitting on roses.
Gav: He comes across great as perfectly cast and
Gav: I'm going Dave Goldberg going.
Gav: Maybe you could get John Carpeter to do it
Gav: as a music producer and I love that he's
Gav: the main music producer with an engineer.
Dan: Yeah, well, they're both engineers.
Dan: The guy next to him.
Gav: He's a producer.
Dan: They've cast a guy with one eye next to him
Dan: who's got like a patch on his eye.
Gav: Did they?
Gav: Cast him because he's a f***ing
Gav: sneak-blisskin looking guy that's very true,
Gav: that guy, if you look at his eye in DB,
Gav: he's got like yeah, there's a reason.
Dan: Yeah, okay, he has got that he has got like
Dan: a problem with his eye, but he also has a
Dan: sneak-blisskin mullet.
Gav: Jason Trost, he actually does have that.
Dan: I think he's got one eye, but it's f***ing
Dan: great that they cast him next to a guy who
Dan: looked a bit like a sneak-blisskin as well,
Dan: just to really add to the fan boner.
Gav: I do like it with movies, with people who
Gav: get acting roles for their certain things,
Gav: while it's aren't normal.
Gav: Like I've got one eye.
Gav: He don't say that very often Good for them.
Gav: Yeah, really good film, so should we get
Gav: into it.
Dan: Yeah, let's get into it.
Dan: So it's got a great cast.
Gav: Yeah, when I say well-produced, I'm going
Gav: to score.
Gav: It's really good.
Gav: This is Dave Gold again.
Gav: I understand he must be ADHD as well.
Gav: I understand his mind and like have to make,
Gav: make, make.
Gav: You can listen to Dream Window on Spotify.
Gav: Do you know what Dream Window is?
Gav: No.
Gav: Dream Window is the band.
Dan: Oh, Dream Widow.
Gav: Yeah, so no Dream Widow.
Gav: Sorry, I thought it was Window.
Dan: No Widow.
Dan: Are you shh the band that dies at the
Dan: beginning of this movie?
Gav: Oh, ok, all right.
Gav: Anyway, he went and made that whole album.
Dan: Yeah, that's right.
Gav: And it's on Spotify and you can listen to
Gav: it.
Gav: So he is like oh, there's a fake band in
Gav: there.
Gav: Ok, they made his songs.
Gav: They made that song, which is a really cool
Gav: song, that I was just going to make nine
Gav: other songs of this fake album and the
Gav: album's pretty decent and I've listened to
Gav: it quite a few times.
Gav: It's actually pretty good.
Gav: It's a good riff to it.
Dan: Before we do get into it, one last thing I
Dan: will say is this this movie would pair well
Dan: with I'd never remember the name of that
Dan: Rob Zombie movie.
Dan: How's that?
Dan: No, no, no, no, no.
Dan: The one where they get the vinyl records
Dan: and they.
Gav: Say that, lord's of Salem.
Dan: Lord's of Salem, because they're both about
Dan: sort of music having control in a demonic
Dan: way over people and this feels like the
Dan: more lighter comedy version of that, but
Dan: still quite heavy at times and very violent.
Gav: Yeah, it's great, great goal.
Dan: So I think it would pair well with that.
Dan: That is one thing I would say.
Gav: Another thing back in the sort of mid-80s
Gav: there was a thing with like blood tracks.
Gav: There's one that froze to mind straight
Gav: away.
Gav: There's a lot of heavy metal movies where
Gav: horror movies, where it's heavy metal bands
Gav: in the horror movies going out to make
Gav: their music video in the middle of the snow.
Gav: That's the basic premise of blood tracks.
Dan: Yeah, that's right.
Gav: And they get like an evil dead type.
Gav: Not even the fucking the Hillbillies Hills
Gav: have always type kill you.
Gav: But there's this, not a gluttony, but
Gav: there's a lot of heavy metal bands and
Gav: horror movies as a thing and this movie
Gav: feels like an 80s movie.
Gav: I love the single-eye location, I love all
Gav: the characters in it and, yeah, it feels
Gav: like an 80s film all the way through, very
Gav: much Almost like an Italian film, almost
Gav: with the setting of the location of the
Gav: villa, but not, I don't know.
Gav: I feel very homely with this film.
Gav: If it was on DVD I'd probably have it in my
Gav: studio.
Gav: I don't know if it is.
Dan: I'll go back and watch this 100%.
Dan: So yeah, let's get things off.
Dan: So we start back in 1993 at the mansion the
Dan: Encina Mansion and we see little snippets
Dan: of weird stuff going on, a take-to-take
Dan: reel.
Dan: We hear a woman screaming and crying and we
Dan: see her crawling along the ground with a
Dan: bone sticking out of her leg.
Dan: She's in a bad way.
Gav: And the hammer starts up.
Gav: We don't know what's going on.
Gav: It's sort of looking at stuff.
Gav: It slowly pans along the floor to a woman
Gav: who is also on the floor being dragged off.
Dan: Yeah, and then a man with a hammer steps in
Dan: and Takes her out.
Dan: Well, he doesn't just take her out, he
Dan: beats her head probably about seven or
Dan: eight times with this hammer.
Dan: So straight away you're like oh, we're
Dan: starting off with some head trauma.
Gav: Mate, if you didn't really know what's
Gav: going on here, you'd think no, is this a
Gav: slasher?
Dan: Yeah, well, it looks like.
Dan: It looks like that it's more than demonic
Dan: yeah Story of the day.
Gav: We've got also nothing John Carter did in
Gav: this.
Gav: He scored the year that he did the music
Gav: for the opening.
Dan: Yeah, and he co-wrote most of the songs,
Dan: didn't he?
Gav: Yeah, that mixed with the Foo Fighters fake
Gav: band playing in it, it's fucking.
Gav: It's really good, really good soundtrack.
Dan: Do you find out during the credits?
Dan: Do you know those credits?
Gav: Yeah, I do Quite large.
Gav: That music is just kind of maybe going like
Gav: yeah, I mean good hands here.
Dan: And it's revealed that this band called
Dan: Dream Widow have been slaughtered in this
Dan: mansion.
Dan: And this is another thing.
Dan: With rock and roll and heavy metal, there's
Dan: always these stories about terrible things
Dan: or curses or people that you know, ozzy
Dan: Osbourne, biting the head off of a bat.
Dan: There's always these demonic things that
Dan: have actually so that would have been like.
Dan: You know you can imagine a band slaughtered,
Dan: you know in the 90s or the 80s or something,
Dan: and everyone like, oh, that's why that
Dan: album's the best album ever, because it's
Dan: the last one they made you know.
Dan: So do you know what I mean?
Dan: It's the kind of thing that would really
Dan: happen, but yeah, so there we go.
Dan: Then we cut to the present day and we've
Dan: got Jeff Garland from Kirby Enthusiasm.
Dan: It's fucking great in this.
Dan: I always love him in everything he's.
Gav: I love Kirby Enthusiasm, dave Grohl said
Gav: after he'd acted with me.
Gav: He said it felt like you had just done some
Gav: scenes in Kirby Enthusiasm.
Gav: It's just weird.
Dan: And he's got the band in a room, the Pooh
Dan: Fighters, and they're discussing.
Dan: You know they're actually discussing movies.
Dan: They're saying which is better June, the
Dan: original June movie with Sting, or
Dan: Waterworld with Kevin Costner?
Dan: And they're talking about those movies for
Dan: some reason.
Dan: I fucking love it.
Dan: It feels real.
Dan: It feels like the sort of conversations you
Dan: have.
Dan: You know you've got Dave Grohl going.
Dan: Did you not see that?
Dan: They've got gills behind their ears?
Dan: That's the whole thing, man.
Gav: And then obviously, yeah, they're having a
Gav: lot of Jeff Garland and their manager.
Gav: What's his name?
Gav: It's Jeremy.
Gav: Oh, that's just called Jeff, and he's just
Gav: standing there going looking at him going
Gav: you know, what Sting does have or who's it,
Gav: because they talk about something.
Gav: He has an album.
Gav: It's not what I have.
Dan: Yeah, he's saying to them I want this 10th
Dan: album.
Dan: You know where is it?
Gav: Where the fuck is this album?
Dan: And he goes.
Dan: Dave Grohl is like it's up here, man, it's
Dan: in my head, it's in his head, it's in his
Dan: head, it's in there, man.
Gav: And he says, don't worry.
Gav: He says did you just tell me not to?
Dan: worry.
Gav: He's like yeah, yeah, and they're basically,
Gav: they're blatantly just getting like really
Gav: fucking told off, and it's quite funny.
Dan: And the reason for this is this is their
Dan: 10th album.
Dan: This is a big one for them.
Dan: They want to do something different, which
Dan: makes sense, but they said to it.
Dan: They say to him look, the thing is, jeff,
Dan: we've recorded it.
Dan: All the good studios, they want the new
Dan: sounds.
Dan: The big studio, the slay.
Dan: We've done them all.
Dan: We want a new song, we want somewhere that
Dan: will really bring out a new something in us.
Gav: We want a song which will make you blow
Gav: your dick into your own mouth.
Dan: Taylor Hawkins.
Dan: Taylor Hawkins wrestling piece.
Dan: What a funny guy.
Dan: He never learned the script.
Dan: He basically knew the script, but he didn't
Dan: learn his lines, so he just ad-libbed
Dan: pretty much everything whenever he's on the
Dan: scene.
Gav: Well, jeff, obviously being used to Kirby
Gav: Infuse, has him when it goes with it and
Gav: he's just like what, bro?
Gav: Your own dick into your mouth.
Gav: That's what you're telling me.
Dan: And then he's like what is that a good
Dan: thing, or is?
Gav: like what do you?
Dan: mean back in.
Dan: Has it been there before they really go
Dan: down this tongue?
Gav: When you say back into his mouth, it says
Gav: been there before.
Dan: And these little tangents, it's just what
Dan: make this film really.
Dan: And he says to them in quite a sinister way
Dan: and we find out why ah, I've got the
Dan: perfect place for you guys.
Dan: He calls his secretary, barb, and he says
Dan: Barb, I'm here with the boys, the food
Dan: fighters, and they're looking for someone
Dan: new to record Anything springs of mind.
Dan: And she's like yes, I think I've got the
Dan: perfect place.
Dan: And you're like well, that's a bit weird.
Dan: Cut to Cut to the mansion.
Dan: Arriving at the mansion in the van.
Gav: Oh, just before that, when you're back in
Gav: the meet, cut back to just at the meeting,
Gav: the end of it.
Gav: That's a really weird Pearl Jam reference.
Gav: Now I had to think about this and go into
Gav: this and I thought about it.
Gav: You know, I spent seconds of my life
Gav: thinking about it in my head.
Gav: Is it something they used to say when he
Gav: does it, when they decide that they go,
Gav: jeremy has spoken?
Gav: And I was like, right, is this something
Gav: they used to do in Nirvana, just to take
Gav: the kind of piss out of Pearl Jam a bit
Gav: when they had a grievance, like they'd say,
Gav: jeremy's spoken.
Dan: I don't know.
Dan: They do that, pearl Jam, high ten, don't
Dan: they?
Dan: So they all put their hands up in the air,
Dan: and that's because the front cover of Pearl
Dan: Jam's first album, which is called Ten, is
Dan: all of them put their hands together.
Dan: So it must be a loving reference then to
Dan: them.
Gav: But I'm sure Jeremy was about a kid that
Gav: doesn't even commit to sort of blow people
Gav: away at school or some shit.
Gav: The story from the Pearl.
Dan: Jam song.
Gav: So it's a bit of a weird one to say
Gav: Jeremy's spoken.
Gav: Anyway, just thought of throwing that in
Gav: there because I used to be a grunger when I
Gav: was 16 at school.
Gav: You know, showing me age.
Dan: Well, we arrived at the mansion in Barb who
Dan: is Jeff Garland's secretary.
Dan: She's kind of there.
Dan: She will come back to check up on them and
Dan: make sure they're delivering on this album.
Dan: She shows them around the mansion, Dave
Dan: Grohl immediately being the lead singer of
Dan: the band.
Dan: You know the front man.
Dan: He starts picking up on what he calls he's
Dan: got a weird energy man and he's feeling
Dan: these weird vibes.
Dan: He even starts hearing like funny noises
Dan: that the others don't hear.
Dan: Initially, and this mansion is.
Dan: It's like it's been waiting and it's a
Dan: great premise for our film.
Dan: It's like this mansion has been waiting for
Dan: the right creative mind to channel its evil
Dan: intent into.
Gav: Any movies being made in lockdown secretly.
Gav: You got to do isolation, you got to do one
Gav: places and for me, love that shit.
Gav: Yeah, yeah, Dave, Dave.
Gav: Dave starts clapping and goes hear that man,
Gav: he had the acoustics and he's clapping away,
Gav: which is also absolute shit, by the way.
Gav: And this is actually Dave in the interview
Gav: saying I was doing that because any
Gav: producer or engineer, or whether they go
Gav: into a room, they start clapping.
Gav: It's a load of fucking shit.
Gav: It makes no difference.
Gav: He was actually slightly disagreeing.
Gav: There's the amount of reverberation.
Gav: They just listen and see how long the
Gav: reverb goes.
Gav: So not to argue, Dave Grohl, he knows
Gav: better than me.
Gav: I'm sure he gets paid.
Dan: They are playing slightly cartoonish
Dan: versions of himself as well.
Dan: They're all being slightly more deaver-ish
Dan: than they would normally be, and just
Dan: before that is what Barb does reveal to
Dan: them.
Dan: There's something we should probably tell
Dan: you about this mansion.
Dan: Have you heard of a band called Dream Widow?
Dan: They all died in this mansion, blah, blah,
Dan: blah, and they're all like, well cool, then
Dan: we definitely have to make it.
Dan: That's cool when she's saying that we do
Dan: get some flashbacks to more death.
Dan: That happened in the mansion as well.
Dan: So we definitely know that something shit,
Dan: some weird shit went down in this mansion.
Dan: But they decide let's move in.
Dan: Let's set up and move in.
Gav: I do like it.
Gav: I do like the move-in montage with Krug.
Dan: Yeah, Krug is played by Slayer's lead
Dan: guitarist.
Gav: Okay, and that's Chief Rody.
Dan: And he's telling everyone where to go.
Dan: Dave Grohl's like.
Dan: Can you move my drum parts slightly to the
Dan: left?
Gav: He's doing his drum tech for him.
Gav: So he's sitting there and he's just got a
Gav: snare and it's just bang Every once in a
Gav: while.
Gav: Just hit the snare, no, no, no, no.
Gav: Just move it a little bit more.
Gav: And every time it happens, krug's just shut
Gav: his eyes.
Gav: I was like oh my God, I'm feels, and you
Gav: feel, his pain, the snare guy cutting right
Gav: through each time.
Dan: And he says in the end, he says yeah,
Dan: whatever, Dave, and he says this is that's
Dan: amazing.
Gav: We hear whatever Dave.
Dan: And then Dave Grohl does a drum solo, which
Dan: is fucking awesome, and that's great Well
Dan: he just starts playing drums and it's a
Dan: really nice little break out.
Gav: So I was like, oh, like that.
Dan: So they sit down I think they're having a
Dan: barbecue or a beer and they say, right,
Dan: here's what we do, guys, we're going to
Dan: move into record for two weeks, maybe four,
Dan: so maybe a month tops.
Dan: And they're all like, oh, come on.
Dan: And then one of them says you tell my wife.
Dan: He says, all right, I'll tell your wife if
Dan: you tell my wife.
Dan: And then one of the other guys is like,
Dan: well, who's going to tell my kids?
Dan: So they're all older men, now married with
Dan: children.
Gav: Apart from one of them.
Gav: So who's going to tell my grand?
Gav: And then one of the other guy goes remember
Gav: the Hanukkah party with grandma?
Dan: He says I'll tell her she likes me and this
Dan: is how well this film is made, though.
Gav: when that happens, it's like these real
Gav: close-ups on their faces and the
Gav: overreaction.
Gav: Like the dude I don't know what his name is.
Gav: He hasn't got a picture on the IMDB, so I
Gav: don't know which one it is.
Gav: It's the one of the heart shaped chest.
Dan: Rami yeah.
Gav: Rami, okay, and his shades and stuff, and
Gav: he's all like, hey, I'm all sexy.
Dan: He's the sex machine of the band, yeah.
Gav: It's quite funny.
Gav: But he's just like, don't say that.
Gav: And it's all these close-ups.
Gav: And then you hear, just like a fake party
Gav: sex scene.
Gav: You hear it's like, oh yeah, you like that
Gav: grandma, like what had happened before, and
Gav: they're both looking at it and he's going,
Gav: yeah, yeah, and the camera's going closer
Gav: and cut them back and forth, back and forth,
Gav: going closer and closer into their faces.
Gav: All of these little bits of the movie,
Gav: layers of this movie, make this movie so
Gav: great.
Dan: Yeah, because these characters are real
Dan: people you know to an extent anyway.
Dan: So just hearing all this really adds to the
Dan: fact that there's already a chemistry
Dan: between them.
Gav: It's a really good shoot.
Gav: I appreciate it.
Gav: I don't know what audiences thought and I
Gav: don't think they gave a fuck.
Gav: I think it was like let's make a movie
Gav: because I'm bored, we've got nothing to do
Gav: in fucking lockdown.
Gav: So I don't know who they made this film for.
Gav: Is it RH?
Gav: I don't know, I'm not sure.
Dan: I guess so, I guess so.
Gav: Especially with all the references.
Gav: Yeah.
Dan: So Dave starts noticing again more of this
Dan: weird vibe, and we get a lot of the what
Dan: they call the Dutch camera angles Dutch
Dan: angle yeah.
Dan: I was going to say Dutch oven then, but
Dan: it's not Dutch ovens.
Gav: That's farting under the mattress and
Gav: putting you up a half on there.
Dan: Not under the mattress.
Dan: Fuck you now.
Dan: Under the tube, but that is obviously very
Dan: reminiscent of the Sam Raimi and Evil Dead.
Dan: So we're getting like a bit of a vibe and
Dan: there is a huge Evil in the third act.
Dan: We've got a huge Evil Dead, you know set of
Dan: references.
Dan: Oh yeah, I mean it's essentially this could
Dan: be a spin-off of Evil Dead Random Evil Dead
Dan: movie.
Gav: yeah.
Dan: And then he's having his coffee or whatever
Dan: and he sees a Cropsy style gardener with
Dan: the shears in the garden and he says, oh
Dan: hey, you stop that because he's sort of
Dan: making watching, watching.
Dan: And they thought they were going to have a
Dan: bit of isolation and privacy.
Dan: So he runs outside to tell this guy off.
Gav: This is almost like going into sort of
Gav: territory of pieces with a gardener.
Dan: Yeah, oh it is.
Dan: Isn't it that fucking gardener in pieces,
Dan: jesus Christ?
Gav: I say, that's on arrows.
Gav: I might have to watch an HD copy of pieces.
Gav: I want to do that at some point.
Dan: Of course for George.
Dan: Yeah, yeah, it's a great movie.
Dan: He goes out to tell off this gardener and
Dan: the gardener banishes.
Gav: There's no one there, he goes around the
Gav: hedge.
Gav: No one there?
Gav: Oh OK, Then the crew comes in to check out
Gav: the Warren who's under the desk.
Dan: Chris death scene he looks under the desk.
Gav: I don't know if this shit goes up to just
Gav: before he does that, we see like the wires
Gav: do some rewiring themselves by magic.
Dan: Like a black ghostly hand.
Gav: Like sort of cloud, yeah, Moves him around.
Gav: And he gets fried.
Dan: Yeah, and I didn't expect this.
Dan: He gets fucking fried man and it's such
Dan: good effects on him Because it's all
Dan: practical.
Gav: I love the fact that obviously they should
Gav: leave.
Gav: That should be over.
Gav: But Dave's like he hasn't been hooked yet
Gav: by what he's.
Gav: You know the record.
Gav: He hasn't had a, whatever reason.
Gav: He feels a bit like I or the house is
Gav: already got getting into him.
Dan: Yeah, and so he they go he decides Don't
Dan: touch him.
Dan: He's still probably going yeah.
Dan: And then he's like he's dead.
Dan: He's like right, that's it, we're all going
Dan: home.
Gav: And Dave's like whoa, whoa guys, it's like
Gav: on a patio.
Gav: He's been taken away by the body and
Gav: they're like well, Krug would live.
Gav: A Krug love this place and Krug didn't love
Gav: this place at all.
Dan: But he says we got to do it for Krug.
Gav: That's why Taylor goes.
Gav: I suppose I could record a couple of drum
Gav: riffs, because they're like we can dedicate
Gav: them to him.
Gav: I'm like, OK, well, that's fair enough.
Gav: Ok, we can record some drum licks here, you
Gav: know, and thinking like he set the drums up,
Gav: so fair enough, I guess.
Dan: So they have a barbecue, one of many
Dan: barbecue.
Dan: So they tend to do in between recordings.
Gav: Looking around the house he does say he's a
Gav: really good barbeque.
Gav: And one of the guys says you can't cook for
Gav: shit.
Gav: And the other guy looks and says fuck you.
Gav: And it's just like the humor in this.
Dan: And while he's barbecuing, he turns around
Dan: and he sees Krug's head in the barbecue.
Gav: Yeah, kind of giving him a warning.
Dan: And he sort of falls back a little bit and
Dan: then he hears a noise and he says is that
Dan: God knows?
Gav: So he goes and look.
Dan: But then he says maybe it's that.
Dan: He says maybe it's the fucking press or
Dan: someone's found out where we are, and so he
Dan: runs off.
Dan: I love the fact that the rest of the band
Dan: stay up on the balcony and just let him go
Dan: off to investigate whatever is, and they're
Dan: all just like none of them.
Dan: They're so lazy they're just watching him
Dan: do all the work.
Dan: So he goes off and he meets their neighbor,
Dan: Samantha, who lives in the mansion next
Dan: door.
Dan: Yeah, she's a bit of a milf, isn't she?
Dan: She's a bit of a milf indeed, and she's
Dan: like, oh my God, I love you guys.
Dan: And she just starts singing food fighter
Dan: songs.
Gav: And well, I'm screaming them.
Gav: They all just look like oh my God.
Dan: And it's quite comical because just every
Dan: time you think she stopped, she then does
Dan: the next couple of lines.
Gav: Real bad.
Dan: She's a comedian, but then she stops and
Dan: she stops the rest of the band go yeah, at
Dan: this point Rami's like fuck yeah, I'm
Dan: getting me some middle faction.
Gav: So he runs down and so he goes.
Gav: Hey, sorry, I'm sorry.
Gav: I'm just going to let you know.
Gav: I don't want to make a apologize for all
Gav: the rock we're about to make.
Dan: She's like, oh, it's all right, they flirt
Dan: really bad.
Gav: It's obvious.
Dan: It's obvious they're banging.
Dan: She's banging at her at some point and she
Dan: admits later on she was a groupie.
Dan: So you know, it's fine, it's all good.
Gav: So just as they go, dave sort of says, oh,
Gav: by the way, is there like a gardener here
Gav: or anything?
Gav: And she's just like no, dave, the house has
Gav: been empty for years and slowly bobs down
Gav: behind the fence.
Gav: That's hilarious when she slowly and that's
Gav: the tone of this film.
Dan: That reminds me there's a joke in the
Dan: wedding scene with Adam Sander where the
Dan: guy says he's losing his mind and Rami
Dan: being all the benefits, and then he slowly
Dan: pulls the curtain across like a Vincent
Dan: Price move.
Dan: Shouldn't work in an Adam Sander comedy,
Dan: but it just.
Dan: And that's the same as this.
Dan: Why does she slowly float back down behind
Dan: the fence?
Dan: It doesn't matter, it's fucking hilarious.
Gav: This is kind of like that blood bath at the
Gav: house of death in tone.
Gav: You know what I mean.
Dan: Yeah, yeah.
Gav: Anyway, dave has, though.
Gav: What's to do this album?
Gav: What's the problem?
Gav: Rodgers block?
Dan: He's got he's.
Dan: He's feeling a little bit like he can't get
Dan: it up, as it were.
Gav: But in the musical world, I love the fact
Gav: he just goes and has like a dream where
Gav: he's sitting there playing Lionel Richie's
Gav: Hello, is it me you're looking for?
Gav: And then Lionel Richie walks in the room
Gav: and says that's my son.
Dan: He says listen, motherfucker, that's my
Dan: mother fucking song.
Dan: No one plays that fucking song with me.
Dan: I fucking love that song.
Dan: Apparently, when he came on set his lines
Dan: didn't include any swearing.
Dan: Lionel Richie was like I feel like I should
Dan: just swear loads, because no one really
Dan: sees me swear.
Dan: Because obviously Lionel Richie's a smooth,
Dan: nice guy.
Gav: No.
Gav: So when he does it like you say, he says
Gav: hey, dave, I know we all sometimes have
Gav: writers block stuff, but that's my son,
Gav: that's my fucking son.
Gav: I fucking love that son.
Gav: This is the way he goes into it my son.
Dan: They've got.
Dan: Not only have they got John Carpenter in
Dan: this, they've also got Lionel Richie
Dan: swearing in this Wow.
Gav: Lionel Richie's a strange one because at
Gav: one point he did a duet with Rob Zombie and
Gav: it was a brick and it was a brick house.
Gav: Yeah, the fuck, he did a brick house, rob
Gav: Zombie.
Gav: If you watch House of House of Corps, it's
Gav: a little bit where they play brick house,
Gav: when in the basement which Rob filmed in
Gav: his own basement of his wife and Cig Haig
Gav: doing some stuff and that song plays.
Gav: But they actually did a duet together,
Gav: brilliant.
Dan: I think my favorite bit of that scene,
Dan: though, is so Lionel Richie's a good lad.
Gav: That's what I'm saying.
Dan: I think my favorite bit of this scene,
Dan: though, is not all the F-bombs or anything
Dan: like that.
Dan: It's when Dave Grohl sort of Lionel
Dan: Richie's walking out of the room and Dave
Dan: Grohl says okay, sorry, and he just looks
Dan: over his shoulder at Dave and says nerd,
Dan: lionel Richie's calling you a nerd, get
Dan: your own nerd.
Dan: So yeah, he's struggling.
Dan: And then he, at night time, crooks demon
Dan: Body just flows down.
Gav: It's so good, I know.
Dan: It looks really good, the red glowing eyes.
Dan: You know it's simple, it's not trying to be
Dan: too elaborate and it's just keeping it nice
Dan: and straightforward.
Dan: And he says to Dave, they are watching you
Dan: and you're like who, what the fuck?
Dan: Who's watching him?
Dan: Really creepy, glowing eyes.
Dan: And then when you think that's over, it's
Dan: kind of an American werewolf double
Dan: nightmare, because suddenly he kind of
Dan: wakes up and then all these other demons
Dan: come in and surround him and start clawing
Dan: at him.
Dan: Then they disembowel him, rip all his guts
Dan: out.
Gav: It's a very American werewolf and London
Gav: type sort of thing going on.
Dan: Exactly the double nightmare.
Dan: And yeah, they disembowel him, he wakes up
Dan: and he orders takeaway from this poor
Dan: takeaway guy.
Gav: Have you seen the movie Stray's?
Dan: With the dogs.
Dan: Yes, a long time ago.
Gav: Very, very funny, but that's the guy in it
Gav: who's the main reason.
Gav: The dog wants to go back and bite his dick
Gav: off.
Gav: That's the delivery guy.
Dan: He's brilliant because, obviously, as you
Dan: would, the door opens and it's Dave Groll
Dan: he's like oh, my God you're Dave Groll.
Dan: He's like, yeah, did you get my food?
Dan: And he's like, yeah, I've got a demo.
Dan: I'm in a band.
Gav: But what he says though you're my favorite
Gav: second band after Coldplay.
Gav: Oh, what the hell.
Gav: And what is the demo of yours going to be
Gav: like if Coldplay's your favorite band in
Gav: three fires?
Dan: His band.
Dan: Later on we find out his band.
Dan: I think were they called Bone Fragments or
Dan: oh shit, bone something.
Dan: It's really good I've got it written down
Dan: when we get to that bit later on, but I
Dan: thought that was a great name for a band,
Dan: bone.
Dan: Structure yeah, bone Structure, which I
Dan: said to Alice would be a great name for a
Dan: podcast.
Dan: If I went off and did one on my own, it'd
Dan: just be called Bone Structure.
Dan: What's it about?
Dan: Movies.
Dan: But I'm like taking them, taking them part
Dan: and looking at the structure of the movie.
Dan: You know, I don't know how the fuck in
Dan: there no one's listening to it.
Dan: It's not real, doesn't it?
Dan: No one's listening to us.
Dan: Yeah, second favorite band after Coldplay.
Dan: So because he's got such bad writers' block.
Dan: He does, but anyone who thought that block
Dan: does it goes on YouTube.
Gav: Hey, you're here today because you've got
Gav: writers' block.
Gav: Okay, we're going to start with this riff
Gav: Meow.
Gav: That's one.
Gav: Now two Meow back to one.
Gav: What's really funny is it's funny seeing
Gav: him standing there going like really
Gav: invested, Like okay, meow, he's playing it
Gav: along.
Dan: What's brilliant, I think, is we may have
Dan: gone past the scene where he says to the
Dan: band I'm struggling.
Gav: No, no, no, no.
Gav: Is that coming up?
Gav: Okay, we'll do that.
Gav: I know what you mean.
Gav: It's so good, yeah, yeah that's really
Gav: funny.
Dan: Yeah, more weird noises and reflections
Dan: when he starts hearing a dripping sound.
Gav: It's late at night and Dave's having to
Gav: look around the house just wandering around.
Dan: Something's enticing him with this dripping
Dan: sound.
Gav: It's why I like this movie.
Gav: It's the sort of movie I'm quite happy
Gav: getting to bed at night telling me I'm
Gav: going to watch 6666, you know.
Dan: Even if you took the food butters out of
Dan: this, it would still be quite a good, I'd
Dan: still be super happy with it, yeah.
Dan: Yeah, so yeah, he checks the tap.
Dan: The tap isn't dripping.
Dan: So where is this dripping sound coming from?
Dan: And he follows the noise and it leads him
Dan: down outside and down into the basement and
Dan: obviously in a basement.
Dan: You never go in the basement, dave.
Dan: You never fucking go in the basement.
Dan: Why are you just going to the basement?
Gav: I went around someone's house today and
Gav: they're like, oh, could you just do the
Gav: downstairs bit?
Gav: And I was like, yeah, no worries.
Gav: Went down to his basement downstairs and
Gav: it's a whole fucking music studio, this one
Gav: room.
Gav: So there's lights everywhere like I was in
Gav: a fucking spaceship.
Gav: I was like the fuck says it.
Gav: Oh, I make music plugins which are
Gav: basically on us in software.
Gav: If you're playing piano, you want to put on
Gav: a reverberation or an effect.
Gav: That is a plugin.
Gav: So he makes some stuff and I was like, oh,
Gav: it's really cool.
Gav: Anyway, I was in the basement earlier, so I
Gav: went down to basement and I'm here today,
Gav: right now, Unless I'm a demon and it's not
Gav: me.
Dan: Did you notice that We'll go back to the
Dan: delivery guy?
Dan: Did you notice the exorcist reference as
Dan: well?
Gav: I bet this is.
Gav: I'm terrible at that stuff.
Gav: You know what I'm like.
Gav: It was just literally a split second.
Dan: He stepped on the steps and looked up at
Dan: the house.
Dan: Oh yeah, no, yeah, yeah, yeah, the poster's
Dan: exorcist.
Dan: It was great.
Gav: I forgot it was the exorcist, but I did
Gav: think to myself when they did it.
Gav: If I'd been filming it myself, director,
Gav: I'd been like, oh, just stop there.
Gav: Stand there, that looks great Now look at
Gav: the house.
Gav: Excellent, you know, but yes, exorcist.
Dan: So he follows the dripping sign into the
Dan: basement and when he gets in there he sees
Dan: a bloody raccoon on the wall and that's
Dan: what the dripping is blood dripping off of
Dan: it.
Dan: Then he sees a set of shears with blood all
Dan: over them and that was from the gardener
Dan: that he saw earlier.
Dan: And then he finds an old reel to reel with
Dan: dream widow written on it.
Gav: Not dream window.
Gav: I did make sure I wasn't wrong.
Gav: I don't know why I fucked dream window you
Gav: think it a rear window or secret window.
Dan: You love a good window, don't you?
Dan: You love peeping through them.
Gav: Do you know?
Gav: Dream theater.
Dan: I do know dream theater yeah.
Gav: Okay, the crazy banjo.
Dan: Yeah, my, my sister's ex-wife when we we
Dan: went to download festival and her ex-wife's
Dan: dad picked us up after four days of living
Dan: in a horrible muddy tent.
Dan: We're all really on the way home all the
Dan: way home and I was like, why are you
Dan: playing?
Gav: this, my God.
Gav: He is torturing you fuckers Horrible.
Dan: Yeah, so he turns on the reel to reel and
Dan: it's like the is like the Necronomicon.
Gav: He's letting the science he's like what the
Gav: hell is this?
Gav: It's interesting, it's a nice reel to reel
Gav: machine.
Gav: So he gets it all wired up, gets tape in
Gav: there, presses, play kind of stands back
Gav: and just comes on in here like a.
Gav: Then all of a sudden you hear it's massive,
Gav: droney tone of guitars lay it up, real fat,
Gav: and he's just like what the shit is this?
Gav: Now he does, in fact, want to steal this,
Gav: though.
Gav: Yeah.
Gav: Yeah, before he's told by the tape to that
Gav: he's going to finish it.
Gav: He's just like I'm fucking stealing this.
Dan: Because he says this is the same.
Dan: He says this is the same, this is what we
Dan: want to want to do, you know.
Dan: But so he starts rocking out to it for a
Dan: while, and then the tapes fuck up and it's
Dan: not even backwards, he wins his.
Dan: You know, we hear voices and it seems like
Dan: he's potentially getting possessed.
Dan: He sees demons and somebody says you must
Dan: finish it.
Dan: And that's the end of that scene, yeah,
Dan: yeah.
Dan: So the next day says to the band right,
Dan: I've got, I'm going to play this for you.
Dan: And he plays it.
Dan: So we have skipped past the bit I wanted to
Dan: mention, which is where he has writer's
Dan: block and one of the days he's playing for
Dan: the band and he just starts playing all the
Dan: riffs of all their old songs and they're
Dan: like Dave, that's just, that's just this
Dan: song, that's just that song and it's like
Dan: you know sorry, I can't come up with it, it
Dan: will come, don't worry, it will come.
Dan: He's like I've just been playing the same
Dan: songs for so many fucking years.
Gav: That's funny because I would have
Gav: definitely said about it no, he actually,
Gav: he legitimately sits down with the band
Gav: that says, ok, I got this.
Gav: And they're like yeah, you've done that
Gav: already.
Gav: It's like oh.
Gav: Ok, this one.
Gav: They're like Dave, you've written it 20
Gav: years ago.
Gav: It's like it's a good song, man, but you've
Gav: already written it.
Gav: It's like, oh shit.
Dan: But he plays this new sound for the band
Dan: yeah, yeah, yeah.
Dan: They're really impressed, they're just like
Dan: oh my God, it's amazing.
Gav: Like what keys it in?
Gav: It's like L sharp.
Dan: He says to them just before that, he says
Dan: to them I'm feeling this could be a double
Dan: album, guys, and they're like yeah.
Gav: And then he's like maybe a triple album.
Dan: Maybe a triple album.
Gav: And they're like OK.
Gav: Maybe you want triple albums.
Gav: Even double albums are a bit of a false
Gav: face.
Gav: But yeah, he says it's L sharp and so Pat
Gav: goes, you found a new musical note and he's
Gav: like hell, yeah, he says so.
Gav: You mean it's like a flat of five octaves
Gav: up and he's like no L sharp.
Dan: He says so try and find he tried to get and
Dan: get and get this note.
Dan: Now, while that's happening, Samantha
Dan: arrives, doesn't she?
Gav: I do want to talk very quickly about Pat.
Dan: I love Pat.
Dan: I watched this, probably one of my
Dan: favorites.
Gav: I watched this movie in a cinema and my
Gav: only issue was Pat is acting when I can
Gav: first.
Gav: My first initial thought I was like but
Gav: he's a couple of the perfect word I had for
Gav: him, but it was.
Gav: It was like sincere or something like that.
Gav: I did like it in a way, though this time I
Gav: watched it around and I love Pat because
Gav: he's acting so kind of odd.
Gav: I really like it now.
Dan: He's a very enthusiastic sweet guy because
Dan: he's got gray hair and looks a bit older
Dan: than the rest.
Dan: I always say to Alice he always, whenever I
Dan: see the foods playing, and even especially
Dan: in this film, he looks just like someone's
Dan: uncle that's tagging along with them all.
Gav: But it's like when a woman comes to say
Gav: where are they, where's everybody else?
Gav: Because he sleeps in the kitchen randomly
Gav: and he just goes.
Gav: He's just like up there.
Gav: He's quite sweet.
Gav: So yeah, he's a really funny one, but
Gav: anyway, pat's the one that goes.
Gav: You found a new musical note, so it's all
Gav: there.
Dan: So Samantha the neighbor brings them some
Dan: lemon slice cake that she's made.
Dan: The old neighbor comes by with some kegs
Dan: and she says to Dave how are you feeling,
Dan: dave?
Dan: She knows the history of this house.
Dan: And then she says you know, rami, there's
Dan: something about this house.
Dan: And again there's more flirting between her
Dan: and Rami going on there and he calls him
Dan: Rami-O.
Dan: He says hey.
Dan: Rami-O, let's get back up there and record,
Dan: Leave her alone.
Dan: And he's like, damn it, stop cock-blocking
Dan: me.
Dan: Dave Grohl, Anyway, three weeks later.
Dan: So they've been in a house for three weeks
Dan: now and Dave is super tense, with them all
Dan: being a real diva and he's getting crossed
Dan: because they've done this song, they're
Dan: writing this song, they can't get to the
Dan: end of the song and they're all getting
Dan: really annoyed with him the length of the
Dan: song.
Dan: So they all go off to bed and he wakes them
Dan: all up.
Dan: Must be fucking annoying.
Dan: And the middle of the night goes round them
Dan: all individually going guys, guys, we got a
Dan: new idea, we got a good now.
Dan: We got a record now.
Gav: I can imagine if Dave Grohl is actually
Gav: like that.
Gav: I can imagine they're fairly used to it.
Dan: Like Rami's wanking to porn and he's
Dan: wearing Dave's pants.
Dan: He's like are those my pants?
Gav: No.
Dan: I think it was Taylor's wanking, and that's
Dan: Taylor wanking, actually.
Dan: And then Pat's.
Dan: This is where we find out.
Dan: Pat sleeps in the kitchen because he's the
Dan: only one who hasn't got a bedroom blessing.
Dan: So he sleeps on a packet of toilet rolls as
Dan: a pillow on the kitchen counter and then he
Dan: relays he's blessed.
Dan: So they all you know they all go and see
Dan: what the fuck Dave's talking about.
Dan: And Dave has made something God hasn't he?
Dan: What's he made out of wood and knitting
Dan: wool?
Gav: It's made kind of like a Pentagon type sort
Gav: of shape.
Gav: It's just I had to make this, I couldn't
Gav: get it out my head.
Gav: It helps.
Gav: It's the sound of the album, not what.
Dan: Yeah, Whenever a pentagram appears, you
Dan: know something bad's going down.
Dan: And the pentagram is that each nail
Dan: represents each of the six band members and
Dan: each one, each nail.
Dan: He's taken the time to individually paint a
Dan: little instrument on that so that they know.
Dan: And he said this is us, we are the
Dan: pentagram, we're the corners and we all
Dan: connect to each other.
Gav: This is how the sound plays out.
Gav: This is also three weeks into the album
Gav: because we had a three weeks later bit just
Gav: before it.
Gav: So they have recorded a majority of the
Gav: album, but I love the fact that they're
Gav: just like right, okay, this song's like now
Gav: like what 35, 40 minutes or something at
Gav: one point, and then so we have to have an
Gav: ending.
Gav: It's just like what the fuck?
Gav: Well, it gets longer, doesn't it?
Dan: It starts off with being 16 minutes since,
Dan: like 28, 35, 42 minutes by the end of it A
Dan: psychedelic 70s rock thing to do have a
Dan: half an hour side of a record which is just
Dan: one song.
Dan: When he's explaining this pentagram to them
Dan: all at like three in the morning.
Dan: Pat says no.
Dan: Pat says no.
Gav: He's just like we can start this now, let's
Gav: go record it.
Gav: And Pat's like no, I don't even this is
Gav: what I relate to.
Gav: Pat.
Gav: He's like no, they even have a bedroom.
Gav: I can't sleep very well.
Gav: Like what the fuck, I just need to get some
Gav: sleep.
Gav: I can do it the next day and Dave just
Gav: takes it.
Gav: Dave just written.
Gav: He's like what the fuck?
Gav: Pat's like what the fuck man.
Dan: Yeah, he growls at him, doesn't he?
Gav: And then Dave Grohl would make a great
Gav: werewolf, because he pretty much almost
Gav: does in this at times.
Gav: We'll have tea for a close-up.
Gav: He's going, ah.
Dan: But he goes.
Dan: All right, I'll play then.
Dan: For God's sake, you just shut the fuck up
Dan: or play and basically so the next morning
Dan: the band have a secret meeting away from
Dan: Dave to discuss his weird behavior.
Dan: Yeah, and they're like I don't know man.
Dan: He's acting really strange, you know.
Dan: And then they see him coming over and
Dan: they're like oh hi Dave, how are you doing?
Dan: And he's like look, I just want to say I'm
Dan: really really sorry, is that what they?
Gav: say about all the monkeys?
Gav: Oh yeah, no, he's got the demon in me now,
Gav: isn't he?
Gav: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Gav: So that's when they say.
Gav: That is actually when he says yeah, and
Gav: he's always ranking off like he's it, and I
Gav: was always like what are you doing in there?
Gav: Pat is like outside the bathroom, what are
Gav: you?
Gav: Doing in there, dave, it sounds like you're
Gav: playing pancake with like some.
Gav: I don't know what he says, but it's so
Gav: funny.
Dan: That's that's.
Dan: That's wrong.
Dan: Yeah, that's later on with the list.
Gav: Oh yeah, that's it yeah.
Dan: What could, what could?
Dan: We get the signs have been possessed.
Speaker 3: Yeah, so yeah, Dave comes over and they say
Speaker 3: sorry, the conversation They've done sorry.
Dan: He says look, guys, let's get this song
Dan: finished and we'll be out of here by Sunday
Dan: and then we can all go home back to our
Dan: wives and children.
Dan: So they say, all right, ok, that's fine,
Dan: that's fine.
Dan: So he says look, here's how the song goes.
Dan: He acts out and bit of a Jack Black sort of
Dan: moment where he sort of acts out at the
Dan: song.
Dan: You're going to do this.
Gav: And I'm going to go, you're going to come
Gav: in like like half under the horses and just
Gav: does this whole thing.
Dan: But they, they really bind to it and
Dan: they're like OK, cool, it sounds like this
Dan: song is going to be epic, so they start
Dan: recording.
Dan: This is where the sound engineers come.
Gav: This is when they start going right.
Gav: Let's record it.
Gav: And John Carpenter comes in with sound
Gav: engineer.
Dan: You've got John Carpenter fist bumping,
Dan: sneak-pliss skin and and it's a great,
Dan: great little montage of them playing this
Dan: song.
Gav: There's a bit where you can, because I know
Gav: John Carpenter's voice so well.
Gav: There's a bit where you can.
Gav: It's quite obvious what he's saying, but
Gav: he's going, wow.
Dan: Yeah, he says wow, doesn't he?
Gav: It's when they play the guitar riff and
Gav: it's such a fucking dope guitar riff.
Gav: It's a great song.
Dan: Solid.
Dan: I wouldn't want to hear it for two minutes.
Gav: No, no, it's not that long, it's, it's,
Gav: it's, it starts.
Gav: It has about two minutes maybe of leading
Gav: into it before it gets to it.
Gav: So we were and then just go, bobo, well,
Gav: it's good.
Dan: Well, eventually they finish recording and
Dan: John Carpenter and sneak-pliss can leave.
Dan: And they do say to them look guys, we'll go
Dan: now If there's anything else that you
Dan: record we're taking on Monday.
Gav: We can you know?
Gav: If you fancy the gears there, just press
Gav: record and just make sure you capture it.
Dan: So that's all good, and then they're alive
Dan: Takeout.
Gav: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Dan: So the takeout guy arrives with his demo
Dan: bone structure CD.
Dan: Are you not in the band?
Dan: Should be, shouldn't I?
Dan: Bone structure, it's great.
Dan: I just was like that's a great name for a
Dan: band.
Dan: I don't know, it's a terrible name for a
Dan: band, I like it.
Dan: He sees someone in the garden.
Dan: He's all Dave, is that you?
Dan: I've got the.
Gav: I've got my demo, I've got and I've got
Gav: more ranch you wanted more ranch Ranch
Gav: source for you.
Dan: He's really kissing at him and he goes into
Dan: the garden and we get our Cropsey reference.
Dan: Yeah yeah, yeah, the burning the burning
Dan: the shears up in the air and he gets
Dan: beheaded.
Dan: Then the body is dragged away Great
Dan: beheading, nice roll of a head and all good
Dan: effects in this.
Dan: It's all good.
Dan: It's cut to the band next day discussing
Dan: the song.
Dan: At this point they say right, dave, this is
Dan: a 38 minute track.
Dan: At this point and they're all having a
Dan: barbecue they say you know what are you
Dan: going to do?
Dan: And he's eating his steak.
Dan: They realize he's eating his thing.
Dan: He's this rule when he's like this is so
Dan: fucking juicy.
Gav: It's a rare steak.
Dan: Wow, ok, hmm, interesting.
Dan: Barb comes to check on them.
Dan: Jeff Garland's secretary, she pops in.
Gav: Patterson sleep on the floor of his little
Gav: nightcap, like he's in in my night before
Gav: Christmas book.
Dan: Well, it looks like Well, it's a trick to
Dan: the audience because as she walks into the
Dan: kitchen she sees some legs on the floor and
Dan: a puddle of blood next to it, Then realizes
Dan: it's just a sleep in the floor.
Gav: It's a lot of ketchup, yeah.
Gav: And because the house is trash, she's like
Gav: how do they do this?
Gav: It's under ceiling.
Dan: Oh, she's stepping over this shit he's.
Dan: He's like yeah, they're fucking animals.
Dan: I don't even have a bed, but you know, it
Dan: is what it is.
Gav: And then she mentions, like the neighbor
Gav: next door, and says, oh, she bought some
Gav: cakes over and as she goes, oh, that cake.
Gav: And he says you're just going to eat that.
Gav: And she starts saying to him how bad that
Gav: cake could be and he's just and I love that,
Gav: pat's.
Gav: Just look at the thought of it.
Gav: It's like, oh man, just, it's just the way
Gav: it just goes.
Gav: Oh, yeah, probably just eat.
Gav: I was like, yeah, you go, pat, you tell her.
Dan: And underneath the cakes he realizes
Dan: there's a message written that says the
Dan: sacrifice and but he says well, look, the
Dan: album's almost done, Don't worry about that,
Dan: we're going to go in.
Dan: You know it's coming along nicely.
Dan: At this point, because the song is now over
Dan: 45 minutes long, Chris says I quit, I'm
Dan: quitting the band, we're not doing a 40
Dan: minute song.
Dan: I'm going to go outside and start the
Dan: barbecue and I quit.
Dan: So he's not really quitting.
Dan: This probably happens in bands all the time.
Dan: But he goes out and while he's having a
Dan: barbecue, demon appears behind him.
Dan: Then he got here, Smashing his head on the
Dan: grill.
Dan: Nice effect of the flesh sort of coming off
Dan: his face sticking to the grill.
Dan: And then on top of that his head's shut in
Dan: the grill and then he's stabbed multiple
Dan: times in the back and we see that it is a
Dan: mystical, it's Dave Gro.
Gav: It's the drama of Nirvana.
Dan: And he's wearing.
Dan: He's wearing the overalls and the flat cap
Dan: of the gardener, so he's probably the one
Dan: that did the burning kill on the delivery
Dan: guys.
Dan: Well, yeah, then then the band find the
Dan: delivery guys body.
Gav: Yeah, strung up, pinned to a tree.
Gav: Great effects again.
Dan: Yeah, and his demo is sort of sat between
Dan: his legs.
Gav: Dave Gro's like I think it's my fault
Gav: because I think I creeped him out a bit.
Dan: And he says don't call the cops.
Dan: And they're like what, what are you talking
Dan: about?
Dan: Oh, there's now, you know, this body here.
Dan: The crew died.
Dan: Now this guy's dead.
Dan: And he says please, please, one more day,
Dan: Get the song finished with this band.
Dan: This noise that we've got, this, this
Dan: acoustics, it's never going to, we're never
Dan: going to be able to do this again.
Dan: He says then we'll call 911, the FBI,
Dan: whoever the fuck you want, you know, but
Dan: we're going to do this.
Dan: I need you to all hand me your phones and
Dan: your car keys so no one can leave.
Dan: And they all just complacently just hand
Dan: him their phones and their keys and they're
Dan: like, yeah, all right, then it's a bit
Dan: sketchy.
Dan: He actually breaks Taylor's phone, doesn't
Dan: he?
Dan: With his bare hand, and they don't question
Dan: the strength that he's got.
Dan: He does More recording montage is now
Dan: Dave's acting weird and we're doing.
Dan: We see him eating a body outside and that
Dan: is the body of Chris, who got smashed into
Dan: the barbecue and then killed.
Dan: And yeah, so definitely we know as an
Dan: audience now that this guy is he's gone,
Dan: full evil dead.
Dan: The band have just got a tune into what's
Dan: going on there, really, and they say well,
Dan: let's go and speak to Samantha.
Dan: She obviously knows what's going on and she
Dan: explains to them the whole backstory, which
Dan: is that the house that they're in is a
Dan: gateway to another world, another demon
Dan: dimension.
Dan: The band that were there in the 90s opened
Dan: up that dimension.
Dan: They all got killed.
Dan: And she's heard something.
Dan: She was a groupie for that ban.
Dan: And she heard something about a book made
Dan: of human flesh in the base of the basement
Dan: and they have to sacrifice blood into the
Dan: book to keep it fed.
Dan: They say the book was written by Alastair
Dan: Crowley and it was made made of human flesh.
Dan: And she said there's a song called Tears of
Dan: the Gods and they couldn't perfect that
Dan: song so the lead singer of the band hung
Dan: himself after killing everybody else in the
Dan: band.
Dan: So it's a pretty fucking big backstory.
Dan: But as she say all of this and she's saying
Dan: you know I was a groupie, All Rami can hear
Dan: now is great, she's a groupie.
Dan: So I'm going to get laid in a minute then.
Dan: That's good.
Dan: This is pretty much all this demonic shit.
Gav: Yeah, that's pretty much what you're
Gav: thinking.
Dan: They then find all these dolls hanging in
Dan: the trees and they realise they need to
Dan: depossess him.
Dan: They need to find the book, they need to
Dan: read a specific passage from the book.
Dan: So they come up with a plan.
Dan: The plan is Taylor is going to distract
Dan: Dave by fucking up his his drums when
Dan: they're recording and that will keep him
Dan: distracted while Pat and Nate go off to
Dan: find the book.
Dan: And of course, that leaves Rami to fuck
Dan: Samantha.
Dan: He's pretty much I'll go around Samantha.
Gav: Make sure she's all right, sort of thing.
Dan: They're like all right then You've been
Dan: wanting to do this for the last two weeks.
Dan: Go, fucking go and do it.
Dan: Get on with it.
Dan: Really funny stuff.
Dan: So they get it on, they start banging.
Dan: You know, we keep cutting back to them.
Dan: Pat and Nate are trying to find the book
Dan: and while the other two are banging, they
Dan: don't realise someone's under their bed, do
Dan: they?
Dan: Yeah, someone's under the bed, do they have?
Gav: No.
Gav: And it's almost a neat Friday 13th.
Dan: It is, but with a chainsaw.
Gav: It is so good.
Gav: So basically, I love the fact he's got a
Gav: heart shaped chest wig for a start.
Gav: We shaved it, so he's just sex all over
Gav: this guy and he's just sex on legs and yeah,
Gav: so they're banging away.
Gav: He's on top of her and yeah, she's like I
Gav: put the music on.
Gav: I don't want Dave to hear us, which is
Gav: strange thing to say and put the music on.
Gav: I love this bit and it's each time this bit
Gav: happens.
Gav: It's like you can hear the chainsaw raving
Gav: up as well, and what happens then?
Dan: Well, the song is called.
Dan: I think the song is called the Chainsaw and
Dan: there is a chainsaw in it as well.
Dan: But yeah, then an actual chainsaw comes out
Dan: from the bottom of the bed in through the
Dan: woman and then in to Rami and literally
Dan: split from head to butt and they both just
Dan: fall apart in each direction.
Dan: Blood, absolutely ever, apparently they
Dan: only did.
Dan: They only did two takes and they said they
Dan: filled up the fake bodies.
Dan: One was a sex doll like one of these high
Dan: tech sex dolls and the other one was like a
Dan: mannequin that they made and they filled
Dan: them with the same amount of blood that
Dan: you'd get in the human body.
Dan: But they didn't realize how much blood
Dan: would fire everywhere when they did it.
Dan: So when they did the second take, they
Dan: could only use some of the close ups and
Dan: angles because they couldn't get the blood
Dan: off of the ceilings and walls.
Dan: Apparently they had stopped till the weight
Dan: of the blood stopped dripping off the
Dan: ceiling before they could do take two.
Dan: That was just how much fake blood they used
Dan: in this scene and it's a great scene and
Dan: very unexpected, and I've not seen a death
Dan: quite like that in horror movie before.
Dan: So it's good.
Dan: And obviously then we see it was Dave Grohl
Dan: that's done it and he's got fangs now.
Gav: It's just quite yucky, though it's two
Gav: people having sex and it splits them in
Gav: half, so they are connected and then
Gav: they're splitting up and it's a bit like
Gav: that's kind of yucky.
Dan: Yeah, so he's got fangs, he's full on demon.
Dan: Go back to the other guys.
Dan: They find the book, they some demons start
Dan: coming out after them Quite creepy looking,
Dan: sort of black shadow demons.
Dan: They chase them back up the stairs.
Dan: Dave says to Taylor I know the end of the
Dan: song is all in the drums.
Dan: Mate, it's all in the drums, I just need
Dan: you to do your drums.
Gav: Because I told Taylor, ok, I've got, I'll
Gav: just keep him amused by record, making him
Gav: record my drums.
Gav: And he's mucking up on purpose.
Gav: And he even says to you are you getting
Gav: this wrong on purpose?
Gav: It's easy, I've told you.
Dan: He says come on, man, we're both drummers,
Dan: Speak the same language.
Gav: I'm surprised he doesn't say get the fuck
Gav: out of the way.
Gav: I'll do it, to be honest.
Dan: Yeah, Prince would have done that.
Gav: Yeah, I just make the whole album myself.
Dan: That's what happens.
Dan: And he says why don't I stop for a little
Dan: bit and we go and get Chris to do his?
Dan: And he's like Chris is finished.
Dan: But what he means is Chris is finished,
Dan: finished as well.
Dan: It's great, great little stuff going on
Dan: here.
Dan: But now, nate and Pat, they go and hide
Dan: underneath the decking and they start
Dan: reciting the passage.
Dan: While this is happening, he's.
Dan: Taylor stands up and he says well, you've
Dan: done it.
Dan: Dave picks up the symbol for his visa,
Dan: doesn't he go?
Gav: Oh, that's such a good shot into the mouth.
Gav: And then the rest of his top head stays
Gav: there above the symbol and to the wall and
Gav: rest of it just drops to the floor.
Gav: You're right, john Copter is down as
Gav: engineer, but really he looks like he's
Gav: playing the producer part, so it's strange.
Dan: Yeah, he's one of a couple of engineers.
Dan: So, yeah, no, no, taylor's sadly been
Dan: killed.
Dan: Weirdly, he was not long after this movie
Dan: came out that he actually died.
Dan: So very strange.
Dan: Not with a symbol, though, in my dad.
Dan: So yeah, pattern eight, their shit in
Dan: themselves underneath the deck in trying to
Dan: read these, this text out, and they see
Dan: Dave coming over and they just shit
Dan: themselves.
Dan: They don't even try and hide, they just
Dan: start running because they've seen Dave
Dan: roll putting body parts.
Gav: Yeah, they hide the way they hide on this
Gav: thing and I came.
Gav: What's he doing?
Gav: The all-sun, it's like a fargo in the far
Gav: original Fargo movie.
Dan: He's full on wood in this body part Also
Dan: reminds me of that hilarious scene in
Dan: Tucker and Dale where that guy accidentally
Dan: runs into a wood chipper.
Gav: So Groudon is growling.
Gav: He's got bit like big sharp teeth and it's
Gav: really very 80s kind of monstery demon type
Gav: thing.
Gav: Not really a werewolf, but he's got hairy
Gav: feather.
Gav: Anyway, he's long hair.
Dan: Well, my note, my notes now refer to him as
Dan: dead.
Dan: I'm looking dead I'd day, because he's like
Dan: the dead ice removal.
Gav: dead essentially is pretty much the other
Gav: dead movie, yeah, and I'm happy with that.
Dan: So they read the passages, they realize
Dan: they need holy water.
Dan: So they go to the swimming pool, they bless
Dan: the water by reading out more of these
Dan: passages and all they've got to do is get
Dan: him in the water.
Dan: He's trying to stop them and they just say
Dan: we want Dave back and he's like Dave's gone,
Dan: dave's no more, you know, and it's all that
Dan: usual stuff that you hear.
Dan: It's great.
Dan: Nate reads more from the book and some
Dan: energy shoots out of the book, hitting Dave
Dan: growl in mid-air as he's flying at them.
Dan: He lands in the swimming pool and we get
Dan: the evil dead poster recreated now as he
Dan: flies out of the swimming pool.
Dan: It's like the, the first evil dead person.
Dan: When the girl comes out the ground, yeah,
Dan: there's loads of leaves in the swimming
Dan: pool.
Dan: He rises out of the pool and he seems
Dan: normal.
Dan: He starts puking up blood.
Dan: They say oh, I think that was Chris, you've
Dan: just puked up there.
Dan: Oh, because there's loads of chunks of meat
Dan: in it and it's disgusting.
Dan: He's obviously he's been in his friend.
Dan: But then the meat, the blood all turns into
Dan: a blob.
Gav: I know it's just like you're puking up your
Gav: buddy.
Gav: It's pretty fucking disgusting.
Gav: And then it starts turning to someone.
Dan: Yeah, and to the guard know who actually
Dan: turns out to be the lead singer of demon
Dan: widow who hung himself, who was the
Dan: original possessed person.
Dan: So him and.
Dan: Dave have a full-on WWE smackdown now,
Dan: don't they?
Dan: I like throwing each other down.
Dan: It's not like fisticuffs or martial arts,
Dan: it's like Lumping each other around like
Dan: proper wrestling.
Gav: It's really.
Gav: It's a weird thing here, because I kind of
Gav: feel like I'm happy of the movie Finishing
Gav: when Dave was cleared and they do not mean
Gav: I'd be kind of happy with that as an ending.
Gav: I know it probably doesn't tie up the story
Gav: completely, but I would have been happy of
Gav: it.
Gav: It's okay, though, here, because it kind of
Gav: still goes on afterwards.
Gav: We still got a little bit to go.
Dan: Yeah, so the rest of his band show up.
Dan: The rest of dream would oh show up.
Dan: You've got Jenna or taiga, who played
Dan: Wednesday in the series.
Dan: Yeah, I think she was in one of the new
Dan: screen movies, wasn't she's one.
Gav: Apparently that's the band.
Gav: They look like the shit is banned.
Dan: Well, you know it was 1993, it was a band
Dan: from 93, you know, look at what bands look
Dan: like that then.
Dan: But they show up and they say we'll take.
Dan: Basically they say we'll take it from here.
Dan: They grab him, jenna will take a pause his
Dan: blood onto the book.
Dan: The book has been fed and it kind of ends
Dan: the curse really.
Dan: But there is more, because they say let's
Dan: get out of here, the car won't start.
Dan: So poor Pat, always lying down, he has to
Dan: lie down underneath the car to try and get
Dan: the wires to Start or something.
Dan: I don't really know what he's doing.
Dan: And while he's doing that, nate's in the
Dan: van trying to start it.
Dan: Yeah.
Dan: And pat his pat's head is right under the
Dan: tire gap, isn't it?
Gav: It's the weirdest place to be for a star is
Gav: like you should, yeah.
Dan: What happens?
Dan: Well, bob shows up and Jeff shows up, and
Dan: it does start to just drag a little for me
Dan: at this point.
Gav: Yeah, yeah, this ending.
Gav: Yeah, it should have finished by now.
Dan: That's the problem essentially, dave Grohl
Dan: has an argument and then a fight with Jeff
Dan: Garland.
Dan: Jeff Garland reveals he has been trying to
Dan: sacrifice bands To this book and he knew
Dan: what about it and he sent them there on
Dan: purpose.
Dan: While that's all happening, nate gets
Dan: impaled in the eye, runs over and crushes
Dan: Pat's head and then he backs into Barb who
Dan: then Stabs him in the neck, I think, and
Dan: all of them die.
Dan: So the whole of the food photos are dead
Dan: now.
Dan: But Dave Grohl, dave starts strangling Jeff
Dan: and he says you finished the song, didn't
Dan: you?
Dan: I knew it.
Dan: Now it's time for your solo career.
Dan: And then it cuts to one year later and it's
Dan: the Dave Grohl show.
Dan: And then I almost a growl.
Dan: You're on stage in 30 seconds and you just
Dan: see he's got those possessed eyes and
Dan: that's kind of the end.
Dan: Really it feels like an ending to another
Dan: movie I've seen where somebody, somebody
Dan: gets powers and they kind of go off and I
Dan: can't remember what movie is now.
Dan: But that's the end.
Dan: So the ending is a bit weak for me.
Dan: But I Absolutely enjoyed this fucking movie
Dan: all the way through and I think Watch it,
Dan: because the first time you watch something
Dan: whilst reviewing it, it's difficult to Sit
Dan: back and enjoy it as much, because I'm
Dan: writing my notes.
Dan: So I'm gonna go back and watch this again
Dan: in a few months with my feet up, you know,
Dan: in a nice cup of tea or something, and
Dan: really just chill out, and I think I'll
Dan: probably enjoy it a little more.
Dan: I will say as much as I enjoyed it.
Dan: I feel like maybe it was slightly overhyped
Dan: and but maybe it's just the ending.
Dan: That's the weak part.
Dan: I enjoyed everything leading up to that
Dan: ending.
Dan: Yeah, this is the second time you've seen
Dan: it.
Gav: Now, right, that was the second.
Gav: I started watching a half of it and then I
Gav: stopped on the review so I did a second one,
Gav: but in the week actually I started watching
Gav: it again just in the daytime I had it.
Gav: I was just in the flat sort of doing stuff.
Gav: I put I was I look a posterior 66 on again.
Gav: I was kind of enjoying it again.
Dan: Yeah, it's very easy to watch.
Dan: You can tune in and out of it.
Dan: Alice asked me to say Her thoughts on it,
Dan: which was because she watched most of it
Dan: with me.
Dan: She loves, she absolutely loves Dave, dave.
Dan: Well, I think they're probably her favorite
Dan: band, she.
Dan: She said she thinks it's incredibly well
Dan: produced and she said the dialogue was one
Dan: of her favorite things.
Dan: She said it feels very Kevin Smith, the
Dan: dialogue in this.
Dan: And she said and you can make sure you say
Dan: that on your podcast.
Dan: That's all I'm.
Dan: I'm crediting her for that and I can see
Dan: that there are some of the conversations
Dan: around water world and things like that.
Dan: They are very Kevin Smith style comments
Dan: and stuff like that great movie.
Dan: I Wanted a little bit more from the ending.
Dan: Yeah, as much, but but the use of sort of
Dan: 80% practical effects, all the love that,
Dan: the horror love that's poured into every
Dan: scene, coupled with very funny natural
Dan: dialogue, I just are genuinely good story.
Dan: You know about a band.
Dan: You know I haven't seen a movie like this
Dan: since the old Rock movies that used to come
Dan: out, like the one you mentioned.
Dan: And is it purple roses or is that the one?
Dan: Blood tracks?
Dan: Oh, I don't know.
Dan: There's a bunch of them Ricky Morgan
Dan: shouting at me at the moment because him
Dan: and Quasarops have covered several of these
Dan: yeah, it's great and I would love to know
Dan: what those guys think and I'd love to know
Dan: what you guys think.
Dan: So if you guys have seen this, let me and
Dan: Gav know what you think.
Dan: It's a new movie.
Dan: You know it's on UK Netflix now, if
Dan: anyone's got it and if you're a fan of the
Dan: old Heavy Metal horror movies and you tell
Dan: us what you think.
Dan: How does this compare, you know, but I had
Dan: a blast with it.
Dan: I'm really you're a bastard.
Dan: You are because and this is giving showing
Dan: my cards a little bit for the next movie as
Dan: well but your birthday episodes, you always
Dan: get me and you always managed to pick a
Dan: couple of movies that are both fucking good
Dan: and you've done it.
Dan: You've done it with your birthday and I'm
Dan: glad, and it for me it's special because
Dan: this is the first watch.
Gav: And the next movie is a first-watch for you
Gav: as well, sorcerer, it is indeed it is, and
Gav: that's, that's, that's gonna be a
Gav: conversation, fuck it all.
Dan: Well, it's definitely a thumbs up from from
Dan: me and, I should imagine, from you, gav,
Dan: for this one.
Dan: Yeah, check it out.
Dan: Studio 666.
Dan: It's a blast.
Dan: It's a Friday night movie and it'll
Dan: probably go down as a bit of a cult movie
Dan: over the years, I should imagine Also.
Dan: And then lovely.
Dan: Send-off for Taylor Hawkins because it was
Dan: his, you know, obviously, the last film he
Dan: was in.
Dan: He's more known for his music, but the last
Dan: film he was in so and he's brilliant.
Dan: He comes across brilliant in this, one of
Dan: my favorite characters, alongside Pat in
Dan: this.
Dan: Really so, yeah, good stuff, yeah, well
Dan: done, well done.
Dan: Who fighters?
Dan: Well done, well done.
Dan: Um, right so.
Gav: I guess it's a little bit of a World of
Gav: strange, is that Bill?
Gav: Oh, he's brought me a little bit of a he's
Gav: brought.
Dan: He's brought Paul Rudd with him, wow.
Gav: No, but they're not allowed to talk no, of
Gav: course not, I don't understand why this
Gav: whole non-talk and it's non-n da thing
Gav: we've got going on here.
Dan: Look how handsome Paul Rudd is.
Dan: What?
Dan: What is your secret pool?
Dan: How would you stay looking like you're 20
Dan: all the time?
Dan: What moisturize it?
Dan: I don't know.
Dan: Bill Murray is.
Dan: Oh god, don't look Right.
Dan: Okay, bill, take us into world of the
Dan: strange, you disgusting man.
Dan: Hi, welcome back oh.
Dan: Thank you for that.
Dan: Bill Murray and Paul Rudd, great stuff to
Dan: have you both here, although can't speak to
Dan: us.
Gav: They had a.
Dan: Murray Rudd time.
Dan: A Murray red Murray ready time.
Dan: Yeah, um, so I've got one story and it's a
Dan: very, very recent story and I warn you now
Dan: it's going to send you down a rabbit hole,
Dan: if you want to, watching videos and
Dan: reaction videos and tiktoks.
Dan: It's about something that happened in a
Dan: Miami shopping center on New Year's Day.
Dan: I don't know if you've heard of this guy
Dan: this year.
Dan: Yeah, yes, yes.
Gav: No.
Dan: Okay, so aliens caught on camera.
Gav: Really.
Dan: A large fight broke out, the police say, at
Dan: a shopping mall on news day.
Dan: But people are speculating the police are
Dan: covering up an alien invasion.
Dan: So we'll get into this.
Dan: Um, because there are.
Dan: There's a lot of video footage, cctv
Dan: footage room inside the shopping center and
Dan: there's a couple of theories and some
Dan: interesting facts, things that don't add up.
Dan: So there's a viral video showing heavy
Dan: police presence at Bayside marketplace
Dan: Shopping mall in Miami on New Year's Day.
Dan: As I've said, many speculating that it's
Dan: aliens Visited the mall.
Dan: But what is it?
Dan: What's going on?
Dan: So the the police say.
Dan: The police said they came out Because
Dan: they'd heard reports that there was a fight
Dan: between around 50 Teenagers who had
Dan: fireworks and potentially firearms on them
Dan: and they were shooting fireworks and
Dan: causing all sorts of Um, trouble and noise
Dan: and scaring all the people who were
Dan: shopping.
Dan: Um, so the police ended up doing something
Dan: which they don't do unless there's like a
Dan: terrorist attack or a major incident they
Dan: called for every single officer and car On
Dan: duty to come to the shopping mall.
Dan: So the entire Miami police department came
Dan: out and you can see this on the video
Dan: footage.
Dan: There are hundreds of police cars.
Gav: What was the inciting incident which
Gav: sparked them to come out?
Gav: What was the thing thrown out at them over
Gav: the radio then?
Gav: What was?
Dan: I I'm not.
Dan: I'm not sure, other than there are reports
Dan: of firearms and fireworks going off in the
Dan: shopping mall.
Gav: And just everybody go.
Gav: There.
Dan: Uh, everybody go there, so that that's not
Dan: normal Is it that is a terrorist incident,
Dan: say 9, 11, top Exactly.
Gav: It's not normal Not saying I'm not getting
Gav: into that if that's terrorist or is that
Gav: high war, any of that shit.
Gav: I'm not getting into it, I'm just saying.
Dan: It's a big event.
Gav: I don't need to do that.
Dan: So there's lots of video footage you can
Dan: watch on youtube and anywhere else you want
Dan: to, of all these cops Coming to this.
Dan: You know, for the so-called fight between
Dan: some teenagers.
Dan: That's a lot of police officers, for just
Dan: what they're saying is 50 teenagers.
Dan: However, witnesses are saying there were no
Dan: teenagers fighting and if there were, there
Dan: were any, a handful of them, they said.
Dan: What was happening was there was a riot,
Dan: people were running and trying to get out
Dan: of the shopping center because Something
Dan: was in there.
Dan: Now, there's two parts to this.
Dan: The first part is there's on the some of
Dan: the video footage you can see what looks
Dan: like 10 to 12 foot Aliens or beings.
Gav: Well, I'm gonna have to while you're
Gav: telling me, looking up, aren't I?
Dan: Walking around the front of the shopping
Dan: mall with the police spotlights on them,
Dan: really tall, very strange.
Dan: So many eyewitnesses and people would have
Dan: videoed this.
Dan: The second part of this Is something some
Dan: CCTV footage from inside the shopping
Dan: center which shows people running from the
Dan: right of the screen to the left, screaming
Dan: and shouting and panicking and what looks
Dan: to be a portal of some kind opening up and
Dan: a creature stepping out of it like a 10
Dan: foot creature, just off the camera, just
Dan: off the screen, coming out of that portal
Dan: and some kind of energy blasts coming out
Dan: of the portal firing towards the crowd that
Dan: are running away.
Dan: So the police have issued a video statement,
Dan: which again you can watch online, of a
Dan: police officer kind of laughing a little
Dan: bit, say I can assure you there are no
Dan: aliens, this isn't men in black, it was a
Dan: bunch of teenagers, and he kind of explains
Dan: why they were called out.
Dan: But he says I know everybody thinks it's
Dan: aliens, but it wasn't.
Dan: But the fact they've had to issue this is a
Dan: bit, for me, feels a bit cover upy and the
Dan: fact that that many police officers came
Dan: out it loads.
Dan: It's a lot of police, isn't it?
Dan: You're looking at it now.
Gav: I'm looking at an aerial view of just a lot
Gav: of cop cars.
Dan: Yeah, and so, like I said, there's two
Dan: parts that's.
Dan: One part is that the creatures that are
Dan: seen outside that are look to be about 10
Dan: to 12 foot tall, and the video, the cctv
Dan: footage inside the shopping mall.
Dan: They move so weirdly, they sort of glide.
Dan: I think the only thing about this, sarah.
Gav: This is only this is only a few weeks ago.
Dan: And then, if you look at if you get a
Dan: chance, maybe not now, but if you can
Dan: there's cctv footage inside the shopping
Dan: mall of people running, like I said, from
Dan: right to left of camera and some kind of
Dan: energy portals seems to appear.
Dan: It's bad, it's very rough footage, but you
Dan: can see some kind of energy portal appear
Dan: and something seems to come out of it and
Dan: there's energy beams firing at the crowd.
Dan: So this has been like All over the internet
Dan: for the last few weeks.
Dan: Everybody's talking about it.
Dan: Police have issued numerous statements.
Dan: Okay, and what is their statement?
Dan: Well, they've said it was just it's not
Dan: what you say.
Dan: It was that those what you're talking about,
Dan: our teenagers with their shadows.
Dan: But they're not shadows.
Dan: You can see that they're very big Things.
Dan: I don't know what they are.
Gav: Yeah, why would aliens they be wanting to
Gav: show themselves?
Dan: Well, let me tell you the last part of it.
Dan: If you take the exact GPS coordinates of
Dan: this particular random, very normal
Dan: shopping center in Miami and you can see
Dan: that, and you put them into Google Maps,
Dan: reversed, it takes you to the center of
Dan: Antarctica, which is, and you can't view
Dan: that on Google Maps it's blacked out
Dan: because we don't know.
Dan: There's hundreds of reasons why there's a
Dan: secret base there.
Dan: There's aliens living there amongst us, but
Dan: basically the weirdest thing about this for
Dan: me is if you take those coordinates and
Dan: reverse them, you go back to Antarctica, so
Dan: that tied in with the portal.
Dan: It's led a lot of people to believe they
Dan: accidentally Portalled themselves to this
Dan: shopping center.
Gav: Are you telling me frank and bob the aliens?
Gav: Right, you two?
Gav: You just got a fucking go to Antarctica.
Dan: Okay, that's all you've got to do.
Dan: They're all wet in for you there having a
Dan: little party.
Gav: It's your fifth time of being an alien in
Gav: alien universe Workland and you give me a
Gav: little cake in a party.
Gav: They're waiting for you.
Gav: It's a surprise, but just be surprised.
Gav: Okay, that's all you got to do is get there.
Dan: One, two, three, four, five, five four,
Dan: three, two, one.
Dan: I'm sure he said the equivalent of beer.
Gav: some butt head as aliens and they've just
Gav: gone there.
Gav: So they and you look at them, it's both one.
Gav: Yeah, okay, there we are.
Gav: There are we as aliens?
Dan: we're in a shopping center.
Dan: Oh, this isn't Antarctica.
Dan: Fuck, we fucked up.
Dan: Either that or they meant to go there, and
Dan: either way that that's a very strange
Dan: coincidence.
Gav: But no, they, they didn't.
Gav: But I don't know.
Gav: I don't want to this isn't my other podcast.
Gav: If you want to want to hear me going off on
Gav: one about this stuff, listen to the whole
Gav: strange this podcast.
Dan: So the to tie this up, no teenagers were
Dan: seen running eye.
Dan: Witnesses said they didn't see any fight
Dan: source here, any fireworks or guns.
Dan: Um, they said that they stopped air traffic
Dan: over that part of the city for the whole
Dan: night and all that was seen was those black
Dan: military choppers.
Dan: You know, the ones that appear when Dodgy
Dan: ships going on, like if you try and get to
Dan: certain parts of the Grand Canyon, because
Dan: apparently there's ancient Egyptian stuff
Dan: and I say Egyptian, you heard me Ancient,
Dan: weird Egyptian stole tombs in the Grand
Dan: Canyon's.
Dan: If you go, try and go into some of these
Dan: caves, black choppers appear immediately
Dan: and you get taken off by guys in suits and
Dan: Taken back to the the checkpoint and they
Dan: say you're not like any anywhere near here.
Dan: So these black choppers were the only thing
Dan: in the sky this night.
Dan: No more air traffic was allowed, all the Uh
Dan: roads were shut and every single on-duty
Dan: police officer in Miami came out.
Dan: Um, all because some teenagers were
Dan: allegedly having a fight.
Gav: There's no one got actually any mobile
Gav: phone for it, because someone would.
Gav: I know they're panicking running, but you
Gav: know what people are like.
Gav: Everyone would have been filming.
Gav: Why have we not seen anyone person?
Gav: Because there wasn't really anybody, they
Gav: were Someone by the film day because there
Gav: wasn't really anybody in there.
Dan: This is the point.
Dan: They're saying there was a bunch of
Dan: teenagers in there, but there wasn't.
Dan: The police are just saying that as a
Dan: cover-up.
Dan: This is why they called out every single
Dan: cop in the in the city.
Gav: What's the gunfire?
Gav: Now I see people running for gunfire.
Gav: Is that because they're shooting at the
Gav: aliens?
Dan: Well, some.
Dan: Apparently somebody had some fireworks.
Dan: But if again, if you look at the CCTV
Dan: footage that's taken from inside the
Dan: shopping mall, there are some kind of weird
Dan: energy blasts coming out of this portal.
Dan: Now, maybe it's that that's making the
Dan: noise, maybe it's the aliens, I'm not sure.
Dan: But they're saying it's a huge brawl, but
Dan: there's no evidence of this brawl.
Dan: What there is evidence of is every cop
Dan: panicking and going to the shopping center,
Dan: some 10 foot creatures walking around and a
Dan: portal Opening up inside, and then, coupled
Dan: with the fact that it sounds hard to cause,
Dan: coordinates backwards, what's going on in
Dan: Miami, gav?
Dan: Yeah, I'm going to Miami.
Gav: Maybe they off to get Will Smith.
Dan: So, um, maybe Will Smith was in men and
Dan: black and he sang the Miami song and
Dan: independence day.
Dan: So the story the police have is that
Dan: someone threw a bottle at a car and it
Dan: started a fight between some Teenagers.
Dan: But again, there's not really any evidence
Dan: of this.
Dan: They say they've arrested some teenagers
Dan: who were laid to Set free, but they've not
Dan: given any names.
Dan: No one was injured.
Dan: It's just a very lazy story.
Dan: What really happened inside the shopping
Dan: center?
Dan: And I wanted to bring this up because it's
Dan: a sort of news story now I didn't know and
Dan: I'm so happy you brought this up.
Dan: I'm going back and I'm checking on this
Dan: story every few days because it only
Dan: happened a month ago, not even that, you
Dan: know, a few weeks ago.
Dan: So I'm like, what's next?
Dan: What's next?
Dan: So, yeah, check out, check out the reaction
Dan: videos.
Dan: People break down the videos and zoom in,
Dan: and especially that one that's inside the
Dan: shopping center with the portal.
Dan: That's the one that really is quite
Dan: interesting.
Dan: People are really breaking that down.
Dan: But, like I said, what, what do you think
Dan: about those coordinates?
Dan: You know you're just flipping them and you
Dan: end the back up in Antarctica, which is
Dan: rumored for years to be Alien central.
Dan: You know there's stuff under the ice that's
Dan: being covered up by the government.
Dan: We're not allowed, you're not allowed, to
Dan: fly over there.
Dan: Nobody owns Antarctica.
Dan: You know no one's allowed to fly over it.
Dan: It's not allowed to be shown on google maps.
Dan: All of this kind of stuff like what is
Dan: going on.
Dan: Gav Aliens, what is it?
Gav: We are just, just, basically just
Gav: Civilizations after civilization on top of
Gav: each other.
Gav: The water comes along, drowns us all,
Gav: floods us all Freezes, then we start
Gav: building, start going again and just keep
Gav: going.
Gav: I've lay out and lay out and lay out of
Gav: civilizations and I don't know.
Dan: But.
Dan: But you've just watched, so you describe
Dan: you.
Dan: You've just watched some of the footage.
Dan: Do you describe to our listeners what, what
Dan: you've seen there?
Gav: I can only see the chaos.
Gav: I can see very like A high up bird in the
Gav: eye, helicopter, top view looking downwards
Gav: and outwards, and just looks like a
Gav: Christmas tree lit up.
Gav: And it's not.
Gav: It's every one of those little light bulbs,
Gav: in fact police cars, um, it's a mass of man
Gav: at the cops and then like there's just
Gav: hectic nurse people running away from you
Gav: would imagine it's a gunfire.
Gav: That's sort of thing they're running from
Gav: because they'll be used to it.
Gav: You know that that thing breaking out, um,
Gav: and but you do see this, these two kind of
Gav: like, if you've seen the chicken video, the
Gav: little kid did the chicken dance with a
Gav: pants on his head, but it's at night, if
Gav: you and they thought is there's an alien?
Gav: And this kid's like, no, it's me.
Gav: They look like two of the chicken-headed
Gav: kids are kind of walking along.
Gav: Actually funny enough.
Dan: It's weird.
Gav: It almost looks CGI the way they walk,
Gav: though, but it looks so shit CGI that it
Gav: could be nowadays because our CGI is too
Gav: good.
Gav: Even AI you could do.
Gav: Your grand could Make a great thing they
Gav: look like the um.
Dan: you know the inflatable wacky wailing men
Dan: that you get outside Places that they're on
Dan: um family guy lot.
Dan: You know the wacky inflatable.
Dan: They look a bit like those things walking
Dan: along, don't they?
Gav: Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's, it's strange.
Dan: I suggest spending an hour or so lying in
Dan: bed just watching videos on this cab.
Dan: It is a great rabbit hole to go down and
Dan: it's one that I'm still in right now.
Dan: Yeah, there's loads.
Dan: The reaction videos are great.
Dan: People go off on crazy there's.
Dan: There's one more part to it that our buddy,
Dan: r J McCready, brought to my attention,
Dan: which is somebody else said that that
Dan: portal or potentially could be something to
Dan: do with the time loop, because there's
Dan: reports that a similar incident happened
Dan: something like 20 years ago.
Dan: Exactly the same thing happened.
Dan: Every cop car came out.
Dan: Now I can't find any news on this, but
Dan: there is definitely stories of people
Dan: saying it's a loop and these aliens have
Dan: just gone back and recreated or something.
Dan: I don't know.
Dan: But so there's loads of theories time
Dan: travel, portals, 10 foot aliens, kids with
Dan: fireworks.
Dan: Who knows what it was.
Dan: All I know is, if will Smith holds up a
Dan: shiny silver dildo and asked you to look at
Dan: it, shut your eyes, indeed, oh, but you
Dan: could look at it if you want.
Dan: It's probably something to do with
Dan: Scientology, but it's.
Gav: It's a weird fucking thing.
Gav: Uh, I didn't know anything about it.
Dan: It's exciting.
Dan: What are your final thoughts before bill
Dan: Murray takes it away?
Gav: I don't know, because there's this whole
Gav: UFO things going on.
Gav: It's like there's I've gone on to this on
Gav: my other show is there's so many thoughts
Gav: it, but like that's a weird one, like
Gav: there's one way of looking at it, like it's
Gav: a complete cover up for something else
Gav: going on, and the government side just
Gav: starts telling them that show miss footage,
Gav: stuff stopped, you know, because they're
Gav: doing something really sketchy.
Gav: They're trying to miss directors.
Gav: Yeah, maybe, um, but that's this.
Gav: This seems a bit over the top if they were.
Gav: Well, I mean the amount of shit trying to
Gav: hide it and get under the rug seems a bit
Gav: weird for him to do that.
Gav: So it's a bit like so what is?
Gav: I don't know, I can't tell you.
Gav: Is it real?
Gav: I don't know.
Gav: There's some weird shit going on there.
Dan: The sheer amount of police officers that
Dan: would get attended.
Dan: That incident is just nuts.
Gav: That's true, like seeing that footage from
Gav: all the helicopters and all the different
Gav: news outlets that they're doing it.
Gav: They're not all like jointly, like don't
Gav: let's pretend this happened and that
Gav: showing that footage of that.
Gav: Obviously I can't see anything else.
Gav: It's very hard now.
Gav: They's living with the internet and
Gav: Everyone has a phone in their pockets.
Gav: That's why we see in my so much more stuff.
Gav: But so many people can do fake stuff and
Gav: it's so hard now, like getting excited by
Gav: stuff.
Dan: Yeah, that's the problem.
Gav: This has excited me.
Gav: I do need to know more about it and I
Gav: reckon that my next show with Sarah of the
Gav: high exchanges podcast episode I might have
Gav: to have a little talk about this beforehand,
Gav: please do.
Dan: Well, there we go.
Dan: That's uh Miami aliens going shopping on
Dan: the use day.
Gav: Thanks, that's like a little birthday treat
Gav: for me there we go.
Dan: Merry birthday to you right up my.
Dan: Right Bill, if you could stop using
Dan: whatever that is to moisturize Paul Rudd's
Dan: face.
Dan: What is that?
Dan: Oh my god, it's true.
Gav: I see.
Dan: I'll Take us away.
Gav: That's all the time we've got for this
Gav: weekend, where it was strange.
Gav: Next week, though, give me iron careless
Gav: pets weird.
Speaker 2: In 1971 William Friedkin directed the
Speaker 2: french connection.
Speaker 2: It received five academy awards, including
Speaker 2: best picture of the year.
Speaker 2: In 1974 he directed the exorcist.
Speaker 2: It made history.
Speaker 2: Since then, friedkin has spent over two
Speaker 2: years in five countries on three continents
Speaker 2: Creating his latest film, an unusual
Speaker 2: adventure into the realm of suspense.
Speaker 2: So so.
Speaker 2: Four men condemned by their past, robbed of
Speaker 2: their future, trapped in a life that was
Speaker 2: also a death, four men take an incredible
Speaker 2: chance, face an impossible challenge and
Speaker 2: risk the only thing they have left to lose.
Speaker 2: Roy Shider in a new film by William
Speaker 2: Friedkin sorcerer.
Gav: Sorcerer from 1977.
Gav: Two hours and one minute, four unfortunate
Gav: men from different parts of the globe agree
Gav: to risk their lives Transporting gallons of
Gav: nitroglycerin across dangerous Latin
Gav: American jungle.
Gav: What, who thought of this?
Gav: Originally a book?
Dan: Yes.
Gav: Is where the idea came from.
Gav: I you know you're here for movies and for,
Gav: fortunately, if you are a book person, uh,
Gav: I am not the person to have conversations
Gav: with.
Gav: This was for my book.
Gav: That's all I can really Tell you.
Gav: The tagline die really hard.
Gav: That's the tagline Like die hard, die
Gav: really hard die really hard.
Gav: Is it like die hard five?
Gav: Drive really hard.
Dan: I'm sick, though, wouldn't it Jesus.
Gav: Then it was uh, uh, reem, uh, not remade.
Gav: It was originally made in France.
Gav: Uh, what was the movie called for?
Gav: That see.
Gav: The wages of fear, that's it.
Gav: I didn't get chance to watch the film.
Gav: Um, I was going to, it just didn't happen.
Gav: I didn't even realize, you see, and I was
Gav: like, oh okay, um, I Like I said I
Gav: originally thought this film was like some
Gav: one of the sword and sorcery type, early
Gav: 80s fantasy type for films and, um, I
Gav: Didn't know really anything about this and
Gav: I knew there's that sort of picture in the
Gav: front cover.
Gav: But then I sort of found out it wasn't
Gav: horror movie, because obviously, you see,
Gav: sorcerer William Friedkin, x this, you kind
Gav: of think, oh, okay, it's horror, um, and
Gav: then, just uh, I don't know what made me,
Gav: oh, I was, uh in a shop and there's a
Gav: blu-ray copy for sale, um, like a ten or
Gav: something like that, like an arrow copy or
Gav: I think it might been, or something I don't
Gav: know, and I was like, oh shit, uh, uh, fuck
Gav: it, I'm gonna, I'm gonna pick it up on a
Gav: blind, blind by type sort of thing.
Gav: I'm gonna blow away by this.
Gav: Just because of, just because I know
Gav: William Friedkin is an old school filmmaker.
Gav: He likes to do is this in camera, it's this,
Gav: it's just old school.
Gav: He's really like we're gonna, we're gonna,
Gav: he's one of those like Francis Ford couple
Gav: of types we people might die but we're
Gav: gonna get the film made, type people you
Gav: know yeah, and it's the, so something to
Gav: talk about really is.
Dan: This film is made in 77, so that year I was
Dan: born and it's my birthday.
Gav: Yeah, I thought that's funny.
Dan: Um, so that time, that time in filmmaking,
Dan: is a very special, like the mid 70s to the
Dan: late 70s.
Gav: It's a bit of the world rest a little bit
Gav: for big players, isn't it?
Dan: Yeah, and William Friedkin was definitely
Dan: one of these guys.
Dan: People push the boundaries, not like
Dan: Shockingly, like they didn't shock people,
Dan: they just pushed.
Dan: They really got behind there.
Dan: They believed in their project, that they
Dan: were directing or producing whatever it was,
Dan: and really it's very special stuff that
Dan: came out at this time and this has a real
Dan: um deliverance Sort of vibe to it.
Dan: There is some parts of it that you can
Dan: really feel the exorcist as well.
Dan: He has a real signature.
Dan: Friedkin obviously directed the french
Dan: connection and it's just a very great.
Dan: This is a very grounded um, not even
Dan: adventure.
Dan: This is a An exercise in fucking tension.
Dan: Man, this film, particularly Midway through
Dan: act two and all the way through act three,
Dan: this film is a full-on tension session.
Dan: You will be so tense so I advise you now,
Dan: if you haven't seen sorcerer, stop Go watch
Dan: it.
Dan: Don't listen to us because we're gonna
Dan: probably spoil it right from the beginning.
Dan: Um, not that there's a huge amount to spoil,
Dan: but the tense scenes.
Dan: And will they or won't they?
Dan: Because they're not very nice guys.
Dan: All of the guys in this are all baddies, um,
Dan: and we don't, you know, we don't know.
Dan: We don't know who the hero is.
Gav: We guess it's Roy Schneider, because he's
Gav: right, because he is, uh, the, uh, the
Gav: white american.
Gav: Yeah, I know you say that but, that would
Gav: be the only reason anyone would root for
Gav: him.
Gav: Or and they already know him, though we
Gav: don't know the other actors so much- yeah.
Dan: So this film left me feeling.
Dan: First of all, it's my first time watch I
Dan: was blown away, absolutely blown away by
Dan: this.
Dan: This now is up there for me in.
Dan: It's not quite a film, gods movie, but it's
Dan: up there, uh, and makes me realize how good
Dan: William Friedkin is, because I forgot how
Dan: good the french connection is.
Dan: I now want to go back and rewatch that.
Dan: You know, obviously the axis, one of my
Dan: favorite horror films all time cruising
Dan: cruising.
Dan: I haven't seen that, but you know you've
Dan: watched that it's.
Dan: It's a great movie, great performances.
Dan: What's incredible about this movie more
Dan: than any of what the things I've just
Dan: mentioned forget the people Is where they
Dan: shot it, the locations, the effects in 70s.
Dan: Think about the size of the cameras exactly,
Dan: you know, in them, the rope, bridges, uh,
Dan: the cover of the sort of the valleys they
Dan: had to cross, the trees, not like
Dan: apocalypse.
Gav: Now where we, we we have that a credible
Gav: documentary.
Gav: Uh, and soon the darkness as such a great
Gav: documentary, luckily, if once for a.
Gav: Coppola's daughter is like you know, you
Gav: take camera and film what loads what film,
Gav: all this stuff, so like it.
Gav: Unfortunately we don't for this.
Gav: There's nothing on the exercise, that which
Gav: is a show.
Dan: No, but there is a hell of a story behind
Dan: this which involves at least 50 of the crew
Dan: getting gangrene and malaria and Friedkin
Dan: himself got um malaria and he lost um 50
Dan: pounds.
Dan: Um, he didn't find out until he was at the
Dan: premiere.
Dan: He was very weak and people suffered.
Dan: But you, but I tell you what you can see.
Dan: It, you can see it and it adds and I'm not
Dan: saying people should suffer for their art.
Gav: To make a film discussed we discussed
Gav: recently in the episodes of deaf infants in
Gav: the month.
Dan: Yeah, how should be avoided and obviously
Dan: health and safety was very different in
Dan: 1977 or 76 probably, when this was shot.
Dan: But my god, the blood, sweat and tears that
Dan: went into making this really feel at
Dan: Weirdly also gave me, um, a bit of a vibe
Dan: of that.
Dan: That uh, uh twilight zone segment with the
Dan: yeah, do you know what I mean with the?
Dan: Um, that's quite a hit thing.
Dan: Who died and stuff?
Dan: Um, what a film Gav what?
Dan: Like I said earlier, you're a bit of a
Dan: bastard because you've managed again.
Dan: You pick two fucking great films, neither
Dan: of which I've seen but this one.
Dan: This is a real Film, a real film like you
Dan: sit down and this there's no fucking about.
Dan: This is a great story, great performances,
Dan: and I must admit it took me by surprise
Dan: because it's took its time to get going
Dan: once I realized the setup which To jump to
Dan: that just now is for not very nice guys
Dan: from various parts of the world that all
Dan: end up in this little village In venezuela
Dan: because they're hiding their life from
Dan: their lives, their terrorists, their conmen,
Dan: their, you know, gangsters.
Dan: This is like, basically, industrial door.
Dan: When they want to go and live in El Rey in
Dan: Mexico, this is the place and then they
Dan: have an opportunity which brings them
Dan: together to transport this nitroglycerin
Dan: 280 miles, I think it is and they're all
Dan: going to get like 20 000 dollars, which is
Dan: a lot of money.
Dan: It means they can buy a passport and they
Dan: can live freely within this the country and
Dan: not live in poverty.
Dan: That's all the story is.
Dan: It's so simple.
Dan: But because of that, I've never seen
Dan: something quite like that before.
Dan: Fucking hell man, the tension, just fucking.
Dan: Yeah, I've got a big yes.
Gav: Yes, everything you say is correct.
Gav: Um, it's a great film.
Gav: Um, I don't.
Gav: I.
Gav: Yeah.
Gav: As soon as I watched it, I was like we've
Gav: got to talk about this.
Dan: I've got to be honest, only heard about it
Dan: Four or five years ago, then you started
Dan: talking about it a year or so ago maybe,
Dan: and since watching it I've realized it's
Dan: considered an absolute classic, a must
Dan: watch if you like cinema of any kind.
Dan: Um, and you know posting, oh, I'm watching
Dan: this tonight.
Dan: Everybody's like this is in my top films of
Dan: all time.
Dan: This is my favorite film of all time.
Dan: People are I'm like where have I been?
Dan: How have I not?
Dan: How is this not in my viewing?
Dan: It's new for me too, though.
Gav: So, um yeah, it starts off with like a
Gav: whole sort of thing, I sort of jet-setting
Gav: back and forth.
Gav: I'm not not getting Completing to, I'm just
Gav: saying very quickly William Friedkin
Gav: himself said that he I did it to kind of
Gav: big grand scale before Getting into it and
Gav: he feels like he sort of he should not have
Gav: gone so like that.
Gav: Do you know what I mean?
Gav: We sort of shows this really like kind of
Gav: James Bondi in some way, just about the
Gav: same Very massive set pieces but at least
Gav: four of them so, um, we're not all massive.
Gav: I suppose the explosion obviously is, which
Gav: just looks crazy, but we'll get to that.
Gav: But he says, like you know, he feels like
Gav: he sort of spent a bit too long.
Gav: I think, on that as well.
Gav: You know just that part before getting into
Gav: the main bit of it himself.
Gav: But but it I like it's in there, like it's
Gav: you're reading a book or you're really
Gav: getting into and obviously this what came
Gav: from a book.
Gav: But you're really getting into it and you
Gav: got to notice the characters and this is
Gav: like a big but you have to know almost how
Gav: despicable these people are, almost because
Gav: you don't Root for them but you kind of do
Gav: because you want it's like the get, it's
Gav: like a football match or something, it's a
Gav: whatever entertains your human beings in
Gav: the world.
Gav: It's like we want to see this dynamic get
Gav: across, but the chances it might blow up is
Gav: quite fun.
Gav: So we don't really root for these
Gav: characters because they're all cunts in
Gav: their own way and and going back to
Gav: Friedkin, and here's the grand design that
Gav: you had for this.
Dan: You know, because it starts off in these
Dan: these very um, just really amazing
Dan: countries and locations, real places as
Dan: well.
Dan: You know, this is it what this reminded me
Dan: of, before we get into the jungles, where
Dan: it's all just trees and ravines.
Dan: And you know, what it reminded me of is the,
Dan: the opening of the exorcist, which was huge,
Dan: grand scale in iraq.
Dan: You know, they're doing that dig and it's
Dan: all very like they've gone there, like in
Dan: indiana jones, where they go to these
Dan: deserts and they film for real in these
Dan: places.
Dan: You know, and it's just so good.
Dan: But it took me Minutes.
Dan: I thought, oh, I'm not sure if I'm gonna
Dan: like this because I'm not quite sure what's
Dan: happening.
Dan: But if you stick at the story, it's quite a
Dan: straightforward story.
Dan: You just got to know these four characters
Dan: and where they go and why they're doing
Dan: what they do.
Dan: But I think the languages will put people
Dan: off.
Dan: That's what makes elevates this they're all
Dan: speaking individual languages because
Dan: they're all in different countries as well.
Gav: Yeah.
Dan: Oh.
Gav: It's great, um, fun enough to quick segue,
Gav: excuse me.
Gav: Um, I've he's on netflix actually, so I've
Gav: put on my list and I'm gonna, when I get a
Gav: moment to go an afternoon, all good, just
Gav: sit and watch that.
Gav: I've never seen it.
Gav: I've watched lots of arabia.
Dan: Oh yeah, that's good, it's supposed to be
Dan: very good.
Dan: Um, I would also say, before we get into
Dan: this story this is the best performance
Dan: I've ever seen from Roy Schneider.
Dan: He's incredible in this.
Dan: Yeah he's really good in there, carries the
Dan: whole film.
Gav: Well, all of them.
Gav: You can see the desperation and you could
Gav: just see how hard and tiring it must have
Gav: been to shoot this fucking film.
Gav: We should Sanchimune, we, we, we would go
Gav: over by a few hours in the woods.
Gav: That's not anything really.
Dan: But we will go.
Gav: Oh my god, I'm weak.
Gav: It's one in the morning, god, I'm so tired.
Gav: Everybody eat biscuits, damn you.
Gav: We must keep going, you know?
Gav: Uh, this wasn't this, this wasn't lorry's
Gav: going down mudslid, fucking ravines, I had
Gav: a fuck.
Gav: What happens when the lorry gets stuck?
Gav: If you got a crane, come in, take it out.
Gav: What the fuck?
Dan: and they built the bridges, you know.
Gav: I wish I knew more of the backstory.
Dan: They.
Dan: Well, there's some really good trivia on.
Dan: If you go on IMDB, there's Lots of trivia
Dan: about how they built the bridges with
Dan: hydraulics and but yet obviously still
Dan: things would go wrong because it was the
Dan: 70s and they were out in the middle of
Dan: nowhere.
Dan: Like you said, if someone went wrong, they
Dan: had to wait for someone to come out and do
Dan: this or do that.
Gav: Everybody got malaria Everyone was bitten
Gav: by things you know and think like they
Gav: wouldn't have a mobile phone.
Gav: They could just ring somewhere else back
Gav: home.
Gav: There's not gonna be a phone when they're
Gav: out there.
Gav: They're out there, so they'd be sending
Gav: messengers.
Dan: It's just just crazy really, and I don't
Dan: know how long they were out there filming
Dan: this.
Gav: It's just we've let's get into this film,
Gav: because a very small budget as well.
Gav: I would just say Did you see what the
Gav: budget was?
Dan: It was, let me get back to it now.
Gav: This is good for me, because I don't really
Gav: know this film myself.
Gav: I watched it and went fuck me, we've got to
Gav: do this film.
Dan: Sure it said it was a and that's why we're
Dan: here.
Dan: Uh, two and a half million budget, that I
Dan: see, which is very, really small.
Gav: That's like that had been then looked upon
Gav: as like a very low budget.
Gav: I know it's 77, but that still would have
Gav: been looked upon fairly low budget.
Dan: Yeah, so it's two and a half million budget.
Dan: Um, that's radic, how?
Dan: Um, oh sorry, that's what they wanted, and
Dan: then it ended up spilling to Because lots
Dan: of stuff kept going wrong.
Dan: It ended up going to 15 million in the end,
Dan: so a bit more.
Dan: But, um, yeah, great and tangerine dream
Dan: coming along and doing this score.
Gav: What the fuck like it's the thing is this
Gav: movie, even though it's not a horror movie,
Gav: does a night.
Gav: It feels like a nightmare.
Gav: I don't have nightmares.
Gav: I've not had a nightmare for many years.
Gav: I occasionally have them hardly at all, or
Gav: dreams in general, anyway, which is very
Gav: sad.
Gav: I wish I had my dreams again, daniel.
Dan: Um.
Gav: I could dream of being a pink butterfly.
Dan: And give you a wet dream later, if you like.
Gav: No, you can't give that to me, though I
Gav: have to give it to myself, don't I?
Dan: Well, if you're asleep, I can do something
Dan: to you.
Gav: No, literally, I don't know what I'm
Gav: talking about.
Dan: Um, you said tangerine dream and you said
Dan: this feels like, like you are my podcast in
Dan: haste.
Gav: Um, this feels like a nightmare, or I
Gav: imagine remember what nightmares would like,
Gav: because it's just a whole like Stuck.
Gav: You know there's porn if rain, the
Gav: claustrophobia.
Gav: But then tangerine dream just steps in and
Gav: goes we're just gonna make some really
Gav: weird fucking prog rock type of shit going
Gav: on in the background to make you go.
Gav: The fuck is going on.
Dan: And the the word sorcerer will throw, like
Dan: you said.
Gav: One of the trucks.
Dan: Yeah, they named the trucks Lazarus and the
Dan: other one sorcerer.
Dan: And sorcerer is an evil wizard of fate, and
Dan: Freakin said the reason they called it that
Dan: was because the one the big baddie in this
Dan: whole movie is fate, and how, every turning
Dan: they're trying to do something else fucks
Dan: up and they just cannot catch a break.
Gav: Yeah, they, it didn't do well it didn't.
Gav: And the thing is, though, I think sorcerer
Gav: according to sorcerer is was the wrong
Gav: thing If they had called it fucking.
Gav: I don't.
Dan: I don't want to jungle drive Explosions
Dan: through the jungle jungle drive sounds like
Dan: a rock movie between Johnson, doesn't it?
Dan: Have you seen that new dwayne johnson movie,
Dan: jungle drive?
Dan: It's great what happens in it, him and
Dan: johnny noxfield driving through the jungle
Dan: or explosions in the jungle or something
Dan: like that.
Dan: Or road bridge or something.
Dan: Yeah.
Gav: Yeah, yeah, that with that front cover, you
Gav: could have thrown it as a nightmare.
Gav: Yeah, absolutely, that's perfect.
Gav: Yeah, um, and I think that's probably where
Gav: Did it wrong.
Gav: But at that point, though, really in
Gav: freaking at this point, though, is at the
Gav: top of his fucking game.
Gav: He's untouchable.
Gav: So he just went and he's proud of it.
Gav: This is the film that he wanted to make.
Gav: So fuck it.
Dan: This is his favorite film of his career.
Gav: Good on him, he did it yeah fuck it.
Gav: He got to the point where he could declare
Gav: what he wanted and go and make it and do it
Gav: and People went along with him.
Gav: All these characters and what a great cast
Gav: and what great actors.
Dan: Yeah, fantastic.
Dan: So I'm as great as he, roy Schneider as a
Dan: baddie.
Gav: It's weird to be weird having rob Schneider
Gav: as the lead, but anyway, let's get into it,
Gav: let's get into this, let's get into this.
Dan: So we get the exorcist font.
Dan: So we, of course, like just like John
Dan: Carpenter's got his own font for his movies,
Dan: william freaking seems to have his own font
Dan: for this movie.
Dan: It's covered, followed on from the exorcist,
Dan: and we are in A place called Vera Cruz in
Dan: Mexico.
Dan: That's where we open up and we see a man
Dan: assassinated in a hotel room and we see
Dan: some guys who have been.
Dan: They've come out of the After the
Dan: assassination and they make a run for it
Dan: and then a bomb goes off.
Gav: Where were we just in, though?
Gav: Because I know, I know then we're in
Gav: Jerusalem before the, that we have the, the
Gav: explosion and the guys on the bus, but what
Gav: do you say?
Gav: Because I missed it and I think yeah, Vera
Gav: Vera Cruz in Mexico.
Gav: Mexico.
Dan: Yeah, okay so they're.
Dan: Jerusalem.
Dan: Yeah, cut to Jerusalem in Israel.
Dan: And there's some Palestinian militants who
Dan: were disguised as Jews in amongst the
Dan: crowds and they have a bomb, and the bomb
Dan: goes off.
Dan: Wow, wow, that's a great ocean.
Dan: It's there.
Gav: What the fuck, there's people just really
Gav: getting thrown and it's like whoa shit.
Dan: Again, there's something so gritty about
Dan: filmmaking in this this time period.
Dan: Yeah.
Dan: Yeah, um, because that.
Dan: This is on film as well you know, yeah,
Dan: exactly, yeah, it just looks real Um, but
Dan: these guys walk out, walk off, and they run
Dan: off and they split up to them, get killed
Dan: Um by the army, um the Israeli defense, and
Dan: the other two managed to get onto a bus and
Dan: escape um.
Dan: One of these men is kaseem um, who is going
Dan: to be one of our four Nitroglycerin
Dan: transporters.
Gav: That could be named the movie.
Dan: That would be.
Dan: That would be jason statham.
Gav: It would be.
Dan: Nitroglycerin transporter.
Gav: Nitroglycerin transporter, or I'm Jason
Gav: Statham Listen.
Dan: I've got to get this Explosive stuff from A
Dan: to fucking B, right?
Dan: I don't care how many trees are in my way,
Dan: and if you're on my way, I'm going to chop
Dan: you down like a fucking tree.
Dan: Sunshine, yes.
Gav: Speaking of B, I'm in the beekeeper.
Gav: Now I am the beekeeper.
Gav: I've not said I will watch it.
Gav: I will watch it because you know what you
Gav: get when you get Jason Statham film ready
Gav: and I'm like, yeah, fine kicking everyone's
Gav: ass.
Dan: So, yeah, these guys, the bomb goes off,
Dan: but the police Kill all but one of them,
Dan: kaseem, and he escapes and there's a riot
Dan: outside, huge riot happens that police, the
Dan: police raid when they go in.
Gav: The way it's shot is is like role-playing
Gav: games we play now with cordial duty.
Gav: It's it's shot like that hand out a real
Gav: going in with the cops and stuff and it's
Gav: like what the fuck?
Gav: The cameras would have been big and shit
Gav: and it's just the way it's been filmed is
Gav: like how have you done this?
Dan: It really reminded me of the raid and that
Dan: there's the way that they go into the
Dan: building at the beginning.
Dan: It feels so gritty and real.
Gav: You're there with them going in Do you know
Gav: what I mean it really was?
Gav: Um, it's just so, so impressed with it.
Gav: Just the way the cameras move went like
Gav: that.
Dan: Yeah, so so far we've met nilo, who's the,
Dan: the guy that executed the man in mexico.
Dan: We've met kaseem, who set the bomb off in
Dan: the field hit man a bomber.
Dan: On a bomber or a terrorist.
Dan: And now we're in my toes.
Dan: Now we're in paris and this is where we're
Dan: gonna meet.
Dan: Uh, victor Victor is with his wife.
Gav: He doesn't seem too bad a person.
Gav: I think he's not Not so bad out of them.
Gav: Uh, out of the four.
Dan: Yeah, he's probably.
Dan: He's like a money embezzler, isn't he?
Gav: Yeah, he's not really trying to uh Stitch
Gav: any.
Gav: What we're like?
Gav: Obviously rory's like a fucking driver for
Gav: a church Hit robbery which we can't you
Gav: know.
Gav: So that's a bit mean, but but that's a bit
Gav: mean, um, but yeah, he, he speaks to his
Gav: wife.
Dan: I think the the thing for him is is that
Dan: he's got such a loving wife and a child and
Dan: he just throws, he just abandons them to
Dan: save his own skin.
Dan: And I think that's his sort of sin, because
Dan: his wife gives him an anniversary watch
Dan: with his you know happy anniversary
Dan: engraved on it, and then he finds out
Dan: there's some issues with money, doesn't he?
Dan: Um, yeah, His brother his brother-in-law.
Gav: And he helps.
Dan: Yeah, and he says to his brother-in-law you
Dan: need to speak to your dad.
Dan: His father-in-law, um, and he needs to help
Dan: us with this because I, I'm going to go to
Dan: prison, um, if I can't prove my innocence
Dan: in this, like money laundering, whatever it
Dan: is, in the next 24 hours.
Dan: Well, pascal, his brother-in-law then kills
Dan: himself, blows his brain.
Gav: So Well, let's, let's, let's go back to the
Gav: very quick.
Gav: So this guy, um, has claimed to have false
Gav: possessions of 15 million.
Gav: Yeah, so it's basically fraud.
Gav: So the investment company?
Gav: Yeah, I've given him basically 24 hours all
Gav: day so he's having dinner with his wife and
Gav: family.
Gav: It's just sort of sitting there and it's
Gav: very nice place, as you can imagine.
Gav: I it's not a sort of place I would eat out
Gav: or ever eat out ready, but I'm I'm happy
Gav: with that anyway.
Gav: Um, uh, and the way it comes over says, oh,
Gav: there's a someone here to speak to you, or
Gav: whatever, or phone call, whether it is, is
Gav: it a phone call or something I've seen I
Gav: think someone comes to speak to him.
Gav: It was, wasn't it?
Gav: So it is, um, his, uh, probably not.
Gav: And he gets up from the table, says I'll
Gav: just be back in a minute there and it just
Gav: goes off to normal.
Gav: He's all very well presented this sort of
Gav: this feather is and walks off to go see his
Gav: Chats wait, this guy.
Gav: And they sort of say you got to speak to
Gav: get your dad to fucking sort this out, but,
Gav: but, but, but.
Gav: And he turns around to walk back and the
Gav: guy in the in the background goes and gets
Gav: his Porsche and in the foreground we've got
Gav: this guy walk towards camera in the
Gav: background all sitting blood out the rear
Gav: window and he's burning his brains and he
Gav: kind of realized this.
Gav: You're like Fuck.
Gav: And then you're like straight away, just
Gav: like that dude's just left his wife.
Gav: His wife has no idea.
Gav: He can't go and sit back down and just go.
Gav: Okay, let's just continue.
Gav: There's like because of her, her Brother is
Gav: outside.
Gav: It's just brain, is got brains out.
Dan: Yeah, actually he doesn't have a child.
Dan: But um, yeah, but but I think his sin.
Dan: No, he doesn't, because later on that he's
Dan: asked Do you have a children?
Dan: He said no, but some day I want to.
Dan: Um, but he, okay, no, he leaves it.
Dan: So he, he just fucks off.
Gav: He just goes, and I said he never sees his
Gav: wife again.
Dan: So his wife's gonna have to deal with her
Dan: brother, who's just committed suicide in
Dan: the car park, and the fact their husband's
Dan: vanished because Anals this money and
Dan: dollars.
Dan: So yeah, so he he's not as bad, but he's
Dan: still not good, not a good guy.
Gav: So so.
Gav: So then we cut to America.
Dan: Yeah, we cut to New Jersey and we get an,
Dan: an irish gang with um Roy Snyder in it, and
Dan: they Are going into a church because they
Dan: know that this church has a bingo game and
Dan: there's loads of cash for the bingo.
Dan: And they're gonna go straight the priests
Dan: are counting All the cash apparently is
Dan: based on a real thing's happened for real
Dan: In, um, I think, new York or New Jersey.
Gav: I'm sure the churches have loads of cash,
Gav: don't they?
Gav: And it's all cash.
Dan: And what they do is they?
Dan: They jump in, they get all the cash.
Dan: One of the priests tries to fight back and
Dan: they shoot the priests.
Gav: Now, what they don't realize is so did you
Gav: see, though, that the people getting
Gav: married and there's a woman getting married
Gav: with a black eye- Forget no reason.
Dan: Just adds to the gritty.
Gav: Oh it just shows, because Sarah's like
Gav: lovely and it's just like yeah there's a
Gav: story there that we already know, don't we?
Dan: Yeah, like fuck and yeah and what adds to
Dan: it more is we find out this this church is
Dan: kind of looked after and owned by the
Dan: Italian mafia.
Dan: Yeah so that's probably why she's got the
Dan: black eye.
Dan: These aren't very nice guys.
Dan: But also this this irish gang have shot.
Dan: Not only if they robbed all the money,
Dan: they've shot a priest who happens to be Um
Dan: the brother of Carl Ricci, who is the
Dan: Italian mafia kingpin of New Jersey.
Gav: Yeah, and they?
Gav: They shouldn't have shot.
Gav: There's a rick, wasn't?
Gav: What's the reason I should do one of them
Gav: go a bit trigger happy.
Dan: Yeah, one of them got a bit trigger happy
Dan: and decided to do always one.
Dan: There's always one.
Dan: Now, they don't know this yet.
Dan: Royce, no, doesn't know this yet, but so
Dan: they're escaping.
Dan: Yeah, it's just in the car waiting to drive
Dan: and they're all bombing down the road in
Dan: this car and Royce and I are driving and
Dan: the guys start arguing with each other was
Dan: an Irish fellow in the back and he's gonna
Dan: piss that he's not getting as much as
Dan: Someone else or whatever.
Dan: He says are you a piece of shit?
Dan: You are, and he was you're a piece of shit
Dan: too.
Dan: And they start sort of arguing a bit.
Dan: This distract Roy.
Gav: Yeah, we pulls out his PC.
Gav: So he says like no bad, but all the way,
Gav: and is looking over his shoulder and just
Gav: drives into lorry.
Dan: And this, this is a hell of a car crash,
Dan: isn't it again?
Gav: It's ready.
Dan: They don't do it like that as well.
Dan: Yeah well, the car flips and goes roof
Dan: first, as it's flying through the air into
Dan: a like a lamp post on a lorry then.
Dan: All this blood starts yeah, which then
Dan: washes all the blood out of the car.
Gav: And there's a blood everywhere and it's
Gav: just yeah, there's people screaming and
Gav: stuff.
Gav: It's like whoa and um.
Dan: The only survivor is Roy Schneider,
Dan: schneider, schneider, and he's a night, a
Dan: survivor.
Dan: He goes to meet his buddy, vinnie, um.
Gav: What are you singing?
Gav: I'm singing the schnider survivor.
Dan: Okay.
Gav: It's like a.
Gav: It's like a band um we could.
Dan: Roy schnider could have done like a cover
Dan: band of schnider twain songs called
Dan: schnider, schnider twain schnider twain
Dan: schnider.
Dan: They don't impress me much.
Dan: Fucking hate that song.
Gav: Man, I feel like a woman Fucking hate, that
Gav: Is that us as well, fuck yeah fuck uh, fuck
Gav: uh.
Gav: Oh, seriously, fuck you.
Dan: I'll better cancel the schnider twain
Dan: stripper that I've got a few births of them.
Gav: Well.
Dan: Cool then.
Gav: Oh, so yeah.
Dan: Roy schnider.
Dan: Jackie is guys who's called.
Dan: He meets up this friend, vinnie, after all
Dan: of this um, and Vinnie says to him you
Dan: fucked up, you don't know about this church,
Dan: who owns it, who the brother is that got
Dan: shot.
Dan: They're after you Taking out any of your
Dan: fucking idiot because then we we see a,
Dan: don't we, we see the the sort of the usual
Dan: mafia boys sitting around there.
Gav: He's a cheat.
Gav: Does anybody know?
Dan: does anybody know who killed, who shot my
Dan: brother and he said, yeah, it was the irish
Dan: gang.
Dan: His name's jackie.
Gav: Okay, that's very much.
Gav: That's very much.
Gav: So this tolls working with silvers Just
Gav: alone.
Gav: It's very much like that.
Gav: Um yeah, what a twat.
Gav: He's come away.
Gav: This is nothing.
Gav: He was only the fucking driver and he's
Gav: like he's achieved nothing.
Gav: You probably won't even get in a big cut
Gav: anyway.
Dan: But uh, vinnie says, don't worry, there's a
Dan: place, there's a place for you to go
Dan: because everything is?
Dan: I don't know, I don't want to know.
Gav: They go, just go down to the docks and ask
Gav: for bob or whatever.
Gav: Yeah, where am I going?
Gav: I don't know.
Gav: It's like okay, and imagine that though, if
Gav: you're just like right, well, I've just got
Gav: all my bag and I'm gonna start as new life,
Gav: wherever that is, I'm going out might have
Gav: to learn a new language.
Gav: I, you know what the fuck.
Dan: Now where they're going.
Dan: So that's the intro, essentially.
Dan: Yeah, and that's the first half of the
Dan: first act.
Gav: Really it's crazy and really it's really
Gav: good, though, to finish, and the tailpiece
Gav: of that is to finish on where am I go?
Gav: I go down to the docks, so we know it's a
Gav: boat, so it's obviously going to another
Gav: island, somewhere, you know another country,
Gav: uh, land, uh, and ask this person where am
Gav: I going?
Gav: I don't know.
Gav: You know now that all the other people
Gav: Because we still we see them there have
Gav: done that as well.
Gav: Yeah, and it's just like what an intro to
Gav: an epic film or more about to watch.
Dan: So we've got um a guy with a hit on him you
Dan: know a gangster with a hit on him.
Dan: We've got um a money launderer in bezler
Dan: who's who calls his brother to shoot
Dan: himself, so he's left his wife and run away.
Dan: We've got a terrorist bomber and we've got
Dan: a hitman, and where they end up is a place
Dan: called porvenir in columbia.
Gav: Is gary glitter there?
Gav: It looks a little place where gary glitter
Gav: would be probably it is.
Dan: It's a horrible looking place with poverty.
Dan: There's a dead body in the street, there's
Dan: flies and animals just everywhere.
Dan: There's no food.
Dan: There's barely anything to eat or drink.
Dan: They're eating bread and water.
Gav: It just looks horrible.
Dan: It smells gab.
Dan: I can smell it through my tv it looks
Dan: horrible, smell of vision.
Dan: But, um, we see over the course of a few
Dan: scenes that kaseem and victor and jackie
Dan: are all there, um, with fake identities.
Dan: So we must say they've all got these fake
Dan: IDs and they're trying to blend in.
Dan: You know, but these guys don't look like
Dan: columbian.
Dan: Especially roy schnoj Just certainly
Dan: doesn't look columbian, um, and they're all
Dan: kind of just trying to get by.
Dan: You know, um kaseem, he makes friends with
Dan: a man who calls himself marquez, who looks
Dan: like he was probably an ex-nazi war
Dan: criminal.
Dan: So these are the kind of people that have
Dan: moved to this village in columbia.
Dan: Yeah.
Dan: Um, now marquez does come into the story a
Dan: bit more in a moment.
Dan: Um, but yeah, extreme poverty.
Dan: They're earning barely any money doing
Dan: anything they can.
Dan: Um.
Gav: Looks just like depressing.
Gav: You wake up each morning and just look out
Gav: and it's the same thing and it's a bit uh,
Gav: nothing, yeah, there's not much money, yeah,
Gav: and they all work together sort of, or some
Gav: of them all work together.
Dan: They're all saving up basically to get real
Dan: passports so they can get the fuck out they
Dan: can become real citizens and move around
Dan: the country and get out of this part of the
Dan: country.
Dan: But they all realize it's going to take a
Dan: really long time to do that.
Dan: Now, while they're living there, and nilo
Dan: the hitman from the very first scene, he
Dan: arrives in the village as well and people
Dan: are like, oh, he seems a bit suspicious
Dan: because he's really um Shady and a bit the
Dan: hit fidgety, yeah, yeah he is a bit sketchy
Dan: reshade.
Gav: It's like a little pencil sort of type of
Gav: stash Ha.
Dan: He's not really trying to blend in, is he
Dan: not really he's?
Gav: kind of cool in his own little way, you
Gav: know.
Dan: Yeah, hit man.
Dan: So this village has um One huge income.
Dan: Just that side of the village there is an
Dan: american oil company that is found a huge
Dan: oil well, and it's pumping oil and it's
Dan: getting Tons and tons of oil out and this
Dan: is the main income for the village.
Dan: Really, they get, you know, they're not
Dan: making money.
Dan: They're not exporting anything else Dead
Dan: goats and whatever it is They've got lying
Dan: around in the streets, it's oil.
Dan: That's what's bringing any money, if any,
Dan: into the, into the village.
Dan: Now, that's very important because In
Dan: between all this stuff of police sort of
Dan: harassing Roy Schneider and Arresting him
Dan: and then letting him go and threatening him,
Dan: and all this other stuff, the oil well
Dan: Explodes, doesn't it?
Dan: Yeah?
Gav: Yeah, we're getting ahead a little bit.
Gav: I was gonna say You've got a bit where
Gav: they're in a bar earlier on and you've got,
Gav: the cops are coming and start hassling Roy.
Dan: That's what I say.
Dan: They came in and arrested him, but they
Dan: kind of let him go.
Dan: But they, they let him know that, they know
Dan: that he's well they take him to the cop
Dan: shop and they basically take his passport
Dan: from.
Dan: So I need that and they just tease him a
Dan: little bit and just fuck around with him a
Dan: bit and they sort of say you're not called.
Dan: Whatever his fake name is, we know.
Dan: We know your game.
Dan: We know this village attracts, you know,
Dan: criminals all over the world.
Dan: And we're, you know, we are the law.
Dan: We can fuck you over.
Dan: If we want, we can do what we want to you
Dan: know, Just fuck yeah and he's just sat
Dan: there thinking, oh fucking hell.
Gav: This is awful.
Gav: I just want to get out of here and this is.
Gav: This is kind of where we're getting out.
Gav: We've, we've been, we've established this
Gav: location Piece of shit place.
Gav: We all want to get going and we've
Gav: established all our characters and they,
Gav: they're dying to get going.
Gav: But I feel like everyone else is in there
Gav: dying to get going.
Gav: But obviously the guys we've we've
Gav: discovered and it is a very Male driven
Gav: film as well, it's not many, so many
Gav: females in it.
Dan: This also this village, for anyone that's
Dan: seen a fantastic film called city of god.
Dan: Um this is this is like one of those
Dan: brazilian favelas.
Dan: It's just so Crime ridden and poverty
Dan: ridden.
Dan: It's just not very nice at all.
Gav: and getting back to what you said yes, an
Gav: epic oil explosion, and again, crazy.
Gav: How'd they do this?
Dan: Again, it's 1977 dynamite the fuck.
Dan: Um, they burned.
Dan: They set propane up, I think, to blast out
Dan: the ground and lit it, but apparently the
Dan: crew it was hotter than they expected it.
Dan: The crew couldn't go within 50 feet of it,
Dan: so they had to put it out from very far
Dan: back with hoses and they were done with a
Dan: scene.
Dan: Now, because it's yeah, god.
Gav: Children's birthday.
Gav: I was gonna say, as they start talking
Gav: about what to do, yeah, because this is
Gav: going to burn up all the oil.
Dan: They need to put it out.
Dan: The only way you can really put out a fire
Dan: like this isn't with water, because it's,
Dan: and isn't with sand.
Dan: It's with an explosion, which will then All
Dan: the earth will then, you know it,
Dan: extinguish the fire.
Dan: So they need some dynamite to blow.
Dan: Basically, the only way to put out the fire
Dan: is with dynamite, which sounds nuts, but
Dan: it's, it's a thing.
Dan: It's the only way to do it, because it's
Dan: such a huge flame coming out the ground
Dan: makes sense.
Dan: Yeah, you know, so it's blowing the fire.
Gav: if I send this essentially, yeah, I'll get
Gav: it Fire to fight fire you, kind of
Gav: disrupting the fire's flow.
Dan: Yeah, so when have we got any dynamite?
Dan: Yes, we have got some dynamite somewhere in
Dan: a shed.
Dan: Talk to us about this shed, gav.
Dan: What's his shed?
Gav: Well, fucking sketchy shed with dynamite.
Gav: Are we gonna say about how pissed off the
Gav: locals are about the fact there's injured,
Gav: dead people and they just cause fucking
Gav: having?
Gav: all the trucks, we should have the
Gav: explosion after the explosion of it shows
Gav: the town and the trucks coming back with
Gav: the, the official security or whatever.
Gav: Bring them back and it's got dead of the
Gav: family.
Gav: And they just start fucking, beating up the
Gav: security guards and pulling them off the
Gav: truck and just fucking.
Gav: Like I said, just so fucked off this, like
Gav: it's just crazy.
Gav: There's like a dictated shit almost going
Gav: on in the country.
Dan: We should mention there's some really good
Dan: maker effects with the explosion Some
Dan: people on fire, some stuntmen on fire.
Dan: I always, I'm always so impressed by guys
Dan: it will set themselves on fire, these
Dan: stuntmen, um, and then we see the aftermath
Dan: of the bodies burnt there.
Dan: But then, like you said, when they take the
Dan: bodies off the trucks in front of the
Dan: villages and the villagers just do it
Dan: themselves, there's just these black and
Dan: charred bodies.
Dan: People are screaming and crying because
Dan: that's their brothers, their fathers, their
Dan: friends.
Dan: They're pissed they're so and the oil, the
Dan: american oil company, is like we are fucked
Dan: here.
Dan: We need to fix this big time we need.
Dan: First thing we need to do is put it out, um,
Dan: and then we need to start again and bring
Dan: more money into this and talk about
Dan: compensation potentially, but we can't do
Dan: any of that Without putting this fire out.
Gav: Yeah, and we see a helicopter view of the
Gav: far as well and it looks crazy.
Gav: It's absolutely huge.
Gav: Uh yeah, checking box of dynamite in this
Gav: place, but the boxes, some of the boxes,
Gav: basically what you have to do dynamite is
Gav: you have to turn it every once in a while
Gav: because otherwise, not to glistening, uh,
Gav: like a liquid, because it is a liquid Will
Gav: drip out and be at the bottom of the uh, um,
Gav: and that is essentially what is the
Gav: explosion there's gonna be at the bottom of
Gav: the wax pack, paper packaging, uh and
Gav: dangerous.
Gav: And later one of the guys Is like put his
Gav: hand down the side of dynamite going, oh my
Gav: god, oh my god, oh my god, feeling that,
Gav: and it's just like this is not good.
Gav: He has a little drip on him, he goes and
Gav: puts it on a stone, just flicks it off and
Gav: and this is where the tension starts this
Gav: early it does, because as soon as we get,
Gav: to the shed and he says so you get all of
Gav: you and you think what?
Dan: and he says to them nobody move.
Dan: And he explains, like he just said, you
Dan: know, with the Dripping, and it hasn't been
Dan: looked after, it's been just kept in a
Dan: random old shed.
Dan: The slightest Duration, you know, if you
Dan: shake it, if you drop it especially, it's
Dan: gonna explode.
Dan: And there's so much dynamite in that, in
Dan: that shed, that that could take out like
Dan: the whole the hill that it's on because
Dan: it's on top of a hill.
Dan: So like, fuck, this is the only dynamite
Dan: we've got.
Dan: Is this nitroglycerin?
Dan: It's really faulty and leaking.
Dan: What are we gonna do?
Dan: Um, so they pull up.
Dan: They set up a pulley system, don't they
Dan: just slowly take it out?
Dan: The guys are all sweating well they're like.
Gav: Well, the guy's like you know, any slight
Gav: bump in this dynamite box, dynamite is
Gav: going to go, move it 10 feet and it's going
Gav: to go.
Gav: Now what we're going to do, we're going to
Gav: do pulley system our helicopters out of
Gav: question.
Gav: Um, they're like we could drive up there
Gav: and say I was going to drive up there and
Gav: and then they just go up to everyone.
Gav: They say, look, we need to experience.
Gav: Again to town and just say we need to
Gav: experience drivers, right, 8 000, whatever
Gav: it is each.
Dan: I think it's $10,000 each or something like
Dan: that.
Gav: Okay and um, and then they just the the
Gav: main guy, who's the business guy, the
Gav: american who's there.
Gav: It starts kind of almost giving driving.
Gav: Driving teacher Is like just doing them
Gav: driving test Instructor and it's just just
Gav: testing and we're just checking out all the
Gav: locals what they like.
Gav: A driving lorry, so I don't get, can't get
Gav: into the gear and a job that makes the
Gav: lorry jutter forward and back and you can't
Gav: have that.
Gav: So no, you're out.
Gav: But we do discover our people that we
Gav: already know are quite good.
Gav: Actually, we discover a different one there,
Gav: don't we?
Gav: Because the hitman isn't involved just yet,
Gav: is he?
Dan: no, not yet.
Dan: No, he's in the village but he's not
Dan: involved yet.
Dan: So the job description essentially is we
Dan: need Four men.
Dan: This is what he says to them as well.
Gav: These are all desperate people.
Dan: We need four men to drive two trucks 218
Dan: miles, that's 251 kilometers, and each
Dan: truck is going to be packed full of Pounds
Dan: and pounds of nitroglycerin which if you
Dan: sneeze or fart near it it will explode.
Dan: And we need it driven 218 miles to put this
Dan: fire out Through a jungle.
Dan: If you make it, if you make it through a
Dan: jungle With trees and ravines.
Gav: You didn't say that bit through the jungle.
Dan: If you do it, we'll pay you 10,000 dollars
Dan: or whatever it is, but you might not die.
Dan: You might die Any volunteers.
Dan: Most people will go.
Gav: But you know it's like.
Gav: It's like that Jaws moment when they're
Gav: sitting there going we've got to go capture
Gav: the shock.
Gav: Is anyone else going to come do it?
Gav: You know it's so.
Dan: Yeah, some of these people are desperate
Dan: and they put their hand up so Kasim, victor,
Dan: so the terrorist, victor the money, and
Dan: bezler, jackie, who's Roy snider, and
Dan: marquez, who's been living in the village
Dan: before any of them, he's the ex-nazi war
Dan: criminal.
Dan: They all say we'll do this.
Gav: Yeah.
Dan: We'll do this, that's not a problem.
Gav: They get chosen as the ones to do it and
Gav: they start having to.
Gav: They start having to have like a ba moment,
Gav: don't they go?
Dan: It's like the eighties, isn't it?
Gav: They're basically just finding what truck
Gav: they do.
Gav: All these trucks put together, I mean,
Gav: let's do which one up and go, let's choose
Gav: this one, and they, they still look shit.
Dan: They have to make the truck.
Dan: That's the other part of the job
Dan: description.
Dan: Not only that, we're not even going to
Dan: provide you with a vehicle.
Dan: You've got to make it yourself.
Gav: You're going to kind of choose whatever you
Gav: want and make sure it works, to just fix it
Gav: up.
Dan: Yeah, um, obviously they're going to use
Dan: sand in the back of the but the To keep the
Dan: you know the dynamite from shaking around.
Gav: But yeah, yeah, yeah, that's because that's
Gav: one thing.
Gav: So how do you do that?
Gav: So they use big lot of sand in the back of
Gav: the truck with two boxes dynamite and it's
Gav: just like.
Gav: They're shit and they call one truck
Gav: Lazarus and one truck, one truck Sorcerer
Gav: when this comes down to realism, though, uh,
Gav: let's be honest that those both of those
Gav: lorries would have blown up Probably as
Gav: soon as they started driving off down the
Gav: road.
Gav: More than likely.
Dan: Yeah, how big they are.
Dan: It would have been like literally turning
Dan: the key like they've only got to there and
Dan: it's just the key yeah, I don't the key,
Dan: the ignition, the engines and those, some
Dan: of the stuff that they do in this, that
Dan: there's no way, but but let's just pretend
Dan: that that's not a thing but it's a movie,
Dan: isn't it, you know?
Gav: and it's my birthday and it's about a call
Gav: Um.
Dan: So while they're getting ready and they're
Dan: discussing their plans To to do this, um,
Dan: nilo, the hit man he kills my care is the
Dan: Nazi war criminal.
Dan: Yeah, um, and he basically is replaced.
Dan: He says, like we need a driver, royce, no.
Dan: He says, well, we need a driver.
Dan: He'll have to do so.
Gav: They've got a new man, kind of his is that
Gav: his plan, or was he there to actually kill
Gav: him anyway?
Dan: But kaseem is really pissed off because he
Dan: doesn't like this where this is going.
Dan: But was that his?
Gav: plan or was he there to kill him?
Gav: Anyway, I think he's.
Gav: I think it was he saw an opportunity.
Dan: I think so too.
Dan: I don't think it was a fully planned out.
Gav: I think he just saw the opportunity they do
Gav: realize also, though, that they probably
Gav: don't need both lorries, so they realize
Gav: that one of them's actually, or both of
Gav: them are actually.
Gav: Well, no one lorry is expendable, yeah.
Gav: Yeah, so it's kind of a gamble as to and
Gav: they realize that and they both look at
Gav: each other and it's like, well, yeah.
Dan: It's kind of like the carnival run.
Dan: It's like every man for himself.
Dan: Whoever can get to the finish line first
Dan: yeah, not be exploded is going to win and
Dan: get the money.
Gav: Yeah, so they start off.
Gav: I love the native guy, uh, who just like
Gav: hasn't laughed, doesn't realize that
Gav: lorries got dynamite in it and Royce and
Gav: Royce, just like he's driving around in New
Gav: Jersey again, get out the way and this
Gav: guy's, like in his loincloth, goes there.
Gav: I'm gonna run along and skip a rain and
Gav: Chase the lorry and he's having a right old
Gav: day not realizing there's a lorry full of
Gav: dynamite.
Gav: Royce, just like this is not good See if I
Gav: just started calm down.
Gav: Roy.
Dan: It's really rough terrain.
Dan: So to paint the picture, we're going
Dan: through jungles up and down very steep I my
Dan: prayers won't be doing it, that's for sure.
Gav: I don't know how these lorries are.
Dan: There's rocks everywhere.
Dan: Um, they also have to drive along like
Dan: cliff faces occasionally, where there's
Dan: barely any road, and you, if you slip, your
Dan: whole car is gonna, your truck is going to
Dan: go down a massive ravine.
Dan: So it's just literally non-stop Obstacles,
Dan: and again the tension Continues to ramp up,
Dan: doesn't stop All the way through this.
Dan: And then we've got the elements, because we
Dan: get some rain.
Dan: We're in, obviously, columbia Rain forest.
Dan: Oh my god, it's not just, it's beating down.
Gav: I, I hate driving in the rain and dual in
Gav: like motorways when it's pouring down rain.
Gav: Had it fairly recently.
Gav: It's been so bad to drive along.
Gav: I'm not going through.
Gav: I'm mithy, it's quite bad.
Gav: He got other cars, motorbots You're trying
Gav: to like not hit them on the motorway.
Gav: You don't have that in the jungle trying to.
Gav: You don't have that in the jungle, but it's
Gav: a jungle, yeah, it's got other problems.
Dan: They're also trying to find their way.
Dan: They've got mud banks.
Dan: They've got a dodgy map as well.
Gav: Yeah, there's no, they're all sweating.
Dan: Let's throw in the mix cab.
Dan: It's fucking hot, it's really hot as well.
Gav: Humid, it's everything horrible they both
Gav: got enough.
Dan: Yeah, they're probably thirsty, it's just
Dan: and then the final thing to the mix is None
Dan: of them trust each other.
Gav: No, no, there's no trust whatsoever.
Gav: So watching this film, you're just like I
Gav: just want to.
Gav: I'm just wondering if the dynamite is going
Gav: to explode or not.
Gav: It's like watching jackass or something
Gav: like that, that you're kind of just sitting
Gav: again.
Gav: Is this dynamite going to explode?
Gav: I'm just going to watch.
Gav: And then you just watched the tension
Gav: between these people and how the
Gav: desperation and it's just just and it it's
Gav: an exploration this film is into, like to
Gav: know different, different feelings and
Gav: stuff.
Dan: The way they split off then in the trucks
Dan: is is Jackie, roy Schneider and the hitman
Dan: Nilo are in one car, one truck, and kaseem
Dan: and victor, two very different people,
Dan: wants a terrorist and one's just the money
Dan: in bezler or in the other one, and they
Dan: kind of start to get to know each other.
Gav: So then you've got that I kind of like
Gav: their one.
Dan: Yeah, they're all right.
Dan: Yeah, Roy and the hitman sounds like a crap
Dan: wrapped act from the 80s.
Dan: Roy and the hitman.
Gav: Or a really shit country Band that tried to
Gav: get a bit cool.
Dan: Roy and the hitman.
Dan: I'll go and see them Town hall.
Gav: I'd probably go see Roy and the hitman.
Gav: They get to a bridge, oh my god a rotten
Gav: bridge.
Gav: What the?
Dan: fuck, the tires get stuck, but they manage
Dan: to make it.
Gav: And it's not the worst one yet, is it?
Dan: No, not yet.
Gav: Oh god.
Gav: And the thing is, we can't treat them.
Dan: Because they're not exactly sticking
Dan: together along this trip.
Gav: No, there's a bit of a gap, which kind of
Gav: makes sense.
Gav: No, I thought that was on plan and I
Gav: assumed that that was going to be where
Gav: kept going the whole time.
Gav: There's a bit of a gap to just in case one
Gav: of them explodes, but they kind of do, I
Gav: suppose in a way.
Dan: Yeah, they have to keep a bit sort of
Dan: distance apart, which means that they end
Dan: up splitting off or taking slightly
Dan: different routes here and there.
Dan: They kind of got a rough idea of the way
Dan: and they've got a map but, as I say, the
Dan: map shit and actually someone screws up the
Dan: map and throws it away at one point because
Dan: they realize this map's useless.
Gav: But when they're first that first little
Gav: bridge, it's just so it's not even that bad.
Gav: But he's just got to move it left the wheel
Gav: a bit and he says to the french guys to uh,
Gav: is it nilo?
Dan: Uh, nilo is um the french guys.
Gav: Yeah, yeah, victor, nilo, yes.
Gav: Uh, kaseem is with oh, kaseem and victor,
Gav: yeah, yeah right.
Gav: Victor saying to kaseem Okay, you get back
Gav: in the car and the lorry, and victor, no,
Gav: no, you do it.
Gav: And he's so like uh, and or it's the other
Gav: round, isn't it?
Gav: Cosim's in the van?
Dan: Cosim's driving yeah.
Gav: Yeah, and he's just so angry with it.
Gav: No, I don't want you doing this.
Gav: I said you do it and he's going to.
Gav: Just I'm going to just forward you and it's
Gav: just, the left wheel is just almost going
Gav: down and it's really intense just for this
Gav: little bit, and it's nothing to do with
Gav: what we are going to get into.
Dan: And then the same thing happens for,
Dan: obviously, roy Schneider and Nilo.
Dan: They have to cross a really shitty road
Dan: bridge as well, and this time Nilo gets out
Dan: and he's sort of trying to guide in the
Dan: rain, trying to guide Roy Schneider Left a
Dan: bit right, a bit left, a bit right a bit.
Gav: It's just boring of rain Different weather
Gav: faces can hardly see the road.
Dan: He's on his knees trying not to slip off
Dan: the bridge.
Gav: And this is not rain machines.
Gav: This must have been raining, do you?
Dan: imagine, I think it was rain machines.
Gav: Oh, ok, you've got to have control, I
Gav: suppose.
Dan: But the this bit, the why this team,
Dan: particularly with Roy Schneider's truck, is
Dan: so tense, is the way the bridge swings.
Dan: The truck looks like it's almost going to
Dan: flip upside down Because it's swinging so
Dan: violently from left to right in the wind
Dan: and the rain.
Dan: It's only its weight that's keeping it on
Dan: this bridge.
Gav: Well, I haven't got to that bit yet.
Gav: Oh cool, jesus Christ, Slow down, daniel,
Gav: slow down.
Dan: Sorry, go, go, go go.
Gav: So they've just done this first little bit
Gav: where they go around this corner.
Gav: It's not too bad.
Gav: It's like a little taste of what we're
Gav: about to get into, what the hell is just
Gav: getting to.
Gav: So they kind of drop down this hill first
Gav: of all, isn't it Roy and Daniel?
Gav: And it's kind of like you can't because
Gav: they go the wrong way, don't they?
Dan: Yeah, and they split off a little bit from
Dan: the route and the hill is so steep and
Dan: they're really worried about the bumps and
Dan: bumps, all the bumps and rocks as they're
Dan: going down here.
Gav: Yeah, because they don't.
Gav: They're at a point where they go which way
Gav: to go and they see a local and it's just
Gav: local, doesn't say anything.
Gav: It's like which way do we go, or is that
Gav: later on.
Dan: I think that's later on, ok, fine.
Gav: OK, so anyway they get to this one bridge
Gav: zone.
Gav: It's just like this is the wrong road.
Gav: This is the fucking wrong road, like what
Gav: the fuck?
Gav: And they don't have any choice.
Gav: They've got to go across this road bridge.
Dan: And then obviously the rain comes down and
Dan: it's just.
Dan: But they all manage to.
Dan: Both trucks manage to make it a bit further
Dan: along and they get to a point where they
Dan: just can't go any further Because a massive
Dan: tree, and I'm talking a huge Amazonian tree,
Dan: hang on, don't, don't, don't, go by that
Dan: road bridge.
Gav: so much as that.
Gav: It's just that.
Gav: Ok, let's talk about the road bridge, the
Gav: tents, the tents, feeling you get watching
Gav: that road bridge, the vehicles going across.
Dan: I've written in my notes in capital letters
Dan: my God, it's so tense.
Gav: It's just ridiculous where you get.
Dan: It goes on forever as well.
Gav: Where you get a Nilo, like you said, it's
Gav: out, then rain going come across.
Gav: But when you had it with Victor and Kaseem
Gav: going across Kaseem at one point, victor's
Gav: trying to go and Kaseem's going in and he
Gav: can't see Kaseem Kaseem falls through the
Gav: crack of the bridge.
Gav: As he falls through, the screen goes black
Gav: because we're experiencing what he's
Gav: experiencing.
Gav: And he comes back up and he pulls himself
Gav: up.
Gav: The lorry is still coming at him and
Gav: Victor's going I can't see you.
Gav: I can't see you and it's almost going to
Gav: like drive over his head and like what?
Gav: Stop making this film more intense.
Gav: It's insane.
Gav: And they do get across and then Roy has to
Gav: do it as well and it's just the way the
Gav: lorry moves.
Dan: This is the set piece, really the main.
Gav: It's the front.
Gav: It's the poster.
Dan: Yeah, of course, and they built this bridge
Dan: like.
Dan: I say with hydraulics.
Dan: And I think something happened where either
Dan: the bridge was destroyed during terrible
Dan: weather and they had to rebuild it
Dan: somewhere else, but this bridge ended up
Dan: costing like five times as much than they
Dan: thought, because either they were told to
Dan: take it down by local authorities or it got
Dan: destroyed so they had to rebuild this
Dan: bridge in a separate location and film some
Dan: bits of it again.
Dan: Wow, and Roy Schneider said that's the
Dan: hardest part of his ever done in his career
Dan: that bridge scene doing that over and, over
Dan: and over again at night, with the wind and
Dan: the rain machines, and although it was
Dan: relatively safe because they're all at
Dan: harness up or whatever, it's still intense.
Dan: Man With those big trucks, oh God, and you
Dan: can see it.
Dan: You can see it coming through on the
Dan: actress' faces.
Gav: There's something very interesting going on.
Gav: As it's going on, the bridge is almost like
Gav: a character in itself and it's almost
Gav: screaming.
Gav: You've got these really low sounds.
Gav: It sounds like of a kid screaming.
Gav: And I think they've put in the sound mix
Gav: and it kind of makes the bridge almost like
Gav: an enemy, and that's what.
Dan: Freakin wants.
Dan: That's why it's called sorcerer, because
Dan: there is like an evil sorcerer, an evil
Dan: wizard of fate overseeing everything,
Dan: whether it's the bridge, the dynamite, the
Dan: tree that we're going to come up to.
Dan: All of it is just designed to make it
Dan: incredibly difficult for them.
Gav: When Roy gets over, he's like that's it
Gav: We've got.
Gav: We are now onto 20K each because there's no
Gav: way that they will make that.
Dan: I know he's really pleased.
Dan: He thinks that's brilliant.
Gav: Yeah, so reminding, us that he's a baddie,
Gav: but then you go for that, then you get,
Gav: then what the fuck?
Gav: The size of this tree.
Dan: Yeah, so it's an Amazon rainforest tree
Dan: that's fallen.
Dan: That's not.
Dan: It couldn't have been known.
Gav: It doesn't look like just you could make a
Gav: house out of this tree.
Dan: Yeah, it's huge.
Dan: It's about as half as tall as a house, you
Dan: know, and really long.
Dan: They kind of laughed, don't they?
Dan: Manically?
Dan: Now, well, we get it, and as as they
Dan: discover it, the other truck pulls up.
Gav: Well, yeah, the other guys catch up to them,
Gav: but before, before that, roy's just like
Gav: what the fuck, grab some machete?
Gav: And just starts hacking through, going I'm
Gav: going to make a road over here, and then
Gav: the, the, the, the Nilo's just laughing at
Gav: him, then gets, pulls out his gun because
Gav: he says, use the machete, he throws it at
Gav: him and he pulls that gun and just starts
Gav: shooting at him and saying no.
Gav: And then the other two just turn up and you
Gav: know, oh my God.
Gav: Now, luckily the other truck.
Gav: But you like, though, the first thing, you,
Gav: when you see that you like shit, what are
Gav: they going to do?
Gav: And I was just like what are they going to
Gav: do?
Gav: I have no idea.
Dan: Well, luckily the other truck that's pulled
Dan: up has got a Casino in it.
Dan: Who is a terrorist?
Dan: He's an explosives expert.
Gav: And I didn't know what they were doing
Gav: though.
Gav: So when they start setting up this like
Gav: little booby trap type thing, I was like
Gav: how are they?
Dan: What it's.
Dan: This is my favorite scene.
Dan: I know the road bridge is like the main
Dan: scene, but this is my favorite scene for
Dan: the, the whole 18 McGyriness of it all.
Dan: What they do then is they, they, they
Dan: fashion a tripod of really long branches
Dan: over the top of the tree, they get loads of
Dan: sand and they basically fill up the pockets.
Dan: It's it's Victor's very posh silk trousers
Dan: that they use.
Dan: They get them to cut his.
Dan: He pulls a knife out, doesn't he?
Dan: And he grabs his pockets and he could
Dan: always be cut his balls off because he's
Dan: like.
Dan: He looks him in the eyes as he slices his
Dan: silk pockets off and they use that as a
Dan: sand bag.
Dan: And then they, they use some of the
Dan: dynamite to and they very carefully fashion,
Dan: they put it there with a rock above it on a
Dan: pulley system.
Gav: The other three, though, run off like they
Gav: run so fast and you can see.
Gav: You can see like the accident, this is like
Gav: it's just like it's real, it's actually
Gav: happening, which it obviously did actually
Gav: happen, because they explode it and but
Gav: they leave poor old kaseem's up there just
Gav: trying to get the finishing touches.
Gav: So then when he gets down he's trying to
Gav: run so fast, he's tripping over and stuff,
Gav: because he's like any second, this
Gav: explosion I don't know how big the
Gav: explosion is going to be is going to take
Gav: this tree out.
Gav: I've got to get the fuck away from here.
Dan: So what he's done is he's put a hole in the
Dan: bag of sand so that it slowly starts to get
Dan: lighter and lighter, it's like a V shape
Dan: for tree so that it's wedged.
Gav: So as it goes down, the bag will slip
Gav: between the V shape of the tree.
Gav: Which way should you?
Dan: run the rock explosion.
Gav: It's not a glistening and an explosion.
Dan: The explosion is just makes it.
Gav: He just gets, he just makes it out of the
Gav: start.
Gav: Yeah, and the tree, the explosion's, like
Gav: what the fuck?
Dan: And then I was really excited, nick,
Dan: because, like I said, this was my favorite
Dan: scene.
Dan: At this point I was like that was
Dan: incredible.
Dan: And then I was like has it worked?
Dan: Has it worked?
Dan: They all slowly go back over and it takes
Dan: ages for the camera to pan over.
Dan: They really hold you and then the camera
Dan: finally shows you no one needs it worked.
Dan: It's blown a fucking huge clear road right
Dan: the way through that they can easily drive
Dan: the trucks through.
Dan: Oh, it's like a little.
Dan: This is a little moment of like you can
Dan: have a little breather.
Gav: They leave a whole box of dynamite on the
Gav: tree though, cause I was like how much they
Gav: can use the whole box.
Gav: But, by the way, very quickly going back to
Gav: that bridge scene, just as they're trying
Gav: to get across that last little bit you've
Gav: got, the structure of the bridge is
Gav: starting to collapse.
Gav: Yeah, that made it sound much even more
Gav: intense, it's like.
Gav: Could you stop making it so intense?
Gav: How do you keep doing this?
Dan: You might as well have just had sharks on
Dan: crocodiles underneath the bridge, with
Dan: laser beams on their head and pterodactyl
Dan: circling them overhead.
Dan: Oh, so is so.
Dan: They've cleared a path, gav.
Dan: We can breathe for a moment, just until we
Dan: get to this.
Dan: Very, very.
Gav: I love it when I do run from it the first
Gav: three guys when they run to it and they
Gav: just get into the lorries and reverse
Gav: reverse reverse.
Dan: Oh yeah, that's right, get the other
Dan: dynamite away from the explosion.
Dan: Yeah, fuck yeah.
Gav: But this breather that the audience and
Gav: them are given doesn't last too long,
Gav: because this breather is a nice little
Gav: moment where they go wow, we've just done
Gav: this, so you've got this lovely moment
Gav: where Victor and Kasim are driving along
Gav: and Kasim's like are you married?
Gav: And stuff like yeah, I've got wife.
Dan: I've seen my wife last time.
Gav: This is my watch.
Gav: It's my watch, last thing she gave me.
Gav: It's fucking.
Gav: I love this watch.
Gav: You've got children.
Dan: No, no, but I do want to have children.
Dan: Yeah, yeah, yeah, and they really get to
Dan: know each other.
Gav: It's what we need after all that tension.
Gav: We need a nice little ah, and they get to
Gav: know each other, and it's quite nice, isn't
Gav: it?
Dan: It is until that moment is really
Dan: interrupted.
Gav: when the wheel slips, the tyre bursts, the
Gav: tyre explodes and they start to go down,
Gav: and as they start to move, the lorry
Gav: explodes and they die.
Dan: Now do we see the explosion, or do we see
Dan: it from Roy Schneider's point of view?
Gav: No, we do sort of see it a little bit, but
Gav: then we see the smoke from their distance
Gav: and they they're coming up to it, yeah they
Gav: know, they know, they're behind them now,
Gav: but they are.
Dan: They know there's only one way that there's
Dan: an explosion that big in the jungle, and
Dan: that's that their buddy's in the truck in
Dan: front of them.
Gav: They're not really their buddies, but they
Gav: have gone through this journey, so they are
Gav: at least kindred spirits of that sense.
Gav: So they're fucked.
Gav: We've lost half the cast.
Gav: Also, though, bandits have heard the noise.
Gav: Oh shit, pirates.
Dan: Pirate bandits.
Gav: So we've just these two.
Gav: They should quite like.
Gav: That's it.
Gav: They're just taking out of the movie and
Gav: it's like the fuck.
Dan: So we're left with one lorry now, very good.
Dan: So just to recap, what I loved about all of
Dan: that series of sequence of events is I love
Dan: the whole tree and the setup and the
Dan: blowing up and the way they did it.
Dan: Then I love the ease off of tension for a
Dan: split second when they're victorious
Dan: They've cut through the tree.
Dan: Then I love that lovely moment of Victor
Dan: and Kasim getting to know each other and
Dan: they're a bit more relaxed because they're
Dan: on the last stretch now.
Dan: And then that is cut short so brutally with
Dan: this explosion and they're just taking out
Dan: and you're like, wow, I was just getting to
Dan: know those guys.
Dan: They were just getting to know each other,
Dan: fuck.
Dan: And I love the way that Freakin and the
Dan: cast and the writing takes you on this
Dan: fucking roller coaster.
Dan: For several scenes You're like, oh you
Dan: bastard.
Gav: Yeah, because you heard it.
Gav: You're like oh, that's the introduction to
Gav: all the characters and stuff.
Gav: It's like the first scene and it's like,
Gav: yeah, it is.
Gav: I suppose sex scenes are jungle and that,
Gav: but then that kind of goes into the third
Gav: scene.
Gav: It's not really a normal structure of this
Gav: film whatsoever.
Dan: No, it's unlike anything I can recall
Dan: seeing.
Gav: I didn't sort of think to sort of break it
Gav: down.
Gav: I think it actually confused me a little.
Gav: I'd have to sort of really sit there for a
Gav: little moment and go OK, this is that,
Gav: that's this and that's that.
Gav: But it's unconventional and I guess it's
Gav: him doing what he wants.
Dan: Freakin.
Gav: So Roy Schneider and Nilo pull up at the
Gav: wreckage of their body trucks and they
Gav: could say the watch, the watch is there, I
Gav: think.
Dan: I think the watch is down.
Dan: There's some body parts and smoke.
Dan: However, while they're there, like you
Dan: mentioned, go bandits.
Dan: Some Colombian bandits survive as bandits.
Gav: No, I hope.
Dan: And they surround them and they basically
Dan: are speaking to them.
Dan: They don't really understand what they're
Dan: saying.
Dan: He's trying to sort of explain to them you
Dan: know, don't, please leave us alone, Don't,
Dan: don't touch the truck, Don't look in the
Dan: truck.
Dan: But the more he does that, the more they're
Dan: like what have you got?
Dan: What are you transporting?
Dan: So he starts saying Roy Schneider just
Dan: started saying random things like toilet
Dan: paper, rice.
Dan: He just starts listing random products.
Gav: He knows that they're going to look in here.
Gav: I don't know what's going on here, but
Gav: while this is happening, we have got Victor,
Gav: who's just in the in the front, nilo.
Dan: Nilo.
Gav: So in the front just sort of sitting there
Gav: going oh hang on, I'll get out in a minute,
Gav: because you've got some of the guys saying
Gav: get out.
Gav: There's like three of them, so get out, get
Gav: out.
Dan: And he's acting like he's.
Dan: Well, he is a bit, but yeah, you're telling
Dan: the hit man to.
Gav: Like.
Gav: You know, we know what's kind of kind of go
Gav: on here.
Dan: Yeah, well, nilo, he shoots one of them and
Dan: there's a bit of a fight between them all.
Dan: They take them.
Dan: Nilo takes pretty much all of them out,
Dan: pretty much.
Gav: But he does get shot, unfortunately.
Dan: He is shot in the process.
Dan: Yeah, roy takes out the last one with a
Dan: shovel.
Dan: Fucking great, kill he just, and it's a
Dan: really brutal.
Dan: You don't really see it, but the way it's
Dan: shot and it's the same design.
Dan: You know that he's caved this guy's head in
Dan: with a shovel.
Dan: Roy Schneider smashing a guy in the head
Dan: with a shovel.
Dan: It's brilliant, brilliantly done.
Dan: It's such a gritty film.
Gav: Imagine your situation though.
Gav: You're a desperate man, your life is fucked
Gav: and all of a sudden, you found yourself
Gav: going through the jungle one day with a
Gav: fucking, a hit man.
Gav: Diner with a hit man, you don't know, with
Gav: dynamite in the back which you could
Gav: explode like the dudes down there, your
Gav: life isn't whatever.
Gav: So then these guys come along and say, fuck
Gav: off, I'm not having a good day.
Gav: And it's just like, yeah, I'm going to pave
Gav: your fucking head in with a shovel because
Gav: I don't care, isn't it?
Dan: Well, we cut to nighttime and Nilo is dying.
Dan: He's not in a good way.
Gav: It's really nice.
Gav: I'm trippy place here.
Gav: Roy's not having a good time either.
Gav: I think he's starting to fucking trip out.
Dan: Yeah Well, in a moment he has a full-on
Dan: paranoid trip.
Gav: It's all blue.
Gav: They drive through it.
Gav: He's from this rocky place.
Dan: It looks like Tatooine or something from
Dan: Star Wars, because it's nighttime and
Dan: because there are obviously in the desert
Dan: or wherever they are.
Dan: There is no fake light, there's no man-made
Dan: lighting.
Dan: So the way the stars and the night time
Dan: illuminate these rocks and this landscape,
Dan: it looks like they're on another planet.
Dan: It's beautiful.
Gav: And Nilo has died, and his laugh because he
Gav: has this thing where he laughs quite a lot
Gav: in this movie.
Gav: His laugh is now like the sound design,
Gav: while Roy's just driving aimlessly around
Gav: this weird place.
Dan: Well, he says to him.
Dan: He tries to keep him alive for a little bit.
Dan: He says what are you going to do with your
Dan: cut of the money?
Dan: And Nilo says I'm going to get the finest
Dan: whore in Colombia.
Dan: And Roy's like he might as well get the two
Dan: finest whores in Colombia and he's trying
Dan: to keep him alive.
Dan: But then he dies.
Dan: So he drags his body out, he leaves him in
Dan: the desert and then he carries on driving
Dan: and then that's when you get the sound
Dan: design of a laugh, and then just the
Dan: weirdness that's where the sleep
Dan: deprivation, the paranoid exhaustion it's
Dan: exhaustion.
Dan: And, yeah, they start mixing in flashbacks
Dan: to New York, flashbacks to what's recently
Dan: happened, and he starts hallucinating he's
Dan: driving.
Gav: And he stops, doesn't he he?
Gav: Stops, he stops.
Gav: And then starts to van.
Gav: Why does he stop?
Dan: To take the body out, ok, he starts to van
Dan: Laurie again.
Gav: And guess what?
Gav: I don't start, fuck.
Dan: So what's he going to?
Gav: do so.
Gav: The next shot is him just walking up the
Gav: road with a box of dynamite in his hands.
Gav: Very carefully.
Gav: Not really Well.
Gav: Well, he's just trying to get across the
Gav: road.
Dan: I actually said out loud to myself, because
Dan: he's because it's 218 miles and he's
Dan: written that on the dashboard and when they,
Dan: when they get there, it says how many miles.
Dan: Oh yeah, when they get, when the truck
Dan: doesn't stop, it says 216.
Dan: Yeah, so he knows he's got two miles left
Dan: to walk with his dynamite.
Gav: So he just starts walking and luckily we
Gav: see some people come out and just grab the
Gav: box of dynamite from him.
Dan: Well, just before that this is this part of
Dan: the film that I actually shared out loud
Dan: when I saw, when it cuts to, roy Schneider
Dan: in the middle of the night walking through
Dan: with a box.
Dan: I'm actually shadow, oh, for fuck's sake,
Dan: because I was like I can't take any more
Dan: tension.
Dan: And he's about to collapse from exhaustion.
Dan: On top of that, if he falls over, boom,
Dan: boom, boom.
Dan: But yeah, the people who work for the
Dan: company see him.
Dan: They run over, they grab the dynamite, they
Dan: carefully take it away.
Dan: He collapses.
Dan: They use it to stop the burning.
Dan: Obviously, what you know we don't really
Dan: see that, but they do it.
Gav: And he becomes a he's like the hero.
Gav: Yeah, he's a bit of a hero Now he turns up
Gav: in terms of the business guy at the back
Gav: who owns all companies, got his checks and
Gav: stuff in their shirt and stuff and they go
Gav: into like a bar and he says, ok, he buys
Gav: him a drink, he gives him a check, he goes
Gav: what the fuck am I going to do?
Gav: He goes it's all right, someone's coming
Gav: down to take you to the bank.
Gav: You'll have your money by two o'clock this
Gav: afternoon.
Dan: He says you'll have a passport, he's got
Dan: 40,000.
Dan: Yep, he says you'll have a passport, you'll
Dan: be a citizen of the country, you'll have a
Dan: bank account and you'll have all this money,
Dan: so you're going to be absolutely fine.
Gav: Yeah, and he looks over to the cleaning
Gav: lady and he's like do I have to?
Gav: When do I have to go?
Gav: Do I have to go right now?
Gav: And he goes.
Gav: No, he goes, they're waiting.
Gav: If it's you, they're waiting for you
Gav: because he's now got this new money.
Dan: He saved the village, he saved the whole
Dan: village and brought money back into the
Dan: village.
Gav: And he takes the cleaning lady's hand and
Gav: has a little dance for ads.
Dan: The backstory to that very quickly is
Dan: because he's been looking at pictures of
Dan: beautiful women on and off.
Gav: He's Mrs Women.
Dan: And he wants to dance with a woman.
Dan: So he picks up this cleaning lady and he
Dan: has a bit of a slow dance with her.
Dan: But carry on then, garth, as is your
Dan: birthday episode.
Dan: Tell us, tell us, tell us, we pant outside.
Gav: And as we get to outside and we know he's
Gav: won Roy has won we pant outside.
Gav: A taxi turns up and a couple of guys come
Gav: out and it's the guy that told him it's
Gav: Vinny.
Gav: Yeah, the guy told him to where to go.
Gav: Go down to the docks I don't know where
Gav: you're going.
Gav: He turns up, so he obviously did.
Gav: Though where he was going Move someone else.
Gav: So that means they're going to go in there
Gav: and kill him and they walk into that bar
Gav: and we finish we finish, we hear a gunshot.
Dan: If you listen carefully you hear a gunshot,
Dan: but Friedkin said he wanted it to be either
Dan: you to think it was either a car backfiring
Dan: a gunshot, anything, but you do hear a very
Dan: muffled shot.
Dan: So we don't know his fate.
Dan: We assume after all of that he's probably
Dan: been shot.
Dan: He got his comeuppance Because none of
Dan: these guys are good guys.
Gav: I think that is actually correct.
Gav: I would say your predicament is right there.
Gav: He's not a bad guy.
Gav: He doesn't deserve to get the money.
Gav: He got shot.
Gav: Yeah, so no one wins in this movie.
Gav: So after all that attention no one's
Gav: fucking.
Dan: I'm tense.
Gav: No talking about it, I am tense, but if you
Gav: said to me right, well, watch it again,
Gav: then I'm all right, yeah, I'd watch.
Dan: Gav, I'd sit and watch this with you.
Dan: Honestly, I'd love to sit and watch this
Dan: with you Because I can imagine us going.
Dan: Ah, oh, no, To sum up, you know, obviously
Dan: I loved, absolutely loved this film.
Dan: For me, it's got real opening scenes of
Dan: Exorcist 5, mixed with Deliverance, some
Dan: parts of Jaws, and that's not because of
Dan: Roy Schneider, it just comes from the
Dan: tension and the realism.
Dan: And I'm getting a lot of because of the
Dan: trucks a lot of Spielberg's Jaws vibes as
Dan: well, and it's just a sign of its time.
Dan: So those late 70s were magic years with
Dan: American film making Fucking hell.
Dan: This was great.
Gav: I think if you appreciate films like
Gav: Apocalypse Now, films like that sort of
Gav: epic scale of real, like oh my god, this is
Gav: like we're going to sit down and watch a
Gav: fucking movie.
Gav: Now, you know, put the phone away, I'm
Gav: going to watch a fucking movie, that sort
Gav: of thing, this is yeah yeah, old cinema,
Gav: real cinema, old cinema, real film making.
Gav: Yeah, it's fine Classics.
Gav: Like you know, we don't see stuff like this
Gav: now.
Dan: It's a wonderful film.
Dan: Obviously a thumbs up from me and I'm sure
Dan: from you as well.
Gav: It's the beauty of cinema and why all of us
Gav: are here right now listening to this
Gav: podcast all the time, and I host it Because
Gav: we love fucking cinema.
Gav: We love movies, we love the escape as of
Gav: going off into a little world of a film.
Gav: We all love it, the world loves it, it's
Gav: whatever reason it is, and these films do
Gav: different things for you, but this one go
Gav: man, have a spare pair of pants.
Dan: And what I would say, gav as well, is if
Dan: you which I don't think you have go onto
Dan: the Wikipedia page and go onto IMDB trivia,
Dan: there's lots of background stuff on there.
Dan: All the stuff that went on behind the
Dan: scenes.
Gav: I tell you what I might have to do.
Gav: A YouTube.
Gav: I bet some people have just done their own
Gav: kind of behind the scenes.
Gav: They've probably broken it, don't they?
Dan: There was even some stuff which Nida not
Dan: getting on with Freakin.
Dan: Oh sure, Because he spoke up for the cast
Dan: and said to Freakin, you need to stop
Dan: firing people, because I'm fed up of going
Dan: to the airport and saying goodbye to these
Dan: people.
Dan: You know you're firing people left, right
Dan: and center, but then they had all the
Dan: trouble with the sets and the real weather
Dan: that hit and just great.
Gav: If you said to me right, you've got a
Gav: chance to make a proper studio movie,
Gav: you're going to make this movie.
Gav: No, I'm not.
Gav: No, I'm not going to make a studio movie.
Dan: Then it's just too much.
Dan: The score is phenomenal all over the top.
Dan: Just adding to that crazy because it gets
Dan: all very.
Dan: It's described as an existential high
Dan: tension thriller and it is at times quite
Dan: existential towards the end, especially
Dan: with Schneider, these four men questioned
Dan: in their lives.
Gav: You know, so yeah, how did we end up here?
Gav: How and why, and what the fuck are we going
Gav: to do about it?
Gav: Watch this movie.
Gav: It's a series of events.
Gav: What's this film, people?
Gav: It might not be for you.
Gav: The first time I watched this was Sarah.
Gav: She fell asleep.
Gav: She might not like me saying that, but I
Gav: think she is probably just pretty tired.
Gav: Actually, she enjoyed it this time around.
Gav: I don't think it's probably going to be for
Gav: everybody.
Gav: I wouldn't have liked watching this when I
Gav: was 17, 18.
Gav: I might not have appreciated it at all.
Gav: I'm older, I can sit with her and I'll have
Gav: an older film and appreciate it more
Gav: nowadays.
Gav: So I don't know, it might not be for you.
Gav: But it's not horror, but it is fucking
Gav: tense.
Dan: It's not horror but it's a thriller and
Dan: it's intense and it's got some good sort of
Dan: it's just good.
Gav: What's the class as a bit?
Gav: It's just like a drama Drama thriller,
Gav: maybe Action drama thriller.
Dan: There we go, great stuff.
Gav: Yeah, 7.7 out of 10.
Gav: Honestly, I think.
Dan: I think deliverance is as close as I could
Dan: say.
Dan: It feels like it's that kind of tension of
Dan: guys on a trip.
Gav: Better than deliverance, though.
Dan: Yeah, oh, I don't know, man, maybe because
Dan: I've only seen this once.
Gav: So the most is way to deliver.
Dan: It's about this.
Gav: Do go back to French Connection, do
Gav: definitely watch that and do do cruising
Gav: and I'm going to say that we should
Gav: probably do cruising as an actual episode,
Gav: because it is actually about a detective
Gav: after an opportunity, after a serial killer.
Gav: Are you all a girl?
Gav: Ok?
Dan: OK, all right, brilliant.
Dan: Well, thank you, kat, for giving me a
Dan: present on your birthday of these two
Dan: beautiful films.
Gav: Yes, no problem, I'm great.
Dan: Let's have a little break and then come
Dan: back to say goodbye and happy birthday to
Dan: everybody.
Dan: Bye.
Gav: Goodbye.
Gav: Ok, let's come back.
Dan: Oh well, that was a tense end to the
Dan: episode, but a fantastic episode, Gav.
Gav: Good, I'm glad my choice again hasn't been
Gav: too bad.
Dan: Yeah, good stuff, and I hope you enjoyed
Dan: your birthday episode.
Dan: I did I need to take your birthday pants
Dan: off?
Dan: I'm at your birthday crown off now.
Dan: Sorry, and put that back away.
Gav: I'll pull them back up then.
Gav: There you go.
Dan: There you go Right.
Dan: So that was episode 148.
Dan: Good times.
Dan: In some ways, enjoy both films.
Dan: Let's talk about what's coming up.
Gav: Please.
Dan: Our next episode.
Gav: Give it to me baby.
Dan: Oh, the girls say episode 149 is a director
Dan: special.
Dan: We're talking Adam Green.
Gav: Oh yes.
Dan: And we're going to be covering Frozen yeah
Dan: From 2010 and Digging Up the Marrow from
Dan: 2014.
Gav: Yeah.
Dan: I went to Fright First Sword premiere of
Dan: Dig up the.
Dan: Marrow, I've only seen it once and I
Dan: absolutely loved it, so I'm excited to go
Dan: back to watch that again, ray Wise.
Dan: Yeah, I love a bit of Ray.
Dan: So that's 149.
Dan: Episode 150 after that is another train.
Dan: Amazing.
Dan: And our friend RJ McCready has picked two
Dan: London gangster films for us.
Dan: Yes, so interesting.
Dan: Long Good Friday with Bob Oskins from 1980.
Dan: And the classic Guy Ritchie lock stock and
Dan: two smoking barrels from 98.
Gav: Wow, we we're going to have a lot to say
Gav: Gangster double bill.
Gav: So yeah, not horror, not horror, but we're
Gav: doing a gangster double bill, but lots of
Gav: violence.
Gav: People do get murdered, though, so it's
Gav: fine we can talk about Vinnie Jones
Gav: crushing people's heads in cars.
Dan: Yeah, and just lots of good stuff.
Gav: I can't wait for that, though I was gutted
Gav: that I didn't get to meet and I was going
Gav: to do a gangster tour.
Gav: I think it was a gangster tour, might have
Gav: been actually or something, I can't
Gav: remember.
Gav: I think it was with the dude with the curly
Gav: hair.
Dan: Oh yeah.
Gav: But I had covid.
Dan: A man also gets beaten to death with a big
Dan: black rubber dildo in that film, so
Dan: there'll be lots to discuss.
Dan: Yeah.
Dan: Interesting.
Dan: And then, after that Episode 151, I'm
Dan: pleased to announce we'll be coming back to
Dan: a franchise that we started.
Dan: We're going to be coming back to Chucky.
Gav: Oh, really now.
Dan: We'll be covering Chards Play 3, which was
Dan: famously banned for a while in the UK.
Dan: Oh yeah, and of course the follow-up from
Dan: 98, Bride of Chucky, which is where Ronnie
Dan: Yu stepped in and things got a little bit
Dan: more comical, but it started really
Dan: becoming its own little cult thing then at
Dan: this point, so interesting to discuss.
Gav: Did he do Freddie Mercury's Jason?
Dan: He did yes he did, which we'll be covering
Dan: at some point when we get to that point in
Dan: the franchise.
Dan: So yeah, so we're talking Adam Green,
Dan: followed by some London gangsters, and then
Dan: after that we'll be getting lucky with
Dan: Chucky.
Dan: So the next three episodes are going to be
Dan: huge fun.
Dan: Stick with us everyone.
Gav: Plucky fucky, ducky sucky.
Dan: Sucky, it's your birthday.
Dan: Sucky, sucky, sucky with Chucky.
Dan: Wow, I wouldn't.
Dan: I heard a rumor that they're making a Megan
Dan: versus Chucky movie.
Gav: I don't care, ok.
Dan: Well, let's do some admin, let's do our
Dan: little admin bits Housekeeping, as it were
Dan: and then we'll move on.
Dan: So as always, and as we have been for the
Dan: last 148 episodes.
Gav: We need a little thing, don't we?
Gav: So we're saying housekeepered no, a little
Gav: thing, you know.
Dan: What's that in Housekeeping?
Dan: She says it's probably in a lot of films.
Dan: I think yes.
Dan: As always, we have been the podcast on
Dan: Haunted Hill.
Dan: Thank you everybody for listening, for
Dan: supporting and just doing all the things
Dan: that you do.
Dan: We love you all and we love films and we
Dan: love Gav's birthday.
Dan: You can contact us on:
Dan: the podcast on Haunted Hill at outlook.com if you want to
Dan: send us an email.
Dan: We are a proud member of the Legion Podcasts Network
Dan: Legion Podcasts Network.
Dan: Go to legionpodcasts.com to find out more
Dan: about us, all our back episodes as well as
Dan: all the other shows under the network.
Dan: We're on Facebook.
Dan: Just search for the podcast on Haunted Hill.
Dan: We have brilliant network family of friends
Dan: and amazing supporters and silly people who
Dan: just post nonsense up that we love working
Dan: looking at all day long.
Gav: Every day.
Gav: The Facebook page has probably what?
Gav: 15-odd posts, 10-odd daily.
Dan: Yeah, it's great and as well, as Legion has
Dan: their own Facebook page as well, so it just
Dan: goes to Legion Podcast.
Gav: It's a nightmare if you're ever trying to
Gav: look for something, you can use obviously
Gav: the search in a group and type in a keyword.
Gav: Sometimes you're like, oh, it's a good
Gav: give-up.
Gav: You know, I can't.
Dan: But do join us and tell us what you're
Dan: watching.
Dan: You know everybody posts what they're
Dan: watching, what they're looking forward to
Dan: trailers, posters, just memes and gifs.
Dan: It's brilliant.
Dan: Wherever you're listening to us now is
Dan: where you can continue to listen to us.
Dan: We are available on most podcast platforms
Dan: Spotify, youtube, podnive, apple, et cetera,
Dan: et cetera.
Dan: We're on Instagram, the podcast on Haunted
Dan: Hill Insta, which is where I promote the
Dan: episodes a day or so after they come out
Dan: with a little montage and a link to the
Dan: episode.
Dan: We also have our production company, which
Dan: is now a real company, isn't it?
Dan: It's a real boy now.
Gav: It's a real business.
Gav: You can look up businesses in England and
Gav: see deadbolt media.
Dan: At the moment, it's all still
Dan: deadboltfilmscom.
Dan: We have a deadbolt channel on YouTube and
Dan: we're on again, yeah, deadboltfilms.
Dan: And we're on Instagram as well, under
Dan: deadboltfilms, or one word, we are also on
Dan: Patreon.
Dan: So thank you to all of our patrons.
Dan: Well, thank you to Brigidine, just a moment.
Dan: If you want to become a patron and you do
Dan: not have to do it, we would do this if we
Dan: didn't have one single patron.
Dan: But if you want to become a patron and
Dan: support the show in a financial way that
Dan: will help us to continue to keep the show
Dan: growing, to rent and buy films and
Dan: equipment and other bits and bobs that we
Dan: need to keep going really, because 10 years
Dan: of doing this has taken cost a little bit
Dan: of money here and there.
Gav: And it's massively appreciated.
Gav: Yeah, and time as well.
Gav: It's not a quick thing.
Dan: As we discussed on our 100th or 10 year
Dan: episode.
Dan: It's like four nights we give up to get,
Dan: but we still love it, yeah, but if you
Dan: become a patron, you'll get a t-shirt sent
Dan: to wherever you live in the universe.
Dan: I'll say that now, gav in the universe, so
Dan: you'll get a t-shirt sent to you.
Dan: You'll also get to have a patron.
Gav: I guess no one from the Rover or whatever
Gav: it is on the moon or whatever it's gonna.
Dan: Let's hope not.
Gav: What a t-shirt.
Dan: Because the British Postal Service is very
Dan: good.
Dan: They're really shambles about it.
Gav: There's another show programme I watched.
Gav: I watched a fucking TV programme with Toby
Gav: Jones as the lead.
Gav: It was actually quite a good show.
Dan: Yeah, and it's now opened up a candleworms
Dan: and shown everybody just to corrupt.
Dan: That whole thing was.
Dan: That was fucked, yeah, yeah.
Dan: So you'll get a t-shirt.
Dan: You'll get access to exclusive content as
Dan: well as all of our back catalog, Yep, and
Dan: you'll also get, as well as a shout-out,
Dan: which I'll do in a moment, all of our
Dan: patrons.
Dan: You also get your chance to partake in
Dan: Patreon.
Dan: To me.
Dan: So every three episodes, one of our patrons
Dan: gets to decide the two movies that we watch,
Dan: whether they're horror or something related
Dan: to dark or thriller or yeah, it's got to
Dan: happen.
Gav: We get slight rules to it guys.
Gav: I remember it has to be slightly.
Gav: It's got to be like someone being hurt or
Gav: deaf.
Dan: You can't just throw in my best friend's
Dan: wedding or something like that.
Gav: It doesn't have to be deaf, but it's got to
Gav: be a dark tone to it.
Dan: Yeah, but yeah, you'll also get to do that
Dan: as well.
Dan: So if you want to do that, go to Patreon.
Dan: Search for the podcast on Haunted Hill.
Dan: If you can't find that anywhere, email us
Dan: Again.
Dan: It's the podcast on HauntedHill at Outlook.com
Dan: or message me on Facebook Private message
Dan: me and I'll share the link to you.
Dan: And, as always, thank you to our beautiful,
Dan: wonderful patrons, who are all Sexy they're
Dan: sexy patrons and they're all going to get a
Dan: nickname.
Dan: I've decided I'm not going to do a voice
Dan: today.
Dan: I'm going to give them a nickname.
Gav: I'm going to do the dirty perv noise after
Gav: you say the names.
Dan: I'm sure they'll all really appreciate that.
Gav: It's my birthday, I can do what I want.
Dan: Of course.
Dan: So the nicknames are going to be related to
Dan: them.
Dan: You know the rhyming, not rhyming the names,
Dan: but the same letters as their names.
Dan: So, thank you to Dangerous Don Call you Ugh.
Dan: Magnificent Matthew Godley, ugh.
Dan: Uh, I'm trying to think of a good one, with
Dan: Jay Um juxtapositioning Jamie Jenkins.
Dan: What?
Gav: Ugh.
Dan: Uh, conniving.
Dan: Kevin S5.
Dan: Ugh, uh.
Dan: Sensational.
Dan: Sarah Ke, yeah.
Dan: Ridiculous Rachel, oh Robotic.
Dan: Rj McCready yeah.
Dan: And the lovely Lex Boo Ugh.
Dan: I apologize, some of you have back
Dan: nicknames and others.
Gav: I apologize.
Dan: Probably going to be offended and
Dan: un-unpatring yourselves from us, and I
Dan: don't blame you.
Gav: I apologize, anything that came out my
Gav: mouth.
Dan: All goes in it, anything.
Gav: Yeah, what are you saying?
Gav: The dick's been in your mouth before.
Gav: It's going to blow your own dick in your
Gav: mouth, you can blow your dick again.
Gav: What?
Dan: Great stuff, great movie.
Dan: I'll go back and watch that one again.
Dan: I'm about both of these.
Dan: I need to check out again in the next
Dan: couple of months.
Dan: Really, thank you everybody.
Dan: Um, let's say our goodnight.
Dan: It is a goodnight from Jeff Garland blowing
Dan: his own dick into his own mouth.
Gav: It's been there before.
Gav: Yeah, oh sorry, it's my fault.
Gav: It's goodnight from the birthday boy, Gabby.
Gav: Gabby, Gab, Gab.
Dan: And it's a goodnight from a very sweaty Roy
Dan: Schneider carrying a box of dynamite for
Dan: two miles, I'm going to carry it for two
Dan: miles.
Gav: I couldn't even get my teenagers to all my
Gav: kids to walk two miles how he does it with
Gav: dynamite in the jungle.
Dan: After all that he's been through After
Dan: fighting off bandits.
Gav: After all that he's been through, I know.
Dan: So it's a goodnight from all of them, and
Dan: it's a goodnight from us.
Gav: Yeah, goodnight, everybody, be safe.
Gav: Be careful.
Gav: Do look under the bed for Roy Schneider
Gav: with a box of dynamite.
Gav: You're smiling at you.
Dan: And don't forget, guys if you do keep
Dan: dynamite in your shed, Gab, the rule is
Dan: keep rotating it.
Gav: Rotate that so that nitricleusin keeps it
Gav: in the middle.
Dan: It's like wine.
Dan: You've got to rotate it every few weeks.
Dan: Yeah, you should do.
Dan: Goodnight everyone.
Gav: Goodnight.
Gav: Thank you for listening to the podcast on
Gav: Haunted Hill.
Gav: We will be back again real soon.